Soliath Devin Talith
Family Man
Sammael stood on a small outcropping above the main floor of his apartment in 500 Republica. Before him stood and chatted about a hundred of or so various people. Senators, Representatives, Admirals, Generals, and dozens of other people representing almost all walks of Republic life. Sammael stared at them all, taking in their facial expressions, their nuances and anything else they were doing. The Senator from Byss stared at all of them, learning their every move.
He was hosting this party, it was a way for him to meet his peers within the Senate and other places. It was also a place to begin his plan. Sammael was of course not at all who he said he was. He was Moridin, the former Emperor of the Sith Empire and the Dreadlord of Byss. He wore a mask, he hid himself from the Jedi. Here on Coruscant he was someone entirely different, and no one else would be able to tell the difference...he hardly could himself.
The Senator smiled behind his mask, seemingly pleased with his assessment of the situation. Slowly he walked down the steps to the main floor of his apartment, and then began to greet and meet his guests. His mask was intimidating of course, but his personality was enough to off set any fear it might put into people. Sammael was a charmer, and apparently his pleasantness had rubbed off on others here.
“Senator, you must tell me how you got an apartment here so quickly. I've been trying for months.”
A woman in fine livery talked to him, and Sammael's stance changed quickly. He seemed to be pleased at the womans words, and then put a hand on her should in kind reassurance. “I have my ways Madam. Plus ridiculous amounts of money always helps.”
The woman laughed at Sammaels joke, and he laughed with her. They chatted for a few moments more until finally Sammael excused himself. Slowly the Senator began to move around the room, greeting his guests and politely speaking with each and every one.
He was hosting this party, it was a way for him to meet his peers within the Senate and other places. It was also a place to begin his plan. Sammael was of course not at all who he said he was. He was Moridin, the former Emperor of the Sith Empire and the Dreadlord of Byss. He wore a mask, he hid himself from the Jedi. Here on Coruscant he was someone entirely different, and no one else would be able to tell the difference...he hardly could himself.
The Senator smiled behind his mask, seemingly pleased with his assessment of the situation. Slowly he walked down the steps to the main floor of his apartment, and then began to greet and meet his guests. His mask was intimidating of course, but his personality was enough to off set any fear it might put into people. Sammael was a charmer, and apparently his pleasantness had rubbed off on others here.
“Senator, you must tell me how you got an apartment here so quickly. I've been trying for months.”
A woman in fine livery talked to him, and Sammael's stance changed quickly. He seemed to be pleased at the womans words, and then put a hand on her should in kind reassurance. “I have my ways Madam. Plus ridiculous amounts of money always helps.”
The woman laughed at Sammaels joke, and he laughed with her. They chatted for a few moments more until finally Sammael excused himself. Slowly the Senator began to move around the room, greeting his guests and politely speaking with each and every one.