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Approved Tech The Beskar'gam of Volo Dragr || Dragr Forgeworks

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B E S K A R ' G A M

  • Classification- Multipurpose Armour - Beskar'gam
  • Weight- Average
  • Resistances-
    • Energy- Extreme
    • Lightsabers- Extreme
    • Kinetic- High
    • Electrical- High
    • Extreme Heat (Pyro, Elemental)- High
    • Extreme Cold (Cryo, Elemental)- High
    • EMP- None
    • Chemical- None
  • Technology-
    • Volo Dragr is an accomplished forgemaster, specialising in weaponry and armour. It should come as little to no surprise that, in an age where armour is rarely half as useful without it's gadgets and technology, one of his finest pieces yet is equipped with a generous trifecta of offensive, defensive and supplementary technology.
  • Ancestry-
    • Incorporating more recent practises in armour smithing, Volo Dragr chose to incorporate Inertial Dampening technology into his armour to limit and lessen the impact of concussive force on his person.
    • For not-so-countless millennia, the Mando'ade have fixed plates of Beskar to their persons. A traditionalist and proud forgemaster, Volo Dragr makes himself no exception, anointing his armour with Beskar plates to protect against plasma and energy based damage.
  • Supplementary Protection-
    • The Mando'ade have always relied upon the strength and resilience of their Beskar to protect them from the strike of a lightsaber or the slam of a blaster bolt, however, Beskar is a heavy and hard to obtain material, fashioned in plates that can limit the movement of the wearer. Volo Dragr has chosen to incorporate a newer, lesser used material in Mandalorian armour smithing- Cortosis, woven into a fabric-mesh like material and treated with Norris-Root to form a gambeson and shoulder cape capable of shielding the wearer from lightsaber swings and blaster bolts, and even providing the possibility of deactivating lightsabers.
    • In order to offer a comfortable, smooth and reliable undersuit for the armour to be set on, Volo Dragr has chosen a Norris-Root treated, Synthweave undersuit to protect against both fire and electricity, as well as offer more limited protection against lightsaber blows and blaster bolts.
  • Vulnerability-
    • Sharing the weaknesses and vulnerabilities typical of the traditional Mandalorian armour, this piece bears no protection against EMP attacks. Should the armour be hit with some such attack, its technological systems would more than likely be rendered defunct and disabled dependant on the strength and location of the blast.
    • In keeping with the above reasoning, the armour also offers no protection against most liquid chemical attacks, such as strong acids or alkalis, leaving the armour and wearer completely vulnerable to damage and harm through these means.
  • Hefty-
    • Despite Volo Dragr's best attempts, the armour is still notably heavy due to the technology implemented, and the materials used in its construction. Furthermore, due to the gambeson and less-traditional methods used in some segments of the armour, the wearer's mobility is likely to be limited in such a way that more agile maneuvers will be ineffective and physically taxing.
  • Selective Extremes-
    • Although boasting a resistance to the extremes of both temperatures, the armour was not designed to offer protection against prolonged exposure to these circumstances and will gradually offer less and less protection as the time exposed increases, especially as the temperatures become more extreme.
  • Can't Hide from Technology-
    • While doubtless a powerful set of armour, little is offered in the way of stealth, and sensors are more than capable of detecting the armour; in some cases, even to a greater extent due to certain components being installed inefficiently and certain, consequence-less precautions not being taken.
No true vod of the Mando'ade should ever feel truly safe and at peace without atleast one piece of Beskar on their persons, be it as minimal as a shoulder plate or as vital as a helmet. For one from such a traditionalist house as that of House Skaigh, for one who boasts mastery over the forge and of metal, for one who has gained renowned for fighting notorious and powerful opponents and making a purpose of it, Volo Dragr is certainly no exception to this.

