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The beginning of a new life, and the end of many others

Blackened Valkyrie — The 14th Wife
Courscant the new capital of the sith, what was once a thriving city of life was no more. ran by dictatorship under the one sith the place has resorted to petty crime and fear. what better place to feed off the dark side where there is millions around.​

Teresa had finally left the shuttle she had staled away on for the past week her food had almost depleted and boredom only grew. on a few occasions she was tempted to have fun with the crew, slowly cut pieces of the body off with the saber she was now in possession with. the only reason she hadn't was she didn't know how to fly the piece of junk.

she looked around the place, almost every face she looked at was as depressed as the next. her senses tingled and felt invigorated. after she was finished stood there enjoying the feeling, Teresa headed for the closest exit into the open streets. the place was filled with such noise and imperial troops placed at every few corners on the streets. she took the cloak from around her and folded it over her arm, the saber now on show. for some reason people now started to walk around her with a larger distance between her an them.

it made her taught a little in side of how they all assume the worse, or that is what she presumed they thought. either was she continued walking down the streets with no idea where to go. as she walked past an alley to the left of her, there was two troops harassing what looked like a slave girl. the collar around her neck gave that away. she approached the two troops and unclipped the saber from her waist. "AHEM!" she cleared her throat to gain the attention of the troops. "I suggest you leave her alone before you lose something you very attached too."

one of the troops made there way over to Teresa and placed his face in hers. "is that a threat" his words sounded like he was mocking her but it only put a grin on her face. "nope I was been deadly serious" igniting the bright red saber she brought it across his belly causing him to grunt and fall to the floor. As for the other troop he just ran muttering something down the radio.

Teresa disingaged the saber and approached the slave that was hiding behind her arms. "it's okay now." her voice seemed now calm and sincere. the slave only kept her arms up until Teresa brought them down forcing the collar off from around her neck. the slave said nothing but only remainder to cower in fear. she looked into the eyes of the slave pointing out the ally "now go before anyone sees us." the girl stood up and ran to the bottom of the ally before looking back "thank you" the girl shouted before disappearing off down the street.

with now no one about Teresa searched the corps for anything of use, credits, food, water anything that would get her through the night.

[member="Maja Vern"]
Coruscant was – to Maja – just another planet. She hated spending too long a period in any one place and so spent the majority of her time on board her ship. But some planets called on her more than others, and Coruscant was one such place. It had access to information – although she also spent time on Prakith, given it had the Holocrons she occasionally required training from.

It was a very different life to the one she’d had in her formative years. No, scratch that, until the age of twenty. She’d worked freighters and as an existence, it was slavery without the title. She made just enough money to buy food and were it not for a life of petty crime, would not have had sufficient credits for luxuries – like soap or hot water.

But she never forgot her roots. Her nomadic lifestyle was part genetics – she was a Vahla after all – and the remainder was no doubt due to living her life on a ship, never setting foot on a planet for more than hours at a time. For time docked meant no money earned for a freighter. The next cargo was loaded as the current one was removed. Time off was a luxury she was never afforded. Even when on-board, every waking moment was filled with maintenance or cleaning duties.

So it was a very different Maja that walked the streets of Corsucant. Sometimes it was nice to be surrounded by people, noise and bright lights. She wore a black hooded cloak and underneath wore a black-leather one-piece and black hide boots. Her saber was hidden from view and with her hood up, her facial tattoo was obscured. Did the black suggest Sith? Possibly – not that she cared. She’d seen enough and had enough tricks up her sleeve to keep those she wanted to keep away at bay.

As she turned a corner, she was aware of a presence down a dark alley. The aura was definitely Dark-sided and she saw a young girl crouched over a dead trooper, clearly checking over the corpse for something. And she was reminded of the day her sister found her. A day when all she had in the world were the old and no doubt smelly clothes she stood up in. Now her outfit was hand-made and cost more than she made in her entire career on-board freighters.

So a combination of curiosity and what was it…empathy…made her walk down the alley to see what was going on.

