The Spacepiress of Chaos

It had seemed to be many years since she last had taken the time to provide a service, not to just the Confederacy as a whole; for the people within the Confederacy as well. Truth be told, it had been years, and in all that time many things had happened. From the woman resigning a prestigious position that she had held previously, her own self-imposed exile from the Capital, and now, at the end of all that, she once more stood upon the world of Naboo ready to serve the Confederacy once more. The horizon was still bleak, and many things seemed to wait upon it; with the fall of the Sith Empire and the fear that gripped nations of those same individuals infiltrating their own administrations; a fear that had also gripped the Confederacy, it had only been more recently that the Vicelord
Darth Metus
had once more taken his rightful place as the guiding shepherd of the Confederacy after the problematic duration in which
Daegon Corvinus
of Thyferra had held the position. There were always those moments in which she had thought that perhaps had she not resigned her position of Grand Marshal, she could have otherwise prevented the tragedy that unfolded above Rhand; kept those mired in the conflict in line better than the leader that had overseen the operation, and who had subsequently resigned and fled to the New Imperial Order upon its failure. That was neither here, nor there, and for now, those thoughts were easily pushed to the back of her mind - for she had more pressing matters to attend to and to focus all of her attention upon.

White tresses slowly fell down her back as she stepped from the shower, water still clinging to her scarred figure as she reached for a towel. Though it was a brilliant day outside, the shutters and drapes had all been drawn shut for her own protection, keeping the harmful UV rays away so as to prevent any burns. It was one of the downsides of her species, not being able to enjoy the sunlight, though she had become so accustomed to hiding away from it that it no longer bothered the woman; preferring the darkness and the night, finding an odd comfort within. Though, given her audience today, it was not an option to hold the event late at night as they would need their own rest in order to ensure proper growth. The attire she would choose for the day was simple, nothing too outlandish or over the top; chosen more for comfort than to be flashy or catch a certain eye. No, she wanted the audience to focus on the reason they were there; a soft smile crossing her lips as slender fingers carefully ran over the book that sat before her on the table. The Datacron - a special kind of Holocron that even a Non-Force User like herself could easily use, had come into her position some many years prior; it had been so long that even she had forgotten where she had acquired the item, having found it sitting quietly on some dusty bookshelf in her home prior to pulling it free so many years ago. Now it sat once more, waiting patiently for the woman to finish preparing herself so that it may be brought forward into the Galaxy once more.
It took her very little time to finish getting ready once she had freed herself from the shower, and as she slipped away from the book, she had managed to get herself clothed and prepared in mere moments; accomplished thanks to the desire to be comfortable rather than regal in her appearance. A soft sigh would slip from her lips as she pulled on the crimson-colored coat, taking a moment to make sure it was snug against her form as she lightly pulled on the cuffs and smoothed out its collar. Slipping her hands into the pockets, she took a moment to admire herself, turning to the left before, in turn, shifting to the right side as she carefully preened over her appearance. Though she wasn't attempting to look regal, she still wanted to look presentable, to catch her audience's eye prior to the book catching their attention. Once she was satisfied, she moved back towards the table, golden-yellow hues falling upon the book as she carefully lift it free and cradled it into her arms. The small cottage in the lake country had been a favorite haunt of hers in years prior; reclaimed upon her return to the Confederacy and ultimately her placement as the High Marshal of the Capital Sector.
With the book in hand, she made her way towards the front door, stepping out onto the veranda and shielding her eyes for a moment from the glare of the sun. It was the sudden appearance of an umbrella that made it just slightly more bearable as she nodded to the driver that had been patiently waiting for her arrival. Cradling the book close, as though she was ensuring that it would be protected, she remained within the shade of the umbrella, quickly striding from the veranda to the waiting hovercar that would take her to the city. The trip itself would take little time, despite just how far out into the Lake Country that her cottage had been; which would ensure that she had all the more time to provide to her audience for that day - wanting to make sure that she could at least provide four or five stories, and perhaps one or two shorter once between them to allow them a moment to breathe and relax between the excitement that would be flowing through their veins. As the vehicle made its way towards Theed, the Capital of Naboo as well as the Confederacy, she thought back to the last time that she had done this, a soft smile crossing her lips as she remembered the gown that she had originally worn and its regal appearance. Perhaps, she thought for a moment, that she should have worn something similar, though she doubled down on the idea that comfort would win out the day; after all, she was already in the vehicle and dressed, she couldn't just switch now, could she?
