Image Source: Scott Robertson
Affiliation: Personal
Manufacturer: Ezra
Model: Custom
Modularity: No.
Production: Unique
Material: Durasteel
Classification: Starfighter
Length: 45 metres
Height: 25 metres
Width: 20 metres
Armament: 0
Special Features: The "Blue Mage", as Ezra has named it, does not include any technology capable of providing holographs. The ship does not have any devices that may work as a mic. Having been built solely to be able to support Ezra as a shelter and a base of operations for his 'work', many of the features are specifically excluded to maximise his anonymity. With no devices capable of working as a mic, his voice cannot be recorded if his ship is--on the very off chance--hacked. A lack of holographic devices will not be able to project him either. There are no devices that may work as a camera either. Ezra strictly communicates through messages of pure text. However, the Blue Mage does have speakers that allow for audio. Paired with his computer screen, Ezra is capable of receiving audio messages or videos as seen necessary. The ship has only three compartments. The front of the ship is extremely small, solely for piloting the ship. The middle is the 'work' room, where his computer is. Also small, but with a bit more room to move around in. The back of the ship is the 'rest room', where he sleeps. Aside from interior, the ship is fitted with a basic Hyperdrive. There are powerful thrusters built by Ezra himself, made primarily with the intention of agility and maneuverability. The output of thrust is easy to control. The thrusters area mainly in the back, focusing power on moving forward. There are few, smaller and weaker thrusters around the sides of the ship and the front, only to--in sometimes literal situations--back out of tight spaces, or 'strafe' on occasion. The ship's thrusters can be disconnected from the power-source of the ship, the same being for the hyperdrive. The computer can be cut off from the power-source of the ship as well, forcing the device to power off. The power-source of the ship is entirely solar based, with the ship being able to store solar energy received for later time (especially useful for hyperdrive uses). All of the drives for the computer are removable. The computer itself is extremely low-tech, with very few functions, minimising opportunities to get into the local systems.
Maneuverability Rating: 6
Speed Rating: 4
Hyperdrive Class: 10
- Minimalist
- Small
- Large enough to live in
- Small
- Lack of features
- No defensive equipment
Description: Originally a heap of scraps with the 'skeleton' of a broken ship as the base of its build. After Ezra had compiled spare parts and pieces of technology to rebuild the spacecraft to his own preferences, it became functional. Overtime, Ezra has added parts to (or subtracted parts from) the ship, slowly building to be what he considers ideal. Functions or lack thereof include: No mic/holographic communication/cameras, forward-thrust centred propulsion system, basic hyperdrive, low-tech computer, and audio-capability.
Development Thread: If Necessary.
Intent: To give my character a home that matches his preferences, history, occupation, and overall factors of what constitutes him.
Who Can Use This: Ezra
Primary Source: N/A
This is my first factory submission; apologies if I missed anything.