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Approved NPC The Black Hand - Panatha Royal Guard

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The Black Hand
Panatha Royal Guard

  • Intent: To create an elite combat unit fit for the protection of the Queen of Panatha, claimant to the Throne of the Zambrano lineage, [member=Ara Zambrano].
  • Image Credit: Here, Here, Here & Here!
  • Role: Protection detail for the Queen of Panatha.
  • Links: Praetorian Guard.

  • Unit Name: The Black Hand, Panatha Royal Guard.
  • Affiliation: [member=Ara Zambrano]
  • Classification: Elite Praetorian Guard.


  • Availability: Unique.
​The Black Hand consist of twelve Elite Praetorian Guard for which stand watch around the Throne of Panatha and escort the Queen, [member=Ara Zambrano] where ever she might be required, outside of her duties to the Order of Ren and the First Order.

  • Deployment: Limited - Restricted to the use of [member=Ara Zambrano].

  • Teräs Käsi: A weapon in their own right, the Black Hand have had extensive training in melee combat and hand-to-hand techniques such as Teräs Käsi. Their training is among the highest offered to those outside of the Order of Ren, sanctioned by the First Order Bureau making them deadly even when disarmed.

  • Melee Weapons Technicians: Experts within all variations of melee combat, these elite warriors have been taught how to make the most out of whatever form of close quarters weaponry they might get their hands on. Training across a broad range of techniques including the forms of lightsaber combat but not limited to such practices.

  • Force Practitioners: Trained in the Force by Ara Zambrano and Caehl Ren prior to their granted positions standing guard in place of Brennan Cabrol, these great warriors have been honed to the level equal to that of a Knight of Ren within the First Order. Their primary skills and abilities learned are Force Sense, Precognition, Force Corruption, Telekinesis and Tutaminis.

  • Single Purpose: These Praetorians have been trained specifically to combat any threat put forward before the Queen of Pantha, their skills therefore have been solely focused in the art of combat, both hand-to-hand and specialized melee weapons training. While the likes of other soldiers will carry a variety of skills and traits distracting from their prime objectives, the Praetorians do not and will otherwise be an intimidating but sadly useless presence if not for a scene of violence.

  • Points of weakness: The armor for which these Praetorian Guard carry have significant points of weakness and are otherwise left vulnerable in places such as the thighs, back of the knees, underarms and throat where the defensive plating is weakest and more likely to be penetrated by the likes of melee assaults.

  • Force Reliant: As Force Practitioners, these warriors of power and darkness can naturally be fought against with Force nullifying objects or artifacts. The Ysalamiri for example will counter and prove their abilities null and void, as well as the effects of specific armor variants which are designed to combat Force Users.

The Black Hand are the Royal Guard to the Queen of Panatha and the Pacanth Expanse. By connection to both the First Order and Kaine Zambrano, the Dark Lord of the Sith and his Empire in the Northern Territories, this elite group of warriors have been trained in the use of the Dark Side of the Force.

Their armor has been designed from the FOPG-BDU-01 Military Armor of the First Order, as well as the incorporation of the attire of the Praetorian Guard, black in tone with a red underlining of their cloak and shroud to set them apart from the likes of the Empire's Praetorian.

These individuals have undergone extensive indoctrination and manipulation of the mind and body to harness their fanatical loyalty to that of [member="Ara Zambrano"], their one and only priority, he protection from any possible threat. They are the strong silent type due to the removal of their tongues to ensure maximum security over sensitive information.

Their numerous variations of weapon training and practices consist of melee based swords, staves and pikes; yet their foremost choice of arms come in the form of Crimson Bladed Lightsaber Pikes for which are equal to the blades of lightsabers and able to compete against the weapons of both Jedi and the Sith. These Pikes however too come with the same short comings of Lightsabers and energy based weapons in that they will be shorted out by cortosis and can otherwise be countered by lightsaber resistant metals.


Well-Known Member
[member="Brennan Cabrol"]

Brennan Cabrol said:
Availability: Rare.
  • Reduce this to Unique, please.

Brennan Cabrol said:
Ranged Disadvantage: Armed and trained for close quarters confrontation with both non-force users and force users alike, the Praetorian Guard fall short in the ranged aspect of combat, armed with only melee weaponry they are required to close in for the kill.
  • This isn't quite true, given that they're Knight-level FUs with training in Telekinesis, which affords them considerable Ranged combat capabilities.
  • Please replace this Weakness with something more appropriate.

Brennan Cabrol said:
Their numerous variations of weaponry consist of melee based swords, staves and pikes, resistant to the blades of lightsabers
  • What makes these staves / pikes / swords resistant to lightsabers?
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