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Approved NPC The Blue Devils(The Thusarak Family)

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Rekali the Hutt


Image Claim: Spiker from Star Wars canon.

Name: The Blue Devil/The Thusarak Family
Intent: To Flesh out the History of Trevel’ka, and Rekali the Hutt’s operations.
Affiliation: Rekali the Hutt, The Underworld, Credits, Speeder/Swoop parts.

Availability: Uncommon

Quality: C - Trained

Type: Swoop Gang

Strength: Around Five Hundred strong total, with no more than Two Dozen deployed at any given time.

Trevel’ka was originally a mining world that dried up long before anyone could remember, and since then has been a mess of a slum affixed around the entire planet. Finding itself populated with a strange milieu of species, one of which being the Thusarak Family of the Chiss. They claim they were a proud engineering family on Csilla before the Gulag Plague, but no records of them can be found before integrating to Trevel’ka. While some doubt their claims, none doubt their mechanical skills, with the Thusarak Family becoming some of the most skilled mechanics on Trevel’ka with a single objective in mind.

Going fast.

While the Chiss have a calculating nature they are not absent from passions, with the Thusarak Family’s passion being making the quickest and fastest speeder bikes they could manage. Technology in general is a commodity on Trevel’ka, and the ability of the Thusarak Family to systematically analyze and cannibalize parts to serve their needs did not escape notice. Smaller gangs attempted to kidnap and capture the Chiss mechanics, but the responses of the Thusarak Family were precise, orchestrated, and usually resulted in the disbanding or surrender of the offending gang. This efficiency earned the Thusarak family the moniker “The Blue Devils”, a name they embraced wholeheartedly, printing it on the backs of their leather jackets. Despite their reputation and tactical prowess The Blue Devils never felt the need to expand, just defend what they had, always playing the defense in gang wars. This isolationist mentality along with a group discipline and ruthless efficiency allowed the Blue Devils to become one of the oldest gangs on Trevel’ka, where border and territory maps could be redrawn yearly.

Seeing them as a potential boon in Rekali the Hutt’s campaign to take the planet the Hutt first reinforced his own crew with a number of Blas-Tech weaponry. While nothing revolutionary it gave them a decided advantage against other gangs, who largely used the cobbled together tech of the Four Hundred Years Darkness and was only slowly integrating into the galactic market. From there the Hutt imported a number of speeders and speeder parts, before heading over to their territory for negotiations. The Hutt proposed to absorb the Blue Devils in a corporate fashion, providing them with arms, speeder parts, and new territories in which to race freely, in return for their technical support, help defending the Hutt’s territories, and ultimately their allegiance.

It took a lot of time for the Blue Devils to come a decision. The Blue Devils would never help Rekali the Hutt expand his territory, but they agreed to become a defensive and mechanical facet of the Underworld. They primarily serve in an engineering capacity, maintaining the Underworld’s ships and equipment, but are also occasionally called upon to help defend Rekali the Hutt’s territory on Trevel’ka. They’re often on a jury-rigged speeder with far too much acceleration, armed with a jury-rigged Power or Energy lance and deadly intent, attempting to overwhelm infantry with sheer speed and providing anti-vehicle capabilities.

Power Lance
Energy Lance
Aggressive Negotiations – Blue Devils first mentioned, Rekali the Hutt obtains shipment of weapons necessary to throw his weight around.


[member="Rekali the Hutt"]

Very nice and simple. I see nothing wrong with this.

I'm going to hand this to another judge now for the second check.
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