Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Public The Book of Stories Part II | Electronic Bookaloo



It had seemed to be many years since she last had taken the time to provide a service, not to just the Confederacy as a whole; for the people within the Confederacy as well. Truth be told, it had been years, and in all that time many things had happened. From the woman resigning a prestigious position that she had held previously, her own self-imposed exile from the Capital, and now, at the end of all that, she once more stood upon the world of Naboo ready to serve the Confederacy once more. The horizon was still bleak, and many things seemed to wait upon it; with the fall of the Sith Empire and the fear that gripped nations of those same individuals infiltrating their own administrations; a fear that had also gripped the Confederacy, it had only been more recently that the Vicelord Darth Metus Darth Metus had once more taken his rightful place as the guiding shepherd of the Confederacy after the problematic duration in which Daegon Corvinus Daegon Corvinus of Thyferra had held the position. There were always those moments in which she had thought that perhaps had she not resigned her position of Grand Marshal, she could have otherwise prevented the tragedy that unfolded above Rhand; kept those mired in the conflict in line better than the leader that had overseen the operation, and who had subsequently resigned and fled to the New Imperial Order upon its failure. That was neither here, nor there, and for now, those thoughts were easily pushed to the back of her mind - for she had more pressing matters to attend to and to focus all of her attention upon.
White tresses slowly fell down her back as she stepped from the shower, water still clinging to her scarred figure as she reached for a towel. Though it was a brilliant day outside, the shutters and drapes had all been drawn shut for her own protection, keeping the harmful UV rays away so as to prevent any burns. It was one of the downsides of her species, not being able to enjoy the sunlight, though she had become so accustomed to hiding away from it that it no longer bothered the woman; preferring the darkness and the night, finding an odd comfort within. Though, given her audience today, it was not an option to hold the event late at night as they would need their own rest in order to ensure proper growth. The attire she would choose for the day was simple, nothing too outlandish or over the top; chosen more for comfort than to be flashy or catch a certain eye. No, she wanted the audience to focus on the reason they were there; a soft smile crossing her lips as slender fingers carefully ran over the book that sat before her on the table. The Datacron - a special kind of Holocron that even a Non-Force User like herself could easily use, had come into her position some many years prior; it had been so long that even she had forgotten where she had acquired the item, having found it sitting quietly on some dusty bookshelf in her home prior to pulling it free so many years ago. Now it sat once more, waiting patiently for the woman to finish preparing herself so that it may be brought forward into the Galaxy once more.
It took her very little time to finish getting ready once she had freed herself from the shower, and as she slipped away from the book, she had managed to get herself clothed and prepared in mere moments; accomplished thanks to the desire to be comfortable rather than regal in her appearance. A soft sigh would slip from her lips as she pulled on the crimson-colored coat, taking a moment to make sure it was snug against her form as she lightly pulled on the cuffs and smoothed out its collar. Slipping her hands into the pockets, she took a moment to admire herself, turning to the left before, in turn, shifting to the right side as she carefully preened over her appearance. Though she wasn't attempting to look regal, she still wanted to look presentable, to catch her audience's eye prior to the book catching their attention. Once she was satisfied, she moved back towards the table, golden-yellow hues falling upon the book as she carefully lift it free and cradled it into her arms. The small cottage in the lake country had been a favorite haunt of hers in years prior; reclaimed upon her return to the Confederacy and ultimately her placement as the High Marshal of the Capital Sector.
With the book in hand, she made her way towards the front door, stepping out onto the veranda and shielding her eyes for a moment from the glare of the sun. It was the sudden appearance of an umbrella that made it just slightly more bearable as she nodded to the driver that had been patiently waiting for her arrival. Cradling the book close, as though she was ensuring that it would be protected, she remained within the shade of the umbrella, quickly striding from the veranda to the waiting hovercar that would take her to the city. The trip itself would take little time, despite just how far out into the Lake Country that her cottage had been; which would ensure that she had all the more time to provide to her audience for that day - wanting to make sure that she could at least provide four or five stories, and perhaps one or two shorter once between them to allow them a moment to breathe and relax between the excitement that would be flowing through their veins. As the vehicle made its way towards Theed, the Capital of Naboo as well as the Confederacy, she thought back to the last time that she had done this, a soft smile crossing her lips as she remembered the gown that she had originally worn and its regal appearance. Perhaps, she thought for a moment, that she should have worn something similar, though she doubled down on the idea that comfort would win out the day; after all, she was already in the vehicle and dressed, she couldn't just switch now, could she?
Perhaps she would change into something else later on, for now though, it would remain the simple attire that she had chosen as she carefully leaned back in her seat. With one leg crossed over the other, she let out another soft sigh, a smile still upon her lips as she closed her eyes. She wanted to rest for a moment, as much as she could, even as the vehicle was rapidly making its approach to the city. Her hands carefully slipped over the cover of the book, it was as though she was memorizing each little imperfection that the Datacron held and committing it to her memory as her slender fingers slipped over the large gem that rests upon the cover - the singular piece that would allow the keeper of the Datacron, Odan-Urr, to appear before those that would be gathered for the stories that the book held. Truly, the Book of Stories was wonderful, and it was high time that it be brought to life once more for the enjoyment of others in the darkest times that had befallen the Galaxy and the Confederacy. For with War once more upon the horizon, and threats from across the Void looming, a moment of peace and tranquility could mean all the world to those within the Confederacy - and if she were able to bring that peace and tranquility to a child, then this was a worthy endeavor that she would allow consuming her time and that day; work could wait.
As the vehicle pulled up in front of the Library, she was glad that the shadow of the building was casting over her path into the structure, a soft nod to the driver as she patiently waited. As the door slowly opened, she slipped out gracefully, the book remaining tucked into against her side within the confines of her right elbow. Her left hand carefully came to rest atop the book as she stepped forward, again thanking the driver as she made her way into the library. A soft echo of each footstep would ring out, announcing in its own way her arrival as she made her way towards the section that was put aside for children. She hadn't expected many to show, though she was amazed to see just how many had arrived; familiar faces and new faces fell upon her as she stepped forward - her smile providing just the smallest hint of her fangs as she nodded quietly.
"Thank you all for coming, its a pleasure to see so many familiar faces and so many new faces as well. Has everyone found their seat? Are you all comfortable?"
Her voice rang out in a soft melodic tune, not the same tone that she would normally take or utilize when speaking with others. No, for this audience, a softer, kinder tone was needed and would be provided as she took her own seat. Crossing one leg over the other, she rest the book in her lap against her legs for a moment as her hands came to rest against her knees. Golden-yellow hues carefully looked over the crowd as she smiled again before leaning forward just slightly. Her attention was not upon the parents, and at that moment she seemed to allow the background to fade away so that her only focus, her only reason for being there were the children that sat patiently and excitedly upon the floor - some laying, though she could not blame them for wanting to be comfortable. Her smile tugged at her lips, allowing her fangs to show just a bit more as she lightly ran her slender fingers over the book that remained in her lap.
"I have a special treat for you all today; some of you remember this treat, others, this will be your first time to be introduced to a fantastic and very special book. This, this is the Book of Stories..."
Leaning back just slightly, she held the book up to allow the children to peer at the Datacron, the gem on the front seeming to glow just slightly as she slowly opened the book to reveal that nothing was inside, just the gem itself. Each page, what few were there, were all blank; that was the magic behind the book though. Before she gave anyone a moment to speak up, even as she ignored some of the frustrated sighs and groans from child and parent alike, she smiled softly. She understood that perhaps they were thinking, expecting something else, though they would see the magic soon. As she leaned back, bringing the open book down just slightly and shifting so that she could rest it against her lap; her slender fingers ran along the sides of the book, the gem glowing just a bit more brightly, then it was time, time to speak those words that would bring the book itself to life and show the children and parents what they had been waiting for - the Magic...
"Once upon a time, in a Galaxy Far, Far Away..."
Her voice trailed off as the book suddenly burst to life, the gem shining a brilliant green-blue hue as the image of an ancient Draethos appeared before the children. The male stood silently, his image appearing to carefully smooth out his robes and the clothing, and accessories that adorned his figure before offering a pleasant welcoming nod to the children. The being seemed to step forward before his voice rang out softly, speaking so that all could hear.
"I am Jedi Master Odan-Urr, builder of the Great Jedi Library of Ossus, and founder of a revised Jedi Code. This Datacron that the individual before you holds is very special, it is known as the Book of Stories. Within its pages are stories both ancient and new; holding both wonder and sadness, though the stories themselves are old, they have touched the hearts of many, and I hope that they will touch your hearts as well. Now is the moment that you take hold of your imaginations; select a story, and enjoy the journey that it takes you upon..."
The being stood silently once he had finished speaking, his regal appearance waiting patiently for a story to be chosen. Memories of the previous time that she had taken out of a busy schedule to read to children quickly flooded into her mind once more as she thought about what to read to the children. She remembered such stories as 'The Little Jawa and the Little Blue Sandcrawler that Could', or 'What's This?', and even 'A Visit from Saint Nicholas'. What story should she tell this time though? Then, a moment of inspiration struck, and she smiled as she leaned forward just so slightly, golden-yellow hues falling upon the children once more as she offered a wonderful story that had come to mind.
"I have the perfect story to begin our day with, and it is a story of two individuals that deeply love and care for one another. In fact, these two seem to always be within arms reach of the other, saving one another from dangers both great and small. This is the Story of Allyson Locke Allyson Locke and Taiia Mataan Taiia Mataan ; 'The Steadfast Starfighter Pilot'."
She smiled softly as she leaned back, her hands carefully running along the book as she held it steady in her lap before speaking those magical words that would bring it to life once more; for now, was the moment that the day would begin, and the children would have their time to enjoy. Their first story, 'The Steadfast Starfighter Pilot'...
Chaos NaNo 2021: 2,326