Blackened Valkyrie — The 14th Wife
she rummaged through the sachels of the corps at her feet to only find a small amount of credits, cuffs and ammunition. she left the ammunition and cuffs they had of no interest to her. Only taking the hand full of credits she stood up spinning on the balls of her feet, slowly approaching her a person was slowly making there way in Teresa's direction. quickly hiding the saber under the cloak that was still folded her arm Teresa started to walk towards the hooded figure. silence made the situation seem tense, something didn't feel right. the same energy pulsed from this person from the sith she lucky killed not so long ago.

'had they sent someone to track me down to kill me? maybe', she thought to herself. the ground quickly closed between the two now close enough to make out that the person was female. although still couldn't make out a face.

Teresa stopped in her tracks, her right hand firmly on the saber under the cloak ready to draw it ready. "There's nothing to see here" she said with a moderately loud voice. "so why don't you just turn around and pretend you didn't see anything."

she removed the saber from under the cloak to make it visible, as she swung her arm straight the saber fell from her hand scurrying across the floor. her eyes darted to track where it was going and rushing to pick it off the ground.

[member="Maja Vern"]
Maja didn’t feel threatened. Perhaps she should? She’d faced a lot of terrifying things and if anything had learned to take every peril seriously. But something was telling her this person needed help, not combat.

And she had to hand it to the girl, she had bravado in copious amounts. It reminded her of her own exploits when she was starting out in life as a Force-User. Her encounter on Onderon for example. She could easily have died but she didn’t. Sometimes that was all it took to forge a life as a Sith. A moment where it could go either way but you found you were just worthy enough to survive. And learn – that was most important.

Now some Sith would have taught this girl a lesson. Perhaps she should? Maybe she was doing her a disservice by not showing her how cruel the Dark-side could be? She would find out sooner or later and perhaps delaying the inevitable was a bad thing? Perhaps?

But if the young girl was going to prove she was worthy, she would find out for herself what it was like. It was the Sith way.

Maja suppressed a smile as the girl’s saber flew across the floor and she scrabbled to pick it up. Maja toyed with the idea of taking it herself but decided a simple demonstration would prove more effective. A simple illusion, but it would get the girl’s attention better than any words could.

As the girl reached the hilt, it would change in appearance in front of her eyes. The material would change first – morphing into green scales. Then it would start to take shape. Firstly into a snake and then into a four limbed creature with razor fins and rows of sharp teeth in its mouth. Had the girl ever been to Dagobah, she’d recognise a Dragonsnake. It grew exponentially in size before it took up the entire alleyway, some five metres long. It reared its great head and its scarlet eyes stared the young girl down.

Passers-by would simply observe thin air, the illusion was just for the young girl. And with a flick of her hand, the illusion was gone, the hilt lying where she’d dropped it.

“Know your enemy better than you know yourself, “ Maja said, her voice cool and calm. “Be careful who you say what to.” The tattoo on her face was darker now but slowly fading back to its usual colour, becoming invisible in the dim light – and her eyes were morphing back to their usual amber shade from the bright yellow irises from a moment before.

Blackened Valkyrie — The 14th Wife
Teresa's hand snapped back away from the saber as it started to change form. She stepped back away form it confused at first, as it grew larger changing it's shape some more it started to worried her more. she knew about these tricks from her now deceased owner. how sith thrived off fear they would do anything to fill there victims the only thought.

she stood her ground dropping her cloak and clenching her hands into a fist, but still deep inside it scared her still. as the illusion filled the ally way all she wanted to do was run, but behind her was a dead end. slowly getting closer to her face it's gaze tore through Teresa. within moments the beast dissapeard. leaving her stood there still in shock.

the woman soon said something after, only catching a segment of what she said Teresa stared back at the woman. "so I presume if you was going to kill me you would have done it?" her breath was now heavy but slow. she still wanted to reach for the saber again, her eyes would switch from the sith and the hilt.

slowly picking up her cloak off the floor she patted it down to get and bits of dirt off. her eyes still fixated between the hilt and the woman. "so where do we go from here?" she didn't know what was going to happen, but she expected the worse case senario.

[member="Maja Vern"]
Maja nodded. “Some would kill you, just to teach you a lesson. But in my book that would be a little harsh. But rest assured, the Sith are not benevolent. Pick up your saber and we can walk as we talk.”