Perhaps she would change into something else later on, for now though, it would remain the simple attire that she had chosen as she carefully leaned back in her seat. With one leg crossed over the other, she let out another soft sigh, a smile still upon her lips as she closed her eyes. She wanted to rest for a moment, as much as she could, even as the vehicle was rapidly making its approach to the city. Her hands carefully slipped over the cover of the book, it was as though she was memorizing each little imperfection that the Datacron held and committing it to her memory as her slender fingers slipped over the large gem that rests upon the cover - the singular piece that would allow the keeper of the Datacron, Odan-Urr, to appear before those that would be gathered for the stories that the book held. Truly, the Book of Stories was wonderful, and it was high time that it be brought to life once more for the enjoyment of others in the darkest times that had befallen the Galaxy and the Confederacy. For with War once more upon the horizon, and threats from across the Void looming, a moment of peace and tranquility could mean all the world to those within the Confederacy - and if she were able to bring that peace and tranquility to a child, then this was a worthy endeavor that she would allow consuming her time and that day; work could wait.
As the vehicle pulled up in front of the Library, she was glad that the shadow of the building was casting over her path into the structure, a soft nod to the driver as she patiently waited. As the door slowly opened, she slipped out gracefully, the book remaining tucked into against her side within the confines of her right elbow. Her left hand carefully came to rest atop the book as she stepped forward, again thanking the driver as she made her way into the library. A soft echo of each footstep would ring out, announcing in its own way her arrival as she made her way towards the section that was put aside for children. She hadn't expected many to show, though she was amazed to see just how many had arrived; familiar faces and new faces fell upon her as she stepped forward - her smile providing just the smallest hint of her fangs as she nodded quietly.
"Thank you all for coming, its a pleasure to see so many familiar faces and so many new faces as well. Has everyone found their seat? Are you all comfortable?"
Her voice rang out in a soft melodic tune, not the same tone that she would normally take or utilize when speaking with others. No, for this audience, a softer, kinder tone was needed and would be provided as she took her own seat. Crossing one leg over the other, she rest the book in her lap against her legs for a moment as her hands came to rest against her knees. Golden-yellow hues carefully looked over the crowd as she smiled again before leaning forward just slightly. Her attention was not upon the parents, and at that moment she seemed to allow the background to fade away so that her only focus, her only reason for being there were the children that sat patiently and excitedly upon the floor - some laying, though she could not blame them for wanting to be comfortable. Her smile tugged at her lips, allowing her fangs to show just a bit more as she lightly ran her slender fingers over the book that remained in her lap.
"I have a special treat for you all today; some of you remember this treat, others, this will be your first time to be introduced to a fantastic and very special book. This, this is the Book of Stories..."
Leaning back just slightly, she held the book up to allow the children to peer at the Datacron, the gem on the front seeming to glow just slightly as she slowly opened the book to reveal that nothing was inside, just the gem itself. Each page, what few were there, were all blank; that was the magic behind the book though. Before she gave anyone a moment to speak up, even as she ignored some of the frustrated sighs and groans from child and parent alike, she smiled softly. She understood that perhaps they were thinking, expecting something else, though they would see the magic soon. As she leaned back, bringing the open book down just slightly and shifting so that she could rest it against her lap; her slender fingers ran along the sides of the book, the gem glowing just a bit more brightly, then it was time, time to speak those words that would bring the book itself to life and show the children and parents what they had been waiting for - the Magic...
"Once upon a time, in a Galaxy Far, Far Away..."
Her voice trailed off as the book suddenly burst to life, the gem shining a brilliant green-blue hue as the image of an ancient Draethos appeared before the children. The male stood silently, his image appearing to carefully smooth out his robes and the clothing, and accessories that adorned his figure before offering a pleasant welcoming nod to the children. The being seemed to step forward before his voice rang out softly, speaking so that all could hear.
"I am Jedi Master Odan-Urr, builder of the Great Jedi Library of Ossus, and founder of a revised Jedi Code. This Datacron that the individual before you holds is very special, it is known as the Book of Stories. Within its pages are stories both ancient and new; holding both wonder and sadness, though the stories themselves are old, they have touched the hearts of many, and I hope that they will touch your hearts as well. Now is the moment that you take hold of your imaginations; select a story, and enjoy the journey that it takes you upon..."
The being stood silently once he had finished speaking, his regal appearance waiting patiently for a story to be chosen. Memories of the previous time that she had taken out of a busy schedule to read to children quickly flooded into her mind once more as she thought about what to read to the children. She remembered such stories as 'The Little Jawa and the Little Blue Sandcrawler that Could', or 'What's This?', and even 'A Visit from Saint Nicholas'. What story should she tell this time though? Then, a moment of inspiration struck, and she smiled as she leaned forward just so slightly, golden-yellow hues falling upon the children once more as she offered a wonderful story that had come to mind.
"I have the perfect story to begin our day with, and it is a story of two individuals that deeply love and care for one another. In fact, these two seem to always be within arms reach of the other, saving one another from dangers both great and small. This is the Story of
Allyson Locke
Taiia Mataan
; 'The Steadfast Starfighter Pilot'."

She smiled softly as she leaned back, her hands carefully running along the book as she held it steady in her lap before speaking those magical words that would bring it to life once more; for now, was the moment that the day would begin, and the children would have their time to enjoy. Their first story, 'The Steadfast Starfighter Pilot'...
Chaos NaNo 2021: 2,326

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