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Shifting so that she was comfortable, her hands gently grasping the book that rest in her lap, she smiled softly while watching the children as some seemed to inch ever closer, their little cheeks held in their hands as they gazed up at the woman. Those that were laying on the floor seemed to crawl closer, wiggling as they made themselves more comfortable; she'd even seen some of the parents pull up chairs of their own to sit and listen along with their children. Once everyone was comfortable, and it seemed that all were ready, the woman offered a smile once more as her slender fingers carefully slipped over the book again, grazing against the gem as it softly glowed and the figure of Odan-Urr stood, waiting to hear the words that would bring the book to life. She understood that not everyone would appreciate a love story, though that was the beauty of what she was doing, she had placed aside the entirety of the day to ensure that she could read a story that everyone would like and that would fit their own little imaginations. She was doing this purely for those children that had gathered and it had been a long time coming since the last time.

"Once Upon a Time, in a Galaxy Far, Far Away..."

As she began, the book sprung to life and the image of Odan-Urr faded from view; oddly enough, it also seemed as though the lights themselves around the children's section dimmed until only the greenish-blue hue of the light that came from the book could be seen. The image slowly opened, revealing what appeared to be a box, decorated in colorful images and depictions of soldiers and pilots. The children all moved in closer, wanting to get the best view that they could as the image danced before them, and she continued.

"Once Upon a Time, in a Galaxy Far, Far Away, There was once five-and-twenty tin Starfighter Pilots, all were brothers and sisters born of the same old tin spoon. They cradled their helmets at their side and all looked straight ahead of them, splendid in their uniforms, all purple and black. And the very first words that they would hear "Starfighter Pilots!" excitedly shouted from a small boy that clapped his hands and lift the lid of their box on his birthday before immediately setting them upon the table.