“You appear to have spirit, which is very important in my book. Who knows where your abilities lie? You like the shadows, so maybe an assassin one day, eh? I have an apprentice right now – she shows promise in true Sith sorcery – not the vulgar imagery I just displayed, but the ability to truly create from from the Dark-side.”

“But I need…another. Someone who can do my bidding. Accompany me on missions and Invasions. I will teach you what you need to know and you may reach the rank of Knight with my help alone or with the help of others too. And if someone approaches you to be their Acolyte, then take them up if you believe it serves you best.”

“But for now you are under my protection, which has some perks. But I am demanding and expect one-hundred percent of your time and attention unless I say otherwise, OK?”

Maja paused at a row of market stalls, selling a range of street-food. The smells were delicious and the prices matched the aroma. “Keep your credits, I shall pay you a retainer whilst you are in my service. Eat – you look like you could do with it.”

Maja strolled along the portable kitchens and stopped at one selling noodle dishes. She ordered one that came in a large cardboard carton and had chopsticks sticking out of the top. “A girl can’t live on candy alone…sadly,” she said and started to eat.

“Tell me about yourself as we feast.” Maja ordered a couple of bottles of beer too and handing one over, took a swig from her on. “Best street food on Coruscant. Always come here when I’m in town. Today was your lucky day.”

Blackened Valkyrie — The 14th Wife
she listened to her words and walked over to her saber and reached for it once more, collecting it off the ground. as she clipped it to her waist she followed the sith. maybe her impression on sith was one sided but still there must be personal gain out of this.

they walked further down the streets, and Teresa had no idea where she was now. it all seemed like a maze to her. as they ventured some more the woman spoke of the many paths that she could take that she was worth while in the ways of the dark side. besides assassin sounded very appealing to her and could be the opportunity to take her own stand back against slaver's.

around the bend the many smells of food flooded her nose to the point where she could take it. her eyes lit up and her stomach cramp with not eating in almost fourteen hours. they walked past shops and stalls like the woman was looking for one in particular. while she searched the woman offer to train Teresa, and would provide protection for her attention and loyalty no doubt. still as she said it was an offer that couldn't be refused. looking up to the woman she nodded her head. "I thank you for the offer and I will provide you my full attention and abilities, although I will admit lack at the moment but I'm sure you could guide me to change that."

they soon stopped outside of the shop, and the woman order noodles for the both of them, with in moments the box's of noodles and chopstick's was placed upon the conter and soon got handed one.

she asked teresa a little about her self but she didnt have much of a story to tell. "well my name is Teresa and I have no idea about my last name. I had been a slave since I was five owned by a sith. for thirteen he tortured me always demanding obedience and often used me to set an example to all the other slave girls" a small smirk managed to reach her face "although he never realised annoy the bee to much and it will sting, but instead of sting I killed him with his own saber. I got to admit if it wasn't for routine he might have lasted longer." the woman had order the both a drink and passed one to Teresa.

she took a couple of sips making her feel slightly light headed "but the first time I had ever felt happy was that day when I sliced his head off. I kept the saber as the trophies like I was his." as she got through the entire bottle in the last few gulps, it seemed as everything kept moving. what ever it was it tasted nice and did wired things. "so what about you?"

[member="Maja Vern"]
Maja appreciated the young girl’s approach. They could and should never fully trust each other – but for now they had a mutual interest in keeping each other alive. Maja always needed an extra pair of hands to ensure things were done. Teresa would need training. It was mutually beneficial and that was all that was needed right now.

And she listened to the girl’s story. Bees were often overlooked but one sting was all it took in the wrong place to end a life. Maja would not make the same mistake.

“You are no slave of mine – you are free to come and go as you please. But I demand absolute loyalty. You do as I tell you, you do not question my decisions. I may ask you if you want to ask a question but unless I offer, accept I do not want your opinion.”

Maja eat heartily and drank the beer quickly. Once finished she sighed contentedly and spoke again. “You may call me Maja. I shall shortly meet the Dark Lord and er given my Darth name. Until then I shall remain simply Maja.”

