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Public The Black Pyramid (Jutrand)


It was a mirror of The Black Pyramid that once thrived on Coruscant. Aris stared up at the black building, a frown on his face. Silver hair had been dyed black to properly mark him as one of the scions of the Zambrano line. It wasn't a lie, after all. But he had questions that needed answers, and the best place, the only place, he could think to get them was the Malsheem. Where a majority of his people lived survived. The Serpent's message still rang in the back of his mind, as did his sole desire.

As he told Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti , he didn't want to be a god.

He turned his gaze to Balun Dashiell Balun Dashiell , giving the boy a small nod. The last time they were here, they didn't linger long. Aris never got his answers then, but this time, he would. "Stay close, we shouldn't be bothered. I think."

Time would certainly tell if that would be true. Regardless, he walked forward into the Pyramid. It was time to sort out what he'd learned.

Equipment | In Bio

Location | Jutrand

Tag | Aris Noble Aris Noble

This place was really the only place she considered home, having grown up here she had learned about her people thanks to this pyramid. As one should expect, the area wasn't bankrupt on any culture or smells.

The passion for arts was clear all around, and the smells of fresh foods hung heavily within the air.

Dumplings, noodles, meat pies.. The list went on.

Brooklyn sat near the entrance, enjoying her bowl of dumplings. It was normal to see new faces enter this place, but hardly ever a new face that belonged to her people. Her interest was enough to take a stand up from her chair, paying for her meal before heading over to great whoever this was.

"Hey! Don't think I have seen you around before, you new around here?"

She was the type to normally have no social anxiety, just get right in and get to know people.

The girl smiles, offering a hand to Aris.

She had no markings of any Sith Lord, no stronger aura of a Knight.. This was perhaps just a student of the nearby academy.


@No One . . . Yet

The mission was simple. Observe and do not interfere. A task Kal-El was familiar with. All it took was a little blending in, keeping low and out of sight, and finding higher ground. No one ever looked up, especially if one such as himself kept their distance. He never thought a pyramid would be in his plans for today, but every day brought its own fair share of surprises, right?

I sure hope this doesn't stay too boring.

Crisscrossing his legs, Kal simply cracked open the lid on his refreshment before taking a sip and looking ahead. Maybe another time, he would take the day for a little sightseeing.

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"Stay close, we shouldn't be bothered. I think."

"This is ballsy, even by my standards", Balun muttered under his breath as he stood alongside Aris Noble Aris Noble . Getting up to mischief on Jutrand and getting a better eye on the Sith Order had been the plan the last time they had run into each other here, but Aris had gone and one-upped him with the plan to walk on into one of their Temples.

He was going to comment that Aris' name was not enough to save them when, out of the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of Brooklyn Zambrano walking towards them. Balun Dashiell had neglected to bring anything that might make him stand out, save for his Lightsaber, which hung from his belt; he otherwise wore a pair of dark blue leggings and a similarly dark tunic to match. What he considered to be casual clothing given his preference.

"Hey, yeah, we are. I was asking this guy if I could be shown around, but he's fresh in, too," Balun replied to Brooklyn Zambrano, stepping aside so that she could better see him. It wasn't a lie; Balun wanted to learn more about the Sith. Ever since Nouqai Veil Nouqai Veil joined them, he has been curious as to why they appealed to her.

Kal-El Kal-El


"It's only ballsy if it was a lie."

He was, ultimately, the grandson of Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex . That'd never be a lie. And with the black hair, Aris looked more like a son than anything else. A true blooded Zambrano. Aris glanced to the girl who approached them though, giving a faint smile as he did. Calm, collected. It helped that he wasn't too good at showing emotions sometimes.

Meant he was better at controlling them.

"There's no better place for the Epicanthix, don't you agree?" As a fellow, that had to work out right? He took the hand, giving it a firm shake. His people appreciated strength, even on Niv Hani where they sought peace, not war. He imagined it was the same here. Hoped it was. "Aris Zambrano. It's good to find another already. Have you been here long? Perhaps you can show us around."

