Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Bishop & The Rook

"You know," began Astoach, desperate to break the looming silence, "before repulsorlift craft they actually used to travel along the surface of the water? They'd balance the ship over the surface with form dedicated to abusing the laws of physics with buoyancy and... wind. I think there was something about quantum physics too."

Astoach might be a killer, but in the matters of conversation, of socialization, he functioned with crippled demeanor, especially in matters that pertained to toiling in the midst of boredom as did now. [member="Ashalah Ky"], his partner in the midst of this mission, sat next to him, the blunt of his demeanor and the catalyst of his frustration. They were together, here, for an assassination, a mission of subtlety that Astoach was both eager for, and a novice in, which provided fuel for future destruction that remained unbeknownst to all, primarily through his insistence that, indeed, he did know what he was doing. Another lie on his behalf and one that might prove fatal, but for now, he was intent on garnering some motion of a conversation, largely on a topic that he held little to no knowledge in. "So they wouldn't have any of those loopy forms like this," he said, motioning to their lowborne craft, racing across the waves situated on this lengthy stretch of azure sea. It was open along the flanks, so that visitors might be provided with a glorious, crystalline view of Trandosha; largely, this was because the pair had entered under the guise of aristocratic slavers and, with vigorous labor, the trandoshan city of Krassis sought to impress.

The craft was flooded with the sweet, salty aroma of the sea, occasionally invaded by the soft mist of spraying sea foam as it raced across the clashing surface of the sea, propelling detonations of upturned clouds of water as the repulsors pounded upon its otherwise clear surface, garnering squawking complaints from the placid avian wildlife which otherwise floated passively upon this surface. They were the sole passengers, situated upon seats of leather and provided with fine refreshment from which Astoach gladly imbibed, gazing longingly out into the oceanic horizon. He had already taken steps to prove himself (arguably, inadvertently) to the Hutt Cartel and now, in the brief momentum of this mission, he sought to further his capability on behalf of his togruta partner, with each possible opportunity slipped weighing upon him in heavy echo, biding him to awkward and overly impressed-upon notions and efforts to continuously provide such an air of expertise and professionalism, often backfiring upon him. He allowed her little time to reply before he followed with a comment of blatant sexism, "Don't you worry, a woman such as yourself won't have to fear the burden presented. I am more than willing to take charge in your place during the mission."

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