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Approved Tech The Beak of Doom

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  • Intent: To create the first piece of armor for the Emus of War Churi of War
  • Image Source:
  • Canon Link:
  • Permissions: n/a
  • Primary Source: n/a

  • Manufacturer: Whimsy
  • Affiliation:
  • Model: BK07
  • Modularity: No.
  • Production: Mass-Produced.
  • Material:

  • Classification: Helmet
  • Size: Average
  • Weight: Average
  • Resistances:
    • Energy: Average
    • Kinetic: High
    • Lightsabers: Very High
    • Sonic: None
    • EMP/ION: Average
    • Elemental: Average
  • Ammunition Type: Power cell
  • Ammunition Capacity: Average
  • Effective Range: Average
  • Rate of Fire: High
  • Stopping Power: Low
  • Recoil: None

  • The Beak of Doom is a battle helmet made especially for the Churi species. Made of Phrik, it protects their head properly during combat, and a small laser component has been added for a little bit of shooting from a modest to average distance.
  • The Beak itself is filed to be incredibly sharp - if the Churi wearing it comes up close, they have the muscle strength and peak sharpness to quite literally peck someone to death.
  • The eyes part of the helmet are protected, and shine a big bright red light, as seen in the header image. This is purely cosmetic.
  • If you ever thought birds don't enjoy some swagger in their lives, this helmet will show you that you were just plainly wrong.

  • The Beak of Doom comes equipped with a sharp beak point for the death pecking, and a laser that can reach an average distance for short-range ranged attacks.
  • The Strength of the Beak of Doom is not within the helmet itself but with its numbers. Where one Churi with the helmet is not likely to cause much damage, thousands of them with the beaks can be a terrifying nightmare.

  • The beak itself is only good for close range, and the laser isn't really built for huge distances, so keeping out of range of Churi wielding the Beak of Doom will generally keep one safe.
  • These helmets are useless against sonic attacks.
  • If the power cell, located in the nape of the helmet's neck, is damaged, the laser beams will not work.

The Beak of Doom is another brainchild of Whimsy's owner, Scherezade deWinter Scherezade deWinter . For nearly two years, she longed to create her own army of deadly birds, and any good army of deadly birds that makes people wonder what the heck it's good for, her army of deadly birds needed some gear and equipment.

Blueprints were crafted, and within a short time, things went from just ideas, to actual tangible projects that were being created. With the army of deadly birds relying on numbers rather than individual superstars, it was decreed that most of the items made would be of the variety that is dangerous in numbers, at the expense of being lethal on their own.

Different beaks were made with different sorts of metals at first, going from the common to the uncommon. For every prototype, five hundred were used, all wielding them, and then being canonized into steel walls to see which helmet offered the best statistics. After crunching the numbers of effectiveness, damage, and material costs, phrik was chosen as the winning aloy for the helmets.

A laser beam was added to the forehead of the helmet, just to allow a modest amount of ranged attack as well.

Whimsy managed to keep the project under wraps during that phase, and thus avoided the headaches that come from animal rights activists. However, after the beaks went into mass production, their history leaked. Whimsy waits with anticipation for the rioters and picket fencers to come to their place.

All that remains is to see the fear of our enemies as they realize that what hides beneath the Beak of Doom is this:


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Hey, so before we get too far into things I've noticed that you haven't provided a production rating in the production specifications section. If you could please provide one we can go forward with the approval process. Please tag me when you're done, or if you have any questions or concerns. Thanks!
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