Balun Dashiell Balun Dashiell | Kal-El Kal-El | Brooklyn Zambrano Brooklyn Zambrano

Equipment | In Bio

Location | Jutrand

Tag | Aris Noble Aris Noble Kal-El Kal-El Balun Dashiell Balun Dashiell

As she shook hands with Aris, Brooke would tilt her head a little at the words of Balun.

"Fresh in? Meaning you just moved here? If so, where you both from?"

Her questions weren't obviously asked to place pressure, it was easy to see the girl was just curious.

"There's no better place for the Epicanthix, don't you agree?"

"I suppose, but many would argue that Malsheem has more on it."

Brooke taps at her chin, looking around.

"Well.. Depends on what you are looking for. Places for food or arts are obvious, as for beds? Mm, preference to be honest. And also depends on your budget.. Right downnnnn-"

She gestures to a pathway north of the main plaza they were in.

"That way. A nice place, just a few credits and you can rent a bed for ages. Well, for an Epicanthix you can."

Next her eyes glance at the saber that Balun had on their hip.

"You an apprentice? I know that some stay at the academy, but you said you were uhh what was it.. 'fresh in'?"

"You an apprentice? I know that some stay at the academy, but you said you were uhh what was it.. 'fresh in'?"

Balun shook his head in response; "I've had prior training", he informed Brooklyn Zambrano Brooklyn Zambrano , taking a moment to consider whether he ought to divulge his previous connection to the New Jedi Order. It was a solid story that wouldn't require him to lie and thus show any signs of physical or physical deception via his influence on the ethereal energies that flowed between the three Force Users.

"It may not make me a favourite around here, but hell with it; I was raised on Coruscant, but I left the New Jedi Order. One of the Jedi Masters there betrayed my best friend, their apprentice and then deceived everyone into thinking she was dead to hide his shame that she had joined the Sith Order. You might know of her, Nouqai Veil Nouqai Veil ?" Balun explained without a flaw nor hint of deception, speaking casually and openly with the Sith Acolyte, only pausing to glance at Aris Noble Aris Noble . "The Wookie Jedi was cast out, but not before I walked away. Now I'm here," he shrugged, a rather blunt conclusion.

"Nouqai told me about the Sith here on Jutrand. She's tied in with House Malum...-Or Marr, something like that," he added shortly after that. "Like I said, I'm fresh in, so don't quote me on the details". Balun's honesty would likely take Aris back, but he wasn't stupid. Balun had lived off his own accord for two years since his leave of the New Jedi Order, though not for the reasons he implied today; the boy had still blurred the lines of moral responsibility to get by, and he had learned how to adapt and survive on world's far harsher than the Jedi Temple had been.

"What about you? Any Skeletons in your closet?" He turned the conversation back over to Brooklyn, curious to learn more about her. So far, she had been nothing but cordial and as Balun had experienced before, this was not the face of the Sith that the Jedi often taught their students.


"Mm. Lunch sounds like a good idea."

He wasn't looking for a bed, more, looking for information. But he wasn't about to start shouting that he wanted to know where the Malsheem was, especially given he was a Zambrano. He should know, after all. Grant it, he didn't expect to hear everything Balun said. He blinked, the only sign of the surprise as he looked to the other boy. So that's why he'd left?

But to think he was friends of a student of Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr . His expression tightened, just a little, as he thought about how that man tried to burn Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti . That was the level of danger they were here among. Right at it's heart.

His gaze did turn to Brooklyn though, as he smiled. "The Malsheem is indeed our new homeland. I hope to properly visit it soon. My family spent a long time abroad after Panatha. I've never been."

