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Approved Location The Black Mountains of Dorin

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  • Intent: Make a landmark to flesh out Dorin's unique geography and climate.
  • Image Credit: AI image generated with Bing Image Creator
  • Canon: N/A
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Links: Baran Do | Dorin
  • Landmark Name: The Black Mountains of Dorin
  • Classification: Mountain Range
  • Location: Dorin
  • Affiliation: Dorin / Baran Do
  • Size: Large
  • Population: Insignificant
  • Demographics: The Black Mountains are very sparsely populated. Mostly by Baran Do Sages seeking hermitage within the mountain range. Others are impermanent survey and scientific teams that regularly visit the area to study it.
  • Accessibility: Actually going to the Black Mountains isn’t difficult. It’s not guarded or closed off to the public. But it is ill advised for people trek there without specialized training.
  • Description: The Black Mountains looks much like the name would suggest. It is a large collection of ridges where every summit is darkened at the top with obsidian. Giving the mountain range an eerie appearance. The weather is often extremely tempestuous. So the peaks of the mountains are often observed in dark storm clouds to those at a lower altitude.
The Black Mountains Weather Bunker:
Nestled securely within one of the various mountains is a bunker. Where the primary function is to study the weather and climate of the region. To give early warnings to surrounding areas if one of the violent storms moves out from the mountain.


The Black Mountains are a select part of an ancient mountain range on Dorin. Where every mountain and ridge is what is locally called a “Slag Summit”. A Slag Summit being a mountain that’s peak has been regularly struck by lightning for eons to the point of having been turned to slag and cooled back into dark obsidian. Slag Summits are found all across Dorin. What makes the Black Mountains unique is that it has the largest collection of Slag Summits on the entire planet.

This is because of a unique weather phenomenon that forms in the area. It is in a prime spot on Dorin for powerful lightning storms to regularly occur. Storms that are often considered extremely violent even by Dorin standards. Thus the near constant lightning strikes have darkened all of the mountain peaks within the area. Some nights the thunder can be so bad that the tops of mountains can be observed glowing a deep red, having been once more turned to molten slag.

Since ancient times slag summits have been the subject of many myths. Often deemed to be forbidden to enter given their eerie appearance to onlookers. As even mother nature dares not reclaim the peaks of such mountains. Leaving them barren and lifeless. Also they were generally avoided since if someone was there and caught during a storm. They would be smited by lightning, and by the end of the storm, vaporized with zero remains. Some considered such a fate to be divine retribution for trespassing on sacred lands inhabited by a god or spirit.

The Black Mountains in particular are often said to be an ancient battleground for powerful gods and spirits. Who seek to dominate the mountain range, the side effect of their divine power being the powerful storms that rage across the Black Mountains. Many within the Baran Do order consider the Black Mountains to be very strong in The Force. Throughout the Order’s thousands of years plenty of Sages have taken pilgrimages to the Black Mountains. Some even take permanent residence there as hermits to further understand its mysteries…
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