All the Starfighter Pilots looked exactly alike, the brothers alike in every aspect, the sisters the same; all alike, except for one. She looked a little different, as though cast last of all; shorter than the rest and an eyepatch over one eye. There she stood though, as steady as the others - soon though, you'll see, she'll be the remarkable one."

Just then, a little hand shot straight up, an eager little girl rocking back and forth in her seat as though she could no longer contain the question or her excitement. A soft smile and a simple nod were more than enough from the woman to let the girl know that it was okay to ask her question; and she listened carefully and intently as the little girl spoke up with a big grin, unafraid to show off the missing tooth in the front.

"Is that... Is that Allyson Locke Allyson Locke ?"

"It is little one, it is indeed."

The woman said with a soft smile and a hushed tone, as though she was telling the little girl that it was once more time to listen so that she could continue her story. For the unique Tin Starfighter Pilot was indeed Allyson and the story was only just beginning. With a soft hush, and holding her slender finger to her lips, she quieted the murmuring of the children before returning to the story, the image once more focusing upon the little Tin Starfighter Pilot with an eyepatch.

"On the table with the Starfighter Pilots were many other playthings, and at the center was a stunning, marvelous palace that not a single eye could miss. Its little windows, which you could look right inside; its front, with miniature trees and a little mirror for a lake - while little toy swans swam, reflected by the mirror. All of this was pretty, very much so indeed, however, the prettiest of all was the little lady Taiia Mataan Taiia Mataan who stood in the open doorway of the castle. Though she was merely a paper doll, her dress was made of the fluffiest of gauze, a tiny red ribbon over her shoulder for a scarf. She held out both arms just as a ballet dancer does, with one leg lifted high behind that Allyson could not see it from where she stood.

"That would be a wife for me." Allyson thought. "But maybe, maybe she's too grand. She lives in a Palace, I have only a box, with four-and-twenty Starfighter Pilots to share it. That's no place for her. But I must try to make her acquaintance." Allyson stood stiff as when she stood at attention, laying down behind a matchbox, so as to admire the dancer who kept standing on one leg without ever losing balance.

Then as the evening came, and the other Tin Starfighter Pilots were put away in their box, and the people of the house went to bed; now the toys began to play amongst themselves at visits, and battles, and at giving balls. The Tin Starfighter Pilots rattled about in their box, for they wanted to play too, but could not get the lid open. The Nutcracker made a feast, and the datapads squeaked out jokes. The toys all made such a noise that they woke up the
Convor who had been sleeping in their cage - the bird made them a speech, all in verse. Yet there were only two who stayed still throughout, the Tin Starfighter Pilot Allyson and the Ballet Dancer Taiia, steadfast; not once did Allyson take her eye off her.

And, just as the clock struck twelve, a loud - clack! and thunk! - up popped the lid of the matchbox. There were no matches in it, rather, out bounced a little black bogey, Valeria de la Vallée Valeria de la Vallée . "Tin Starfighter Pilot," she said. "Will you keep your eye to yourself?" Allyson pretended not to hear.

Then the bogey said, "Just you wait until tomorrow."

Again, another little hand quickly shot up, another small child, already with tears welling up in their eyes, rocked back and forth. The woman could already see that the child was worried about what was going to happen to Allyson, though she would still calm their fears. With a soft hushing tone, she nodded quietly as she spoke up, her golden-yellow hues falling upon the child.

"Do not worry little one, we shall find out soon what happens to Allyson and Taiia. There is nothing to fear. Shall we continue?"

She asked softly, watching as the little hand slowly dropped back down and the other children seemed to come in closer. Some were holding onto each other, perhaps out of fear or to encourage the other to remain as steadfast as the Tin Starfighter Pilot Allyson. This was the part of her stories that she enjoyed, seeing the children become engrossed in them, drawn into them, worried for those that were at their very heart. Clearing her throat with a soft cough, she continued their story, leaning forward just slightly as the book continued to bring the story to life before their eyes.

"When the morning came, the children arose, the Starfighter Pilot was set on the window ledge. Whether it was the bogey that did it, or there was a gust of wind, all of a sudden the window flew open and Allyson pitched out headlong; falling at breathtaking speed, landing head first, with her blaster pistol buried between the stones of the path - legs stuck straight in the air. The nanny droid and the little boy ran down to look for her, nearly stepping on the Tin Starfighter Pilot, they walked right past without seeing her. If Allyson had called, "Here I am!" they would have surely found her, but she thought it contemptible to raise an uproar while she was wearing her uniform.

Then it began to rain. The drops fell faster and faster until they came down by the
camtonoful. It seemed as it would continue without end, though as soon as the rain let up, along came two young troublemakers that found Allyson stuck in the path.

"Hey, look!" one said, "There's a tin starfighter pilot. Let's send her sailing."

With a sheet of paper, they made a boat, placing Allyson in the middle of it, and away she went down the gutter with the two children running beside her clapping their hands. The ways splashed high, and the water ran fast down the gutter as it had just been raining by the camtonoful. The boat pitched and tossed, and sometimes it would whirl about so rapidly that it made Allyson's head spin. Allyson stood as steady as ever, never once flinching, her attention front and her blaster pistol held high. Suddenly the boat rushed under a long plank where the gutter had been boarded over. It was as dark as the tin box that Allyson shared with her brothers and sisters.

"Where, where can I be going?" Allyson wondered. "This must be Valeria's revenge. If only Taiia were with me, it could be twice as dark here for all that I would care." As Allyson pondered and worried, out popped a large rat that lived under the plank. It snarled and screeched, holding out a crooked hand as it pointed at Allyson. Hissing slightly, its tail and whiskers twitching. "Have you a passport?" It said. "Hand it over!"