“My story is largely irrelevant. I am Vahla and my strength with the Force is Sith Sorcery. I come from a family of Force Users and Sith and only now am I starting to fulfil my destiny. For I have ambition and expect you to assist me in fulfilling it. And I shall train you to ensure you help me. So, what do you know and what do you need to know?”

Maja was not about to reveal her every thought or her full background to a stranger. She would weigh up this girl and perhaps introduce her to the Sisterhood too.

Blackened Valkyrie — The 14th Wife
Teresa was still curios of her back ground but in time that would be known. she knew not to trust a sith but at the same time there would have to be a level of trust made between them. the thought made her skin crawl but she needed to become stronger to make those who wrong pay with their lifes for there mistakes.

the question of when she knew and what she wanted to know at the time was a big question. "I know how to shoot and I know how to swing a sword, as for the force I'm not sure I've only force pushed someone once but that was in self defence an random occurrence. as for lurking around in the shadows that is no problem."

she looked at maja questioning if this was the right path and what she said next would seal her fate. "I want to become stronger, I need to become a weapon that can kill without thinking about it." Teresa looked away for a moment and clenched her hands. "I have let go of my humanity years ago and now I'm just a shell that needs purpose. I need to be something that inspires fear rather than feeling it."

[member="Maja Vern"]
Maja listened and nodded. Everyone had a story and to them it was unique and to everyone else it blended into one broad theme. Maja’s own history was no different. And the girl’s reason for being a Sith was personal to her and if finding a purpose through killing was what drove her at present, it was good enough.

“We are not Jedi,” she said, standing up and leaving the remainder of her food and heading to the hangar that housed her ship. “Our training is less…spoon-fed. The first thing we need to do is to get you to access the Force when you need it – not when fate intervenes. And that needs a suitable challenge. The Jedi believe everyone should be trained to be the best they can be. This dilutes their talent pool. My view is different. If you are worthy, you shall live. If not, you deserve to die.”

She stopped walking and looked at the girl. “Tell me, what do you fear?”

Blackened Valkyrie — The 14th Wife
teresa continued looking at maja but her expression now became some what of an emotionless expression. "I fear those who are stronger then me and use it to enslave, hence why I want to remove those people from the situation. sure I won't get them all but the more I do kill the better. besides it is survival of the fittest is it not?" she realizes that her goal is petty and may one day change as she grows in strength her self. "but now that you have taken me under your wing so to speak. my goals are what you need me to do."

deep down all she wanted is power, something that had been stripped from her till nothing was left. in a way her lust for it was a call for help. a small girl with nowhere to go and a hate filled head, all she knows is how to hate, how to indulge in the thought of murder for the ones who wronged her or stood in her way and holding her back.

[member="Darth Zilti"]
Maja nodded. “You fear those stronger than you? That is wise yet foolish at the same time. There will always be those stronger than you – and to fear them all is to fail before you have started.”

“And it is not survival of the fittest but of those most able to change and adapt. So you must retake your fear – face it and overcome it. Come…”

She led the girl through the streets and soon they were travelling down levels. On the surface Coruscant was all bright lights and beauty. The lower you went the more the dark took hold.

Finally they had reached the spot Maja wanted to find. In the under-city slums – where neon was the new sunlight – you could buy whatever you wanted for a price. She hadn’t been here for a while but she knew what to look for.

After ten minutes they reached a doorway – heavily protected. A grate opened and a gruff voice told them to leave in no uncertain terms.

A moment later the voice had changed and the door was being opened. “You are most welcome here.” Maja hadn’t spoken but clearly done something to change the doorman’s mind.

As they entered the building it was clear it was a slave market. On one wall was a large stage, the merchandise being paraded for the buyers to view. Maja glanced around and finally pointed to a table. “The owner sits there – a Rodian. He has protection, plenty of it. Kill him and return to me here. Or die and I’ll find someone else to train. It is the way of the Sith. If you are creditable, I shall work with you. If not, I shall find another more worthy of my time.”

Maja glanced at the bar and contemplated buying a drink – but one look and she decided not to take the risk.