For his skill, for his purpose, it should be no surprise that only the very best could meet his standards. Only something he had shaped from raw, base minerals, metals and components could satisfy him, could grant him the surety he needed to stand fearlessly against any blade wielder, force user, slaver, warlord, criminal, outlaw, dar'manda, or opponent he might face down as a renowned and infamous Karjr.

His Beskar'gam, left nameless as a testament to humbleness and its constant duty, is a fine piece worthy of both ire and respect from the learned in armour smithing. It integrates traditional Mandalorian techniques, passed down for millennia from father to son and from mother to daughter, with modern techniques drawn from other cultures and factions, visionaries and theoreticals.

At the surface, it may seem like a typical, if somewhat adventurous, Beskar'gam. However, if one inspects the finer details, they'd fine that the plating on the shoulders, arms and legs is of a more non-standard design. The plates overlap in a scintillating manner, offering a slightly wider range of movement than solid plates, at the cost of being slightly heavier than a standard, solid plate.

There is also an additional layer between the Beskar and the bodyglove beneath. A gambeson is worn over the bodyglove, covering most of the upperbody and thighs. This gambeson is made of a Cortosisweave somewhere between a mail and a fabric, offering most of the protective abilities of Cortosis at a lower level. The gambeson is, obviously, unable to stand up to prolonged exposure to lightsabers and blaster bolts, only able to protect against strikes and slashes. It also lacks the surety of Cortosis to deactivate lightsabers, with the trait being more of a gamble than a true characteristic. This same Cortosisweave is applied to the cape hanging on the right shoulder of the armour.

Beneath the gambeson is a typical bodyglove, only standing out in that it is made from Synthweave. This bodyglove, made of a material known for its ability to disperse electricity and shield the wearer from flame, has been additionally treated with Norris Root dye, affording it a degree of protection against glancing blows from lightsabers, and a small extent of light blaster fire. The aforementioned Cortosisweave has also been granted this treatment, despite the probable lack of necessity.

The Beskar'gam, while most definitely sufficient on a base level, is further enhanced by a list of protective technologies too extensive to individually discuss. Such technologies include shielding systems to protect against kinetic, energy based, and sonic attacks. Rebreathers, oxygen tanks, environmental and vacuum sealing systems, inertial dampeners, stimulant and bacta injectors, a jetpack, flame projectors, whistling bird launchers, a wristrocket launcher, grappling lines, knuckleplate vibrodaggers tipped with Equivox, vibroknucklers, and more supplementary, less notable, items.

While all this technology may seem, quite bluntly, overkill and unnecessary, it is important to remember that this gam is made to accommodate most situations and scenarios on a broad scale, rather than specialising in one specific area such as melee combat, long ranged, combat, anti-explosives, survival gear, etc. It is also made to compete with suits that are simply far more technologically advanced, so advanced that the human mind could scarcely imagine a time where this technology would be feasible. It is made to level the playing field against things that challenge human perception through means thought of through logic rather than imagination. It only seems so excessive because it can be comprehended realistically.

All the prior listed information regarding the Beskar'gam fails to include anything regarding its weaknesses. There is no prior mention of how little protection the suit offers against prolonged exposure to the elements, so much so that it could fail in the most basic of functions. It fails to convey how weak the suit is to EMP attacks, which can disable any number of the countless technological systems and features belonging to the suit. It completely disregards the fact that, for all the protection the gambeson and plating may offer, they are heavy and hinder the wearer's range of movement, so much so that some basic acts of agility are nearly impossible, and simply become far too taxing to be of use.

This Beskar'gam, whilst doubtlessly powerful, is only powerful to an extent. It exists only to serve the purpose of protecting the wearer and levelling the playing field. It is not an unstoppable and flawless creation, however it may seem that way, and there are more than sufficient counters to its many strengths.​
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T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Volo Dragr Volo Dragr

Very nicely made and detailed submission! I found one problem. In the Manufacturer, you wrote @Volo Skaigh instead of your character's currnent name, so this old name is broken. Please fix it.
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