Allyson kept quiet and held her blaster pistol tighter. On rushed her boat, and the rat came behind, gnashing teeth as it called out to the debris. "Halt her! Stop her! She didn't pay the toll. She hasn't shown her passport." The current ran stronger and stronger; daylight ahead, though a roar of terror, could be heard, and right at the end boat plunged from the gutter into the canal, into a whirlpool. As staunch as ever, no one could say a thing nor as much as beat an eye. Three times the boat spun around, it filled to the top - and was bound to sink. The water was up to her neck, and still the boat went down, deeper, deeper, deeper, and the paper got soft and limp."

"What of Allyson! She has to get back to Taiia!"

A little voice called out, tears welling up in her eyes as the woman smiled softly, a slight chuckle escaping as she leaned forward. A hushed sigh as she looked to the other children before her gaze fell upon the young girl on the verge of tears.

"Shhh little one, the story is almost done, worry not. All things can have their happy endings, not everything that is dark is scary."

The woman straightened up slightly, offering a reassuring smile as her gaze slipped over the children, each of them on the verge as they seemed to inch closer. She could see the tears in some as they welled up, and she smiled slightly as she returned to the book. The story was not finished just yet, no, there was still more - the story would continue as the woman took a slight breath and read on to assuage the fears of the children.

"Water rushed over her head. She thought of Taiia, fearing she'd never see her again, and in her ears rang an old, old song: "Farewell, farewell, O warrior brave, Nobody can from Death thee save." The boat broke beneath her, and the starfighter pilot sank right through. And just at that moment, she was swallowed by a most enormous
scalefish. My! how dark it was inside that fish. It was darker than under the gutter, and it was so cramped, but Allyson was still staunch. She lay there, full length, with blaster pistol held high. Then, strangely, the fish flopped and floundered in a most unaccountable way. Finally, it was perfectly still, and after a while, something struck through him like a flash of lightning.

Daylight, Allyson saw daylight again, and she heard a voice say, "The Tin Starfighter Pilot!" The fish had been caught, carried to market, bought, and brought to a kitchen where the cook cut him open with her knife. She picked Allyson up bodily between her two fingers and carried her off upstairs - after a good washing. Everyone wanted to see this remarkable traveler who had traveled about in a fish's stomach, but the tin Starfighter Pilot took no pride in it. They put her on the table, and lo and behold, what curious things can happen in the world-there she was, back in the same room as before. She saw the same children, the same toys on the table, and there was the same fine Palace with Taiia. She still balanced on one leg, with the other raised high. Taiia too had been steadfast. It touched Allyson deeply that she would have cried tin tears, only Pilots never cry. She looked at Taiia, and she looked at Allyson, and never a word was said. The two were snatched up and placed upon a high shelf, overlooking the palace without the bogey insight, together, at last, Allyson had her wife Taiia..."

The woman smiled softly as she looked up from the story, the greenish-blue image of Allyson and Taiia slipping away until all that remained was Odan-Urr standing patiently, waiting for the next story to begin. The woman looked to the children, her eyes slipping over them as she offered a soft smile, seeing some of them wiping tears from their eyes and cheeks, some sobbing happily as the two were reunited. There was still time for plenty more stories, and she wanted to make sure they could get a few more in; and as she sat there, she looked at the list, slowly scrolling through them as she could already hear the children murmuring again, wondering what the next story would be. With a slight smile and a hint of her fangs, she looked up and motioned quietly as her slender fingers slipped over the book.

"We've more stories to come, though I've found our next. Shall we hear the story 'We Live in a Tree for One Month Every Year'?"

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As the children settled once more, their tears wiped away and the wonder and happiness once more growing, the woman smiled slightly as she watched them inch closer or snuggle against their siblings. She even watched as some of the parents themselves seemed to be intently listening to the stories - though she thought for a moment that perhaps it was time for a small change of pace. The last story, having been as grandiose as it was, would give way to something a bit shorter, a couple of small stories that would allow them to relax and settle their emotions before they would dive into yet another lengthy tale. For that reason, she had two stories lined up, both of which she was more than happy to tell in short succession; knowing that each would be well received by the children and perhaps the parents would enjoy them as well. As she shifted slightly, she kept her hands lightly holding the book, ensuring that it did not slip-free and fall to the floor as she carefully leaned back slightly to allow herself a bit more comfort.

"So children, are you ready for your next story? I have two that I'm sure you'll both enjoy and this time they are much shorter than the first. It will give us time to enjoy the stories a bit more and allow our emotions to settle and subside after the tumultuous journey that we've just returned from. Now then children, settle in, and make yourselves comfortable, for our next story will begin soon."

The woman cooed softly as she encouraged the children to make themselves as comfortable as possible. For a brief moment, she quickly checked a clock hung up on the wall at the far end, a soft smile remaining upon her lips as they still had plenty of time - more than enough for at least five or six more stories before they would have to part ways for the evening and return home to rest and dream of the stories they heard here today. When the children were ready, their attention fully upon her and the book that she held in her lap, she nodded softly before once more beginning. Those magical words slipped across her lips as she began...

"Once Upon a Time, in a Galaxy Far, Far Away..."

Her voice trailed off as the book once more came to life, the image of Odan-Urr slowly fading away as the scene was set for the next story. A modest cottage in the countryside appeared, slowly the image shifted and changed until it showed the interior, a tree in the corner, and a family around it, each decorating it with all the trappings and trinkets of the season. Her voice once more rang out as she continued the story - the lights dimming away and all that remained was the green-blue hue of the book as it brought the story to life.

"We are fragile and immortal, between Voorpees and Starbirds. Eleven months of the year we sleep, wrapped in tissue and cloth in bright colorful boxes until we are lifted and carried down - carefully uncovered. The tree is ready, covered in lights, glass balls, and golden ribbons. Each year it is a stranger, a strange-smelling, god-like thing, sticky with sap, that knows things we do not.

