Rhen Ordo
Liquid Smoke
There was a quiet, nearly imperceptible click of a power cell being slid into place, accompanied by a low hum that would go unheard by all but those who were intimately familiar with the art of war in a way that any of the Mandalorians had been in the ages past and still were in the present. With a final check that the relative systems of the weapon were operational the mercenary and bounty hunter both in question, who happened to belong to the famed warrior culture as well, sighted carefully through the scope of the rifle, simply scanning the surrounding area with the greater zoom that the technology allotted him.
Typically not one to utilize any kind of ranged weapon, preferring to be in more close quarters, this was a bit of an odd scenario for Rhen. But the relative familiarity that he may or may not have had with using the rifle wasn't a concern of either him or his employers, so he lay prone on the rooftop, surveying the scene. Thus far there was no sign of his mark, this or that apparent criminal mastermind who was to be meeting with [member="Sage Bane"], leader of the Ko Hentota cartel. The latter man was of little to no concern, though he was listed as a person of interest at the very least to the hunter.
Minutes passed, and finally, slowly, his target stepped into sight. A man of nondescript appearance, he was no different than what one would typically expect for Nar Shaddaa. Besides, what he looked like didn't concern the Mandalorian, unless it came to whatever weaponry he may have had on his person. But with his playing sniper in this situation, even that wouldn't be much of a concern. All there was left to do was wait for him to come within a reasonable range, and it would be over in enough time that it took either of them to blink.
As the man walked he followed him in the crosshairs, letting them drift over first his chest and then his head, only observing for now, waiting for the meeting to inevitably begin, during which he would hopefully be given his chance to fire.
Typically not one to utilize any kind of ranged weapon, preferring to be in more close quarters, this was a bit of an odd scenario for Rhen. But the relative familiarity that he may or may not have had with using the rifle wasn't a concern of either him or his employers, so he lay prone on the rooftop, surveying the scene. Thus far there was no sign of his mark, this or that apparent criminal mastermind who was to be meeting with [member="Sage Bane"], leader of the Ko Hentota cartel. The latter man was of little to no concern, though he was listed as a person of interest at the very least to the hunter.
Minutes passed, and finally, slowly, his target stepped into sight. A man of nondescript appearance, he was no different than what one would typically expect for Nar Shaddaa. Besides, what he looked like didn't concern the Mandalorian, unless it came to whatever weaponry he may have had on his person. But with his playing sniper in this situation, even that wouldn't be much of a concern. All there was left to do was wait for him to come within a reasonable range, and it would be over in enough time that it took either of them to blink.
As the man walked he followed him in the crosshairs, letting them drift over first his chest and then his head, only observing for now, waiting for the meeting to inevitably begin, during which he would hopefully be given his chance to fire.