Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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"Why do we fight?"
"Why are we here?!"
"Who are we?!"

—Chant of The Black Fleet

  • Fleet Name: The Black Fleet
  • Classification: Crusader Fleet
  • Affiliation: The Black Fleet
  • Fleet Symbol: Pictured below
    • 3Br3oIi.png
  • Description: A war fleet of Mandalorian-Ronin who stay on the move with the help of a mobile-shipyard, hard to locate and quick to vanish once they have what they came for.

The Black Fleet was founded by Aloy Vizsla during the late stages of The Shadow Crusade as a means to remain in the fight to defend Mandalore despite the disappearance of Mand'alor the Reclaimer. Because of this, the original fleet had been designed as the ideal pirate fleet in that it was suited to hit & run tactics. While some still believe it be a roaming band of pirates, In reality they are the instrument by which Vizsla has carried out unsanctioned black ops for over a decade.

Sometime after Mandalore's second liberation by the Mandalorian Protectors, The Black Fleet laid siege to occupied Concordia where it ousted the last Imperial remnants from the Fortress Imperious, at which point Aloy Vizsla was decreed Governor of that world in accordance with House Vizsla's ancestral claim and with the blessing of the then Al'verde Mia Monroe, although some fleet personnel boast that it would have been theirs's by right of conquest regardless the Protector's answer.

The Black Fleet was invaluable to Vizsla's re-colonization of the moon which saw efforts to control the Weaponized Equator constructed by the Sith Empire,,which Vizsla planned use as an orbital defense system against any would be invaders should Mandalore ever come under threat again. It wasn't until later in this process that The Black Fleet returned to it's intended role as an offensive battlefleet while a new Concordian defensive fleet was constructed to further secure the Mandalore system itself.

The Black Fleet itself was named after a Rogue Imperial fleet of the same name, which was active from roughly 4 ABY - 17 ABY.

The naming of this later Mandalorian fleet had a double meaning: The first was to call out Mand'alor the Reclaimer's supposed "Black Hand" Order, A rumored special operations unit that Vizsla believed to have never existed, as it fulfilled an identical role to House Vizsla's Nite Owls, who served as the secret police and intelligence network of Mandalore until the order briefly disbanded. In choosing this name, they believed it would cement themselves as the only true operatives of Mandalore at the time while still playing into the legend, as they haunted Mandalore long after the Mandalorian Union abandoned the system. It is also for this reason that the fleet's Black Hand emblem was chosen.

The second meaning of their name was simple: Strike fear into The Empire. As many of their early ships were in fact captured Imperial vessels after Mandalore the Reclaimer's disappearance, House Vizsla reasoned that both the black fleet of old and their new fleet had something in common, This being that both fleets once served The Empire in some way before being turned against them, Playing once again on ghost stories.

The fleet saw varying degrees of success in raiding Imperial logistics after the union's collapse, leading some Mandalorians such as Clan Saxon to brand them as mere pirates.

In the shadows however, The Black Fleet had been arming and even fighting beside Rebel cells across the galaxy since it's inception. The most publicly known example being the Arming of Lothal against Imperial Remnants, which allowed the fleet safe harbor in that system until it fell it fell to the Empire of the Lost while The Black Fleet was crusading elsewhere in the galaxy.

It is known however that they have engaged Sith-aligned vessels of their own accord, seemingly without the benefit of a lawful defense contract.
They fought Final Dawn over Tshindral for possession of Beskar that was being shipped to Sith-aligned factions in the region. The fleet was instead caught in a surprise ambush, but successfully escaped with only minor casualties.

While unconfirmed, they were rumored to have partaken in the raid on Yhuuzan'tar, also to reclaim Beskar from foreign hands, though there were Mandalorian combatants on both sides.

Later, the fleet's honor was called into question as Tensions rose on Kestri between the fleet's founder and members of Clan Saxon over conflicting motives: Aloy's desire to avenge her daughter's death at the hands of The Sith, and The Enclave's intent to wage war against the Galactic alliance, endingin an honor duel that resulted in Vizsla's injury. This prompted the fleet to declare Akaan'gaan, and withdrew support from the enclave at large.

902 ABY and onward, The Black Fleet refuses to recognize any and all authority, save for their own hiararchy.

Sometime later, The fleet was deployed to stalk the Lorardia System while hunting for Mawite-Death Watch remnants. At the same time, First Order vessels entered the system in search of the same prey. Asteroids wreaked havoc on the sensory data of both sides, and having mistaken an oncoming frigate for a returning Mawite ship, The Black Fleet immediately boarded the vessel, beginning a three way battle between the Death Watch remnants, First Order and Black Fleet. The Black Fleet was able to escape with plundered goods once again, intent on expanding the fleet during the long period of silence that followed.

904 ABY saw the enclave's interests attacked on ma'ar shaddam by the sith order, prompting The Black Fleet to return in a brief alliance that saw them fighting side by side with Clan Saxon in a twist of fate that was not to last. Survivors from the evacuating clans of independents were recruited into the fleet with a promise of vengeance, and the fleet vanished before enclave officials could call for a meeting.

This same year also saw rise to the Mandalorian Protectors lead by Mand'alor Ijaat Mereel and the resurrected Mia Monroe, the former of which Aloy Vizsla had met once before. The Black Fleet immediately returned to Mandalore and attended a gathering of clans to determine the worthiness of the cause. While cautious of this new faction, The Black Fleet pledged it's support in ridding the system of Sith remnants, if nothing else. The Black Fleet saw much success, even raiding an imperial shipyard among the many moons of Shukut with an unexpected ally, Valery Noble, which resulted in the capture of a heavy star destroyer that would become the newest fleet's flagship.

This unexpected alliance came in wake of the Caldera Crisis when the Sith Order attempted to expand through the Tingel Arm via undead hordes using a modified strain of the infamous Blackwing Virus.

The Black Fleet would go on to see many victories against the undead horde and the sith fleet transporting them, participating in the Mandalorian Protector's defense of Krownest and Feriae Junction which saw many sith vessels destroyed and all infected or sith crew eradicated without mercy, as well as many joint Galactic Alliance-Black Fleet operations that saw the fleet it's own place among the War council of Taris until the planet was besieged by an undead surprise attack. The fleet paid a vital role in establishing and holding landing zones across the planet.

It later saw extensive use during the campaign to liberate Concordia from Imperial Remnants, ending in the the Fortress Imperious siege which saw a decisive Mandalorian Victory and Aloy Vizsla's rise as planetary Governor.
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Aloy Vizsla Aloy Vizsla

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