Light comes down through the box lid, it stays on till we hear the only songs that we know, until a little girl lifts them off. For so many Life Days now she has been tall enough and knows all of us that are worth knowing - making sure that we stay by our loved ones and our friends. She makes sure that we do our jobs."

As she was ready to continue, she took a moment to look up, watching as the children leaned forward and continued to watch the dancing image of the tree, the little girl, and the family all decorating it with their trinkets from the boxes. A soft smile crossed her lips as she remembered back to a time when she was much younger than she was now; to a time when her own family had similar gatherings, even despite how poor they had been in those days. Quickly brushing a tear from her cheek before others had a chance to see it form, she returned to the story, the images shifting and dancing with each word that was spoken.

"The Nerf Herder must await his Nerfs. The Ronto puppet and the Top Hat Tusk Cat are married now, after a long courtship. The beautiful glass Sun Dragon must hang a little hidden from view, with a blue or red light to illuminate him. Only then can his magic and beneficence filter through the house. All of the other precious ornaments must be seen, even if they are new.

The old and unlovely are hidden below the window and behind the tree, but never do they stay in the box. The new and unlovely go high, facing the window, but away from the family. They shout back to us about passerbys and dogs, which we have not seen for some time. Diathim and moons and suns and stars must go near the top. Avians nestle in the lower branches, except for the Bimmisaari Tiga Lorengs, which must wait on Seraphina Corvinus Seraphina Corvinus ; the angel that holds the reigns of the world - which are the golden ribbons - placed to the highest point of the tree and she watches over all of us."

"Seraphina is soooo pretty...."

A little voice could be heard before they sheepishly hid behind their hands, little fists balled together to cover their mouth and prevent another outburst.

"I like the Nerf Herder's nerf..."

Another little voice called out, the children all pointing to the images as they danced before their eyes, each enamored with the story as it was brought to life. There was no need to scold them; rather, it brought a warmth to her heart as she watched and listened to the children point in awe to their favorite parts as they were brought up. Clearing her throat slightly with a soft cough, she looked to the book and continued, a soft tone slipping through as the images continued to dance before the children.

"The green satin rocking Kybuck mourned and would not stop mourning the death of the blue stain rocking horse - chewed up by a dog - and while he hung sad and lonely low forever so many years, he is gone now, and no one knows how he went. After we have heard our songs two or three times through, the box is carried away, and life begins. We talk and visit, and love each other. We watch the people of the house, and the people of the street, and we cast our various magics on them. We talk to the new tree, we love to hear about the snow and traveling above streets, and about other trees; about the moment when the old man put his hand on the tree, and shook it, and chose it for our own, and would take it home and string the lights so that the girl could go to work. Oh, the strangeness of being strung with lights! The feeling of being all lit up and beribboned and becoming a world ruled by an angel!

Trees that are stranges can never stay long. They change as people do, and their marvelous smells fade. Seraphina would tug on her golden ribbons, her face growing sad, and when the old woman takes us off the tree and wraps us in fresh paper, we cling to the branches for and whisper "goodbye-goodbye!" And as we go into the paper we will say just Au Revoir! Auf Wiedersehen! We will think of the songs in our sleep, dear tree, until we meet again!"

Slowly the image would fade away from Seraphina and the tree, slipping away as once more the children saw the home; the snow still fresh upon the ground as Life Day has passed - and then - the home itself would slip away until nothing remained save for a blank image, allowing the children a moment to reflect on the story. It was only a short moment later when Odan-Urr appeared once more, as though he had been waiting in the wings and made his approach from the side of the stage. His attention now upon the children just as much as theirs had been upon the book - and as the lights began to brighten just ever so slightly - the woman smiled as well.

Every year held new things, new experiences, and in time, Seraphina and the boxes of trinkets and ornaments would have a new tree, a new world to call their own before once more sleeping again. As she ran her slender fingers over the book, she looked to the children, her smile remaining upon her lips as she leaned back slightly and took a moment to ponder. A slender finger pressed against her pursed lips as she thought of the next story, and near instantaneously one came to mind. As she leaned forward, she looked to the children.

"Our next story is also a short one, though it is one I'm sure you'll enjoy, and perhaps you've heard it before. It is well known by many, and to be honest, it was a personal favorite of mine when I was just as small as you."

"Will I grow to be as big as you?"

A little voice piped up from the back, a small hand waving in the air. The question brought a soft chuckle to her as she nodded quietly, golden-yellow hues falling upon the little child.

"Perhaps you will. You'll grow big and strong, and perhaps you'll even grow bigger than me. We shall see though sweet child, we shall see."

The woman said as she turned her attention once more upon the book. Her fingers lightly tapped the side as she let out a soft sigh and regained her focus and attention. It was time to announce the next story, and as she had said, it was one she was fond of - memories of reading it with her little sister filled her mind; happier times prior to when she lost her family - the only memories she had of them that she was afraid of losing. Maybe that was the reason she had read this story so many times to her own daughters when they were little.

"Our next story is 'The Cobbler Oleander Webb Oleander Webb and the Fairies Phalsi Drynchen Phalsi Drynchen and Lace Verd Lace Verd ..."

Chaos NaNo 2021: 1,781

The day was progressing as it had been planned, with no interruptions and nothing derailing their journey thus far, and she hoped that nothing would otherwise prevent her from finishing the stories. They had only made it through two, though they had time for at least four or five more, depending on how short or how quickly they were able to get through each. She was sure that she had also allotted some time for any questions or comments that the children might have felt the need to birth into the galaxy at that moment - having no problem with their excitement and their inability to keep it contained. For now, though, it was time to prepare the next story and begin the tale that was laid out before them, the Book of Stories awaiting those magical words that would bring it to life and reveal the wonders that were held within the Datacron. Golden-yellow hues slipped over the children, watching as they eagerly awaited the next story as she carefully shifted so that the book would not tumble from her lap. As the children seemed to lean in towards the book, she smiled softly as her voice rang out in a soft tone that danced upon the air and filled their minds.

