Classification: Attack Droid
Weight: 150kilogram
Movement: The Blade has a single pair of bipedal legs, though it has been known to run on all fours to increase speed. On these two legs the Blade can reach speeds about equal to the most in-shape humanoid.
Armaments: The Blade is armed with a simple triad of weapon. The First and perhaps most powerful weapon is hidden behind a veil of its blade like face. The Blade is able to peel back the armor that surrounds its face to reveal a humanoid skull like face. When it then opens the skulls mouth it emits a a high pitched screeching noise at about 350 decibels. This sound is loud enough to kill via rupturing the lungs and other internal organs. The second weapon the Blade carries is much like its namesake, a large pair of blades is able to extend itself from each of its forearms. These blades are made of prhik, and are thus lightsaber resistant, they are also continually coated in the strange nanites all of Omni's droids contain so if one receives a cut by these blade they are infected. The last weapon the Blade caries are two beam emitters in the palm of its hands. These emitters draw power directly from the droids central core and act much like a blaster would with about the same rate of fire and intensity as an e-11 carbine.
Misc. Equipment: The blade carries the same sensor package and communications array that all of Omni's droids do. Along with this however The Blade is equipped and fashioned with a specialized outer coating. All across its body are tiny Ultrachrome blade like mirrors. The Blade is able to fashion and move these about creating smooth reflective services whenever it is necessary. This allows the Blade to be incredibly blaster, laser, and even Lightsaber resistant.
History: The Blade was fashioned as a droid to directly combat the Jedi and Sith menace. This droid and its outer layer was designed to reflect and refract lightsaber blades rendering the weapons useless. This also means that the Blade is incredibly acrobatic and flexible. It is incredibly hard to fight even for the Highest level Jedi. The one drawback to this droid however is that it was entirely independent. Unlike many other droids within Omni's army The Blade is not constantly connected to the central hub. This creates a drawback because it makes the Blade an independent agent, it see's with only its own eyes and sensors package. This is unlike the Seraphim who “see” with every pair of droid eyes that Omni controls.