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Approved NPC The Black Consorts

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Factory Judge
  • Crew Name: The Black Consorts - unofficial name.
  • Crew Type: Family - Wives or mistresses of Vora.
  • Base of Operations:
  • Crew Size: Six(6) individuals so far.
  • Loyalties: Each individual acts of their own and are tied to their own loyalties. However, typically they all associate themselves with Vora Kaar, and in some cases can even act to fight against the Sith Lord. They are independent of one another and typically don't work with each other, or may possibly don't even know of a member or two. Vora doesn't kiss and tell.
  • Description: An unofficial name of the individuals who are associated with Vora in terms of a Wife, Concubine, Mistress, or otherwise. Typically these individuals are female in their gender alignment. Otherwise, the species, age, creation, or where they are from can be completely random and different than the others.

  • Name: Apollyon
  • Age: 75 Galactic Standard Years
  • Species: "Dream Singer" - Rhak-Skuri
  • Role: As a Dream Singer, the nicknamed Apollyon is one of the Sithspawn who have befriended Vora due to the gift of the force given to her. Thusly, she is an insect-like Sithspawn who is more closely tied to Vora.
  • Description: Rhak-Skuri are insectzoid creatures that have been molded by the dark side of the force. While when this transformation of the species took place was unsure, many of the species can be found through out the galaxy on various planets that are home to Dark Side nexus, or have close ties to the Sith religion, species, or culture. The individual Apollyon, while her real name is unknown as the language produced by these insects is incomprehensible to Near-human species, was given to her as Vora presented the gift of enhanced force sensitivity to the being. Allowing it to gain sentience and a consciousness. From this, Apollyon drew close to her creator and could be considered a victim of Stockholm syndrome.
  • Name: Narla
  • Age: Unknown
  • Species: Dreambeast
  • Role: A being that could be confused as an "Eldrich Horror" due to the shapeshifting capabilities of those who draw near the beast. Fearmongers in every sense of the word. Preying off of the fear of individuals, Narla is no different.
  • Description: Dreambeasts are creatures powerful within the force. Their natural affinity for making the onlooker taking the form of whatever they fear the most. Distorting life into an illusion to where the individual can even feel pain and be left with wounds. Narla, a named few one of the dreambeasts, while not known gender is assigned to them, Vora still has a connection to them for the purpose of creating more monstrosities worse than the Dreambeasts themselves.
  • Name: Galadriel Shaw - Lady Lunaris
  • Age: Over 75 Galactic Standard Years
  • Species: Atoan
  • Role: Dark side spirit of a dead Sith Sorceress
  • Description: Once the wife of Darren Shaw or otherwise known as Lazarus, Galadriel is a master Sith Sorceress who has perished to the Netherworld. A being that had been held there for many years now, is able to once every so often, communicate with her old apprentice Vora. While the master/apprentice relationship is now gone, its more of a "Friends with benefits" basis that the two have with each other.
  • Name: Shax'in'zan'roth
  • Age: 2,741 Galactic Standard Years.
  • Species: Duiniogwuin
  • Role: Giant Space fairing dragon that is willingly held captive.
  • Description: Thousands of years old, Star Dragons have a natural gift of not just flight, but the ability to enter and exit hyperspace. Traveling to many worlds and leaving a large impact upon them. Many "Dragons" are said to be spawn of their species all the way from Tattooine and more. Shax'in'zan'roth is one of the few remaining members of the Duiniogwuin who have contact with others. Mainly, having a connection with Vora so that her species may continue and instead of being outcasted by the likes of the Former Galactic Empire, but to thrive.
  • Name: Nom-Scart
  • Age: Around 200 Galactic Standard Years
  • Species: A child of Tu-Scart
  • Role: A monstrocity of a being that was birthed of a dangerous Vong weapon.
  • Description: Birthed of the infamous Tu-Scart, a biologicqal weapon that was capable of destroying cities with his sibling "Biter," Nom-Scart is a beast of great power and stature. Last left upon the planet of Tash-Taral as a being of "righteous destruction" for the great beasts and other Sithspawn of the planet. Now under the care and influence of Vora, Nom-Scart is a useful ally to the would be Lord of Strength to bring about a new birth of biological weapons.
  • Name: Aume
  • Age: Unknown
  • Species: Loth-Wolf
  • Role: A massive wolf, many would describe as a "Dire Wolf" among many other cultures, Aume is one of the few Loth-Wolves that have made contact with a Sith Lord rather than staying with the Jedi of the Light. Acting as the Mother for all of Vora's "Children" much like tails of a Mother Wolf taking care of children to become Kings.
  • Description: Aume, an Alpha of her own pack, is a Loth-Wolf that wishes to bring all children into the force. Allowing them to thrive and survive in many ways. She takes care of all she can no matter the species or creed. Making a pact with Vora, allows her to take care of all that are under Vora's influence. Acting as her children as well as protecting them from would be harmful individuals.

For the past years of the Imperial Wars, as well as the Sith Wars that are growing ever closer to the forefront of the Galaxy, the would be, "Dark Sovereign of Strength," is seeking out individuals that can further his influence. Meeting and finding individuals with power, or even making contact with species of various origins so that this proposed Hierophant would be able to bring down the Sith Empire. It is through his actions that Vora will expand upon his "Children" as well as his Itsuttoi, or "Sith Clan" so that his influence within the Warlords of the Sith, will become a force to be reckoned with.

The group of the "Black Consorts" is more of a designation for those who are female or ambigous members that have set forth to aid Vora's Children into becoming Sith, Sithspawn, or otherwise a menace of the Galaxy. With many of them being Sithspawn, or beings closely related to the force themselves. While there is only a small number known at the current time, it is assured that Vora will be adding more to this "List" of individuals who will be used to an end.
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