"Our next story little ones is a tale of The Cobbler and The Fairies. Pay close attention children; remember, always respect the fairies and they will respect you in kind. Perhaps, when you go home tonight, you may be able to entice one or two to help you if you leave out the proper offering. However, just as many are as likely to harm you as they are to assist you, so be careful when dealing with the fair folk."

Seeing that she had the children truly drawn in and their attention captured, she smiled sweetly before looking down at the Book of Stories, the image of Odan-Urr waiting patiently for those magical words that would bring forth the story from deep within where it dwelt, waiting patiently like all the rest. They had waited long enough, years, since the last time the book had been opened and its contents brought forth - now it was their turn. Now it was the turn of a story of Fairies to be brought forth and to capture the imagination of the little ones before the woman.

"Once Upon a Time, in a Galaxy Far, Far Away..."

She began, her voice slipping out in a strangely melodic tune - if it weren't for the fact that she wasn't Force Sensitives, it could have easily been argued that she was using some kind of Force Power. With her smile still upon her lips, her fangs showing just slightly, the lights in the room began to dim once more as the Book of Stories came to life. The green-blue hue filled the room as the image of the Cobbler began to coalesce into existence before the children and Odan-Urr faded from their view.

"Once Upon a Time, in a Galaxy Far, Far Away, there lived Oleander Webb Oleander Webb , a Cobbler, who worked very hard and was very honest - though still had much to learn to be as honest as Honest Moe Uilor Moe Uilor . Still, hard times had befallen Oleander and he could not earn enough to live upon, and at the last, all he had in the Galaxy was gone, save just enough Nerf Leather to make one pair of shoes.

So, he cut his Nerf Leather out, all ready to make up the next day, meaning to rise early in the morning to his work. His conscience was clear and his heart light amidst all these troubles. Peaceably going to bed, leaving all his cares to the heavens, soon falling asleep. Rising the next day, he sat himself down to his work, when to great surprise and wonder, there stood the shoes all readymade upon the table. Oleander knew not what to say nor think as to what transpired for such an odd thing to happen. He went about investigating the workmanship - not a single false stitch; all neat and true - a masterpiece of craft.

That very same day, a customer came in, and the shoes suited the Corellian so well that he was willing to pay a price higher than usual for them. Oleander, with the money, bought Nerf Leather enough to make two pairs more. That evening, he set about cutting out the work and then retired early to sleep that he might rise and begin the next day; again though, he was saved all the trouble. When he awoke that morning, the work was already finished, ready to his hand. Soon into his ship came a Rodian and Twi'lek - paying him handsomely for his goods; so that Oleander bought Nerf Leather enough for four pair more."

"Miss, miss..."

A shy little voice slipped up, and a little hand waved back and forth from the back. The woman smiled sweetly, not minding the interruption as she slightly nodded to show that she was paying attention to the children, ready to answer any questions they might have. She noticed though that it was a young Twi'lek girl; sure she had a question about the Twi'lek that had just appeared in the story. The woman always endeavored to ensure that the stories had some similarities or shown species just as those that had gathered in there in the Library to listen to the stories.

"Yes, little one?"

The woman asked softly, her golden-yellow hues falling upon the young girl. The girl seemed shy, her hands quickly holding onto her Lekku and lightly rubbing; an understanding forming within the woman's mind as she realized just how shy and withdrawn the girl was. Patience was all that was needed, and she was more than willing to wait for the question.

"Was... was the Twi'lek like me?"

It took her a moment to realize that the girl's skin was red, one of the rarer colorizations for a Twi'lek. It was understandable - she was also likely afraid of what would happen later in life, though the woman would do her best to calm her fears. She did not want the girl to worry about the attention that her skin would draw towards her when she had grown.

"Yes, yes she was. Not only was she like you, but she was also the owner of her very own starship, and the Rodian that was with her was her first mate."

With a soft smile upon her lips, she saw the girl's face brighten and a smile of her own drew from ear to ear. She looked to the Mother, receiving a nod of approval as she looked back to the book - ready to continue on with the story, though allowing a moment to pass in the event that any other questions would arise from the children. In her own life, she understood what it meant to be different and how much it could affect a child to be viewed as such. Clearing her throat, she continued, her slender fingers holding firm upon the book as she read.

"In all that time, of Oleander purchasing Nerf Leather and cutting it; only to rise the next morning and the work to be finished - he became thriving and well off. One evening, about around the time of Life Day, as he and his wife were sitting near the fire chatting together, a thought entered his mind. "I should like to sit up and watch tonight, so that we may see who it is that comes and does my work." The wife liked the thought, so they left a light burning, and hid in the corner of the room behind a curtain; watching to see what would happen.

As their eyes grew heavy, just as soon as it was midnight, there came two little Fairies, Phalsi Drynchen Phalsi Drynchen and Lace Verd Lace Verd , and sat upon the Cobbler's bench. The work that was laid out that night, they took up all that had been cut out and began to ply their fingers, stitching and rapping and tapping away at such a rate that Oleander was all wonder; incapable of taking his eyes off of them. They went on 'til the job was quite done, shoes stood ready for use upon the table. It was still long before daybreak, and then, the Fairies bustled away as quick as lightning, leaving no trace of their coming besides the finished shoes.

On the next day, his wife said to Oleander, "Those little wights have made us rich, we ought to be thankful to them, and do them a good turn if we can. I am saddened to see them run about as such as they do, with nothing upon their backs to keep off the cold. I will make each of them a shirt, coat, waistcoat, and a pair of pantaloons, and you make each of them a little pair of shoes."