Brooklyn Zambrano Brooklyn Zambrano | Balun Dashiell Balun Dashiell

Equipment | In Bio

Location | Jutrand

Tag | Aris Noble Aris Noble Balun Dashiell Balun Dashiell

"No.. I can't say that name rings a bell.."

Her tone went from openly friendly, to now keeping a slower pace.. No doubt suspicious now.

"You seem to have a lot of emotion building over it, perhaps you could use that later?"

She says with a raised brow, if she were in his shoes.. That cowardly Jedi would have sparked her to get revenge for such actions. Brooklyn was a woman who respected martial ability, and for a Jedi master to act such a way? A shame upon their order indeed..

"Your honesty is appreciated, but it would be wise to keep such information to yourself. Others may not take kindly to it.."

Brooklyn sighs.

"Mm? Well that makes two of us then, I never have been to the Malsheem myself either. It moves about, and the overseers here would tan my hide if I went on a trip. No no, only approved locations to drop me.. Like Krayiss II."

By her tone it was clear she didn't have the fondest of memories of that planet.

"Your friend here, what's his name?"

She gestures to Balun, asking Aris.

"No.. I can't say that name rings a bell.. You seem to have a lot of emotion building over it, perhaps you could use that later? Your honesty is appreciated, but it would be wise to keep such information to yourself. Others may not take kindly to it.."

Balun nodded in agreement. Brooklyn Zambrano Brooklyn Zambrano was correct in that it had pissed him off, though not the reason for his leaving the New Jedi Order as Aris Noble Aris Noble silently assumed; it did make his choice somewhat more manageable. "Appreciate the advice. I'll do that" he replied before falling silent and allowing Aris to take the lead in the conversation. At the same time, Balun turned his attention to the rest of the Temple, his eyes searching for others as if searching for someone familiar.

Nouqai Veil Nouqai Veil was the only Sith member he still considered a friend. However, that didn't mean he hadn't congregated with their type before. Cordelia Dimitte Cordelia Dimitte , previously from House Marr, had also been a Sith Acolyte when they met. They had even grown close, and a relationship had sparked between the two, the Light in him and the Darkness in her creating an exciting aspect to their pairing, although often a discussion that would see them both on opposite sides until Cordelia eventually turned away from the teachings of the Sith Order. Ironic that it wasn't until she saw the light, that their relationship came to an abrupt end.

"Your friend here, what's his name?"

"Hm?" Balun's attention was pulled back to the two as Brooklyn's voice had been directed towards him. "Name's Balun" he added, his hands falling into the pockets of his pants, standing there casually among the Sith Temple. He couldn't help but grin as he looked at the pair and wondered what Julius Sedaire Julius Sedaire would make of all of this. "Are all of you as welcoming?" he would ask curiously. The Jedi often painted the Sith as backstabbing Narcissists. However, this wasn't the first time their kind had shown him civility.


So there were others who hadn't been brought to the Malsheem even here? Inwardly Aris let out a sigh of relief, but now he was glancing between Brooklyn and Balun. So far, they weren't being threatened or put in danger. This was a good start, but if he wanted the information he required, being outside wasn't going to be enough. He nodded his head once before he looked to the doors and stepped towards them.

"I think I'm going to find something to eat."

Balun Dashiell Balun Dashiell | Brooklyn Zambrano Brooklyn Zambrano

Equipment | In Bio

Location | Jutrand

Tag | Aris Noble Aris Noble Balun Dashiell Balun Dashiell

Just the fact they asked if everyone was like her was a clear as day sign these two never had once stepped foot on this planet...

"Welcoming? Well.. Everyone is different, commonly you run into asshats."

Sith society was one that welcomed those with passion, and a burning desire to stand at the top.

"My name is Brooklyn."

She offers over a hand to Balun, if taken she would give him a sturdy handshake. Her skin was rough, hands worn from training and skirmish.

"Have you ever had the traditional foods of our people before?"

Brooke asks Aris, taking a step with him assuming Balun would follow as she showed the two around.


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