Blackened Valkyrie — The 14th Wife
Teresa took note of what she said, sure it was foolish but misuse of power was never a good thing. she continued to follow maja further down into the depths of coruscant, it took a while getting to where she wanted to take her. as they both enter the large room filled to the brim of smoke, Teresa soon realised what the place was been used for.

maja pointed out the owner of the establishment and order her to end his life, but to be wary of his protection. Teresa smiled as she looked around. she went to the bar with maja ordering a bottle of the cheapest spirit. as the bartender passed it over she handed over enough credits to pay for it. 'huh guess killing that guy earlier was useful after all.' she thought to her self. she looking at maja with the smile still on her face, "you know I think it's a little to cold in here." it was a subtle hit of her plan of action. as she started to walk around she picked up a lighter from off a table holding it firmly in the palm of her hand.

she sat down at the closest table and unscrewed the lit to the bottle. with the about of noise and density of people not many would take notice of what she was about to do. taking a quick swig from the bottle she bent down rolling the bottle to the rodians seat leaving a tail of the liquid straight to him. the bottle had went underneath his seat hitting one of the legs of the chair. she waited a moment for a puddle of the spirit to form around his foot before lighting the liquid.

the trail of flames rapidly scattered across the liquid, setting the rodians leg of fire. the people around him went into a panic rushing out the building. she stood up and approached the rodian. he was flailing arm about as the fire crept up his body. anyone met to be presenting him now would be to occupied by the people pushing and shoving there way past. she knew the saber would bring attention, so she decided against that instead she grabbed the front and back of his head twisting it till a loud series or clicks. she let go allowing the body to collapse.

Teresa followed the crowd out side leaving the chaos to now unfold, she approched maja the smirk still on her face. "to warm in there now." she laughed to her self. "is that what you was expecting or did you expect something different?"

[member="Darth Zilti"]
Darth Zilti – as she was slowly being accustomed to calling herself watched. Some Sith were all about bravado – and would have gone in with saber swinging and would have killed the Rodian for sure, but what next? There were any number of his men around and there was no guarantee that a headstrong Acolyte would have made it out alive. And glory is of no use to the dead.

So as they exited the room, she listened to her apprentice and nodded. “Be yourself. What you did worked and I suspect was who and what you are. And you achieved the kill and stayed alive. What’s not to like.”

“And tell me, how did it feel? Facing the fear of being there, in a slaver’s den and being in control. Being the one with power?”

Of course she was impressed - but she wasn't about to share just how much.

Blackened Valkyrie — The 14th Wife
Sanya smiled at maja while looking at the woman. "honestly even though alot of slavers hide away in establishments like this, it's foolish. a routine is a prison not many aware that there in." as the crowd started to dispersed and the fire slowly getting worse Sanya could start to feel the heat emitting from the building. "although for the kill, it felt nice somewhat invigorated. his last moments of his life filled with the fear the many slaves feel through out there's. I do love it when there sceard. feels so nice." as she stood th's with maja a small tingling sensation ran up and down her body thinking about how much stronger for a moment feeding of just the tiniest bit of fear.

she went to look around small bits of crowd looking to see what's happen, slaves on the streets who no longer had owners and was free. although she did feel sorry for them knowing they might have no place to go. her attention struck back to maja the glowing of the flames now creeping out the windows and doors of the place, lit up her face her features just only able to make out. "so, master what's next?"

[member="Darth Zilti"]
“What’s next?” Maja tapped a finger to her chin. She was used to following her own Master and of course doing her own thing – but being responsible for someone else? That was new. And she didn’t really do plans.

“You’re a resourceful sort. Meet me on Dxun. It’s a moon of Onderon. The planet is under Republic control but they tend to leave the moon alone. I’ll be at the tomb of Freedon Nadd. I’ll leave there in five days. If you don’t make it in time, I’ll assume you were undeserving. If you do…I’ll have a further test for you.”

“Now if you use the Force to hep you get there or not matters little to me. What I want to know is that you’re worthy of my interest. By the time you arrive, I’ll have sorted out what I intend to do there. It should be fun – at least for one of us.”

She smiled. “Remember, I never promised you an easy ride.” And with that she strode off to find her own ship and make her way there. How a credit-less wannabe Sith would manage it? Well that was the test, wasn’t it?


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