The thought pleased Oleander very much, and one evening, when all things were ready, they laid them on the table - in place of the work that they used to cut out; again hiding themselves to watch what the little fairies would do. About midnight they came, dancing and skipping, hopping around the room before sitting down to their work as usual. But, when they saw the clothes lying for them, they laughed and chuckled, and seemed mightily delighted. Then, Lace and Phalsi dressed in the twinkling of an eye, and danced and capered and sprang about, as merry as could be, 'til at last, they danced out the door, and away over the green.

The good couple saw them no more, but everything went well with them from that time forward, as long as they lived."

With the last words spoken, the image of the two dancing fairies slowly faded from sight; the Cobbler and his wife were shown enjoying their life before they too dimmed and then diminished from view as Odan-Urr reappeared, silently waiting for the next story. The woman smiled softly as she looked up and watched the children, seeing a couple of them wondering already about how they could bring a fairy home. A soft chuckle slipped from her as she watched them murmuring and speaking to one another - even the parents had their own laughs and giggles as they enjoyed the story as well. Talk abounding of learning to sew or to make little shoes for the fair folk.

However, there was something much simpler for the children to do...

"Remember, Life Day is coming soon if you truly want to give thanks and show the Fair Folk respect, leave an offering out for them at night - be it clothing or food - and be mindful of where you walk; respect nature and the realm in which they live."

With that, she looked back to the book, carefully thinking of the next story before it came to mind as those golden-yellow hues fell upon the children once more.

"We still have plenty of time for more stories yet; the next, I'm sure, will entertain many. It is The Days before Life Day, with Kyyrk Kyyrk and Henna Ga'yali Henna Ga'yali "

Chaos NaNo 2021: 1875


As their day continued and the stories flowed freely, the children seemed to be enjoying the simple act of sitting and listening; even their parents had a reprieve from the chaos of the galaxy, a moment in which they could sit and enjoy time with their children and listen to the stories of old and new as they were brought to life by the book that the woman held in her lap. The Book of Stories was truly a marvelous thing, and even the woman could not remember when or where she had acquired it - or perhaps - it was just as simple that it appeared on her shelf one day hoping for a chance to be dusted off and opened once more. This was neither here nor there, and all of these speculations and thoughts on the origin of the book could easily be left for another time - for now - it brought joy to children and that was enough. As her slender fingers ran along the edges of the book, and the pictures of the previous story had faded away, Odan-Urr sat patiently, waiting for the next story to begin, as though the Guardian of the Datacron was enjoying the stories just as much as the children and their parents. The woman smiled softly as her golden-yellow hues carefully slipped over the crowd, noticing that a few more children had snuck into the back and into what little room there had remained; more parents standing or sitting near the back, watching and listening just as intently.

This was the Confederacy that she saw; the one in which everyone could be brought together - even in such a moment as the Galaxy was burning. She knew that it could never last, not by a long shot, however, for now, this moment was all that mattered to the woman - and that was enough. To see the Confederacy immortalized in this moment was enough for her; and perhaps one day, some time off in the far future, as the next owner of the Book would open it to be read from, they would find this story - a moment in time in which one of the highest ranking Military minds of the Confederacy took the moment to sit down and read to children to give them some peace, even if just for a moment. With a smile still upon her lips, and watching the children as they settled down, siblings and friends curling up against one another; it was enough.

Clearing her throat with a slight cough, she looked to the book, remembering what the next story would be - though it was closer to a song than a mere story. With that smile still upon her lips, she carefully ran her hand over the glowing crystal in the middle of the book, before nodding quietly to herself as she looked to the small crowd that had gathered; ready to announce the next story - though also sad that they would need to part soon as their time was slowly running its course.

"Our next story is 'The Days before Life Day', a story of presents given from one individual to another on the days leading up to Life Day."

The woman spoke sweetly in a nearly hushed tone, making sure that the children were comfortable before she looked to the book again.

"Once Upon a Time, in a Galaxy Far, Far Away..."

Slowly trailing off, the words danced upon the air as the book once more came to life. The image of Odan-Urr shimmering and fading away as it brought forth the image of the players in the next story, Kyyrk Kyyrk , a man known across the Confederacy and Darth Voph, and Henna Ga'yali Henna Ga'yali , a Diatham - already in the midst of the first day, the woman began, her tone shifting slightly, becoming more sing-song as the story began...

"On the first day of Life Day a Sith Lord sent to me

A Porg in a Kuvara Tree.

On the second day of Life Day a Sith Lord sent to me
Two Goa Lawah
And a Porg in a Kuvara Tree.

On the third day of Life Day a Sith Lord sent to me
Three Corellian Banshee Birds
Two Goa Lawah

And a Porg in a Kuvara Tree."

And so the song continued, with each day the gifts growing. The book brought each image to life, showing the children the items that were being sent. A porg playfully trilling in a Kuvara Tree; Corellian Banshee birds flying and calling out - though that was not the end, not by a long shot. And as the images continued to dance and flutter about above the heads of the small crowd - the soft green-blue hue filling the room as the lights had seemed to dim once more, the story continued.

"On the fourth day of Life Day a Sith Lord sent to me

Four Blba Trees
Three Corellian Banshee Birds
Two Goa Lawah
And a Porg in a Kuvara Tree.

On the firth day of Life Day a Sith Lord sent to me
Five Bothan Spy Networks
Four Blba Trees
Three Corellian Banshee Birds
Two Goa Lawah
And a Porg in a Kuvara Tree.

On the Sixth day of Life Day a Sith Lord sent to me
Six Felucia Bird a-laying
Five Bothan Spy Networks
Four Blba Trees
Three Corellian Banshee Birds
Two Goa Lawah

And a Porg in a Kuvara Tree."

