Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Beginnings Of Paranoia


The room smelled of nothing as it was cleaned with sanitizing chemicals of odorless liquids, and the air was filtered, and then filtered again for just in case. Here in the white labs of a company unknown, weapons of biological warfare were made, and it was here they would begin the creation of something so evil, so insane, even the Sith would fear the Sin name.​
Kisume dressed in a lab coat, and reading data on the new vials brought to them by a person of unknown identity, everything was reading perfectly. The Brainrot was an amazing plague, while holding the Blue Shadow Virus in the other hand, only great things could come of this. Still, she needed the Yongspawn Virus to finish out what she intended to do.​
The galaxy needed a better wake up call then Sith, and Jedi fighting, there was things not even the Force could handle, things a blaster, or a lightsaber were useless against.​
"The Blue Shadow Virus can be altered with the Brainrot to only be spread through organic contact, such as blood, saliva, and can be ported into the waterworks of planets for mass infection...yes, this all looks very promising..." Kisume said outloud.​
The lab was in the much lower levels, hidden far away from prying eyes of unwanted supervision. Only a few select people knew this place existed, and even fewer were alive to speak of it.​
"If I wanted, we could reprogram the virus so that it couldnt harm Vahla...or we could be more specific, and say Sins couldnt be harmed by it..." She said to herself as the other scientist watched over their shoulders in fear of the woman.​


The woman turned back to the her people, "What? Do you think me crazy?" She spoke so softly, and flicked her hair out of her way. "Think I am making the undoing of the galaxy? The thing terrorists crave?" She smiled. "I am..I am making things that will tear the galaxy apart...prepare for hell..." She laughed out loud, and went back to studying her data.​
It has been forever since he was able to walk outside of the graveyard,let alone be able to form a solid appearance and be able to communicate. Harvey would be in his Commando armor, wandering around the laboratory until he saw a girl in a labcoat, laughing maniacally, and apparently working on some virus. He'd go around the other people, tap her shoulder and calmly speak to her:​"Do you really think this is a good idea? I mean, what are you going to do when you succeed? who are you going to be able to talk to besides your family? your lab assistants corpses? the graves of those you brought the demise of? or...the virus that started the destruction of the universe, one that I and several other had fought to keep alive from the droid armies? I do not mean to be disrespectful miss...but you do need to think this through before you decide to rid the universe of opportunities of adventure."

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