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Approved NPC The Blue Kaths

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OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To give some backstory towards Candez Stoon's past

​Image Credit: Image for Sigil was made by self

Role: A small gang



Group Name: The Blue Kaths

Classification: Gang

Headquarters: Coruscant

Loyalties: Torvas Flymm (Leader

Candez Stoon (Ex Gang Member)

Group Sigil:

Description: The Blue Kaths were a bunch of ruffians set up on the planet of Coruscant. Claiming underworld territory and causing trouble against other gangs as well as upsetting the populace. They are a small group, ranging from twenty to thirty members. They have a rather good source of weapons, which give them a chance to make a strong stand.


Hierarchy: This small group operates like a standard criminal gang. With one leader, a couple underlings and the rest grunts.
The leader has a tamed Kath at their side at all times, and the underlings better armor and weapons than the grunts. Recruits tend to come with their own gear, and then when they become grunts they are given weapons and equipment supplied to the gang by allies.
The leader, known among the gang as The Hound is capable of carrying out anything from executions of gang members to ordering strikes on targets. The underlings, known as the Fangs ensure his word is law. The grunts are known as the Horns, and follow the word of the Hound. The recruits have no title, as the title is earned through initiation.

Membership: To join, there is an initiation of the recruited traveling to Dantooine, and claiming an ear of a hunted Kath. This ear is then displayed upon a wall in the headquarters.

Dogma/Doctrines: Follow the lead, and never betray. These were the words of their leader. Follow the law of a pack, stay as a group. A rather simple rule, and that was all they followed. Whatever else, goes as long as it does not go against the gang itself.

Curios: They carry a marking on their neck, their sigil tattooed in blue.

Goals: Gang activities. Claim territory for themselves, make a name, blast away the competition.

MEMBERS Candez Stoon (Ex Gunsmith Member)

Torvas Flymm (Leader)

The Blue Kaths were first formed in the Dantooine system. A small group that decided to live outside, away from civilization. A few young people wanting to run away from it all. And that was just what they did. Eventually, they started hunting Kath’s for hide, and one day accidentally hunted some domesticated Kath’s…but they grew a taste for it. For crime, after they had been caught. A thrill from it. So, they did it again, and again and again got away with it since then. Slowly they also began to grow, young people looking for an escape and a place to do what they wished.
And here the Blue Kaths were formed as a full gang. This was around when Candez joined, making weapons for them to continue their criminal activities. After he left for reasons currently unknown, they grew more. And eventually, they grew bored of Dantooine.
They left for Coruscant once the residents had finally had enough. On the way they met some people who joined who proved to be rather knowledgeable in the way of gangsters and they evolved. Became more than something small. Got a good source of weapons and equipment, and such. They became a threat for other gangs in their area.
[member="Candez Stoon"]

Over all this looks good. If you can link your character sheet in either Loyalties or Membership (not picky as to which) I can stamp this.
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