As the story continued, she glanced up for a moment, a soft smile upon her lips as she saw a couple hands already raised, their eyes sparkling with awe as they focused upon the dancing images above their heads.

"Yes little ones?"

She asked softly, allowing for a moment to answer their questions before once more continuing on with the story.

"What's a Bothan Spynetwork?"

One little voice sounded off, bringing a slight chuckle from the woman as she thought the best way to answer that question - knowing that it would likely go over their head; and wanting to get to the next questions that still needed asking.

"Its a special kind of information network, almost like the Holonet; though not everyone knows about them as they are a secret."

"Can I have a Porg!"

Another chuckle escaped from the woman as she looked to the little girl - though it wasn't something that the woman could outright answer, given that it was not her place. She still did her best as she quickly glanced to the parents before looking back to the child - a little Keshian girl that was still staring bright-eyed at the woman.

"That is a question for your parents; perhaps though, if you're really good, you may get one for Life Day."

Holding a hand up for a moment, she quieted the children, seeing that many were eager and filled with questions. She wanted to answer them all, though she understood that if she took the time to do so, they would run out of time and miss the ending of this story as well as the others that she had planned. Hushing them gently for a moment, she offered a smile.

"Shall we continue little ones. We've not much time left and we still have this story and the others that we must finish before the day is done."

As the children all nodded, and the parents seemed to offer a smile of thanks for the woman's patience, she continued with the story at hand, her voice slipping to the sing-song tone once more as she continued where she had left off.

"On the Seventh day of Life Day a Sith Lord sent to me

Seven Jawas a-scavenging
Six Felucia Bird a-laying
Five Bothan Spy Networks
Four Blba Trees
Three Corellian Banshee Birds
Two Goa Lawah
And a Porg in a Kuvara Tree.

On the Eighth day of Life Day a Sith Lord sent to me
Eight Tuskens a-milking Banthas
Seven Jawas a-scavenging
Six Felucia Bird a-laying
Five Bothan Spy Networks
Four Blba Trees
Three Corellian Banshee Birds
Two Goa Lawah
And a Porg in a Kuvara Tree.

On the Ninth day of Life Day a Sith Lord sent to me
Nine Twi'leks Dancing
Eight Tuskens a-milking Banthas
Seven Jawas a-scavenging
Six Felucia Bird a-laying
Five Bothan Spy Networks
Four Blba Trees
Three Corellian Banshee Birds
Two Goa Lawah

And a Porg in a Kuvara Tree."

She paused for a moment - those golden-yellow hues falling upon the children and seeing them all enraptured by the images that danced above the book. She had been worried about one of the passages, though it seemed that when the image appeared, it had not caused a reaction in the parents - of course she thought it could have been worst had the dancers been Zeltron. With a soft sigh of relief, and seeing a few of the parents nodding their own understanding and urging the story to continue, she returned to the book. Her hands carefully holding it in place as she took in a breath, continuing with the story.

"On the Tenth day of Life Day a Sith Lord sent to me

Ten Sith Lords a-leaping
Nine Twi'leks Dancing
Eight Tuskens a-milking Banthas
Seven Jawas a-scavenging
Six Felucia Bird a-laying
Five Bothan Spy Networks
Four Blba Trees
Three Corellian Banshee Birds
Two Goa Lawah
And a Porg in a Kuvara Tree.

On the Eleventh day of Life Day a Sith Lord sent to me
Eleven Kitonak Pipers piping
Ten Sith Lords a-leaping
Nine Twi'leks Danacing
Eight Tuskens a-milking Banthas
Seven Jawas a-scavenging
Six Felucia Bird a-laying
Five Bothan Spy Networks
Four Blba Trees
Three Corellian Banshee Birds
Two Goa Lawah
And a Porg in a Kuvara Tree.

On the Twelfth Day of Life Day a Sith Lord sent to me
Twelve Ortolan Nalargonist Nalargoning
Eleven Kitonak Pipers piping
Ten Sith Lords a-leaping
Nine Twi'leks Dancing
Eight Tuskens a-milking Banthas
Seven Jawas a-scavenging
Six Felucia Bird a-laying
Five Bothan Spy Networks
Four Blba Trees
Three Corellian Banshee Birds
Two Goa Lawah

And a Porg in a Kuvara Tree."

And with that, the story of the Days before Life Day had ended, the images all dancing to their last as they appeared before the children, slowly fading away until once more Odan-Urr stood silently, as though contemplating the story that had just been told. As the lights began to grow, the green-blue hue of the book slowly fading back to a duller brightness, the woman looked at the children and smiled softly. She could still see their wonder and merriment within their starry eyes, the awe that had been inspired by the dancing images as well as the fun bit of imagery of ten Sith Lords leaping about. As she allowed the children the moment to whisper between one another and ask their questions towards their parents, she took a deep breath whilst looking at the next clock resting upon the wall.

There was still a few hours remaining, perhaps enough for two or three stories - though it would always depend upon their exact length. She thought for a moment as to what the next story would be, the next to hold the imagination of the children and fill their mind with wonder and merriment. Then it came to her as the edges of her lips were tugged softly with a smile, her slender fingers slipping along the edge of the book as she carefully shifted and moved to a more comfortable position. Slipping her left leg so it sat above the right, she rest the book against her thigh as slender fingers lightly tapped upon her knee. She allowed the children a moment once more to settle down, to find their own comfortable positions to ready themselves for the next story.

"We've little time remaining children, though I believe it is enough for two or three more stories. Worry not though, I have our next story in mind, and I am sure that you will enjoy it just as much as the others that we've told today. Our story is 'A Christmas Tree' with Aurelion Nova Aurelion Nova ."

Chaos NaNo 2021: 2025

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