The Spacepiress of Chaos

Naboo, Theed
Theed Royal Library
Confederacy of Independent Systems
The woman sat quietly in the large library, the scent a combination of old books, pumpkin spice, and cinnamon that carefully danced upon the nearly still air of the room - it was that time of the year when things seemed to slow down. The Galaxy, always in some manner of turmoil, seemed to relax and calm during these closing months of the year which so often saw the end of what was colloquially known as 'Invasion Season' as many returned to their homes to adhere to and enjoy some obscure holiday that went by many names. For some, they were going home to enjoy a meal of Giving Thanks with their families, while others, were preparing for such events as Lifeday or any other number of holidays that existed in the Galaxy. For her part, she had decided to take a different path, stepping away from her colder demeanor and permitting her more motherly side to be shown - for at least a few hours within the Library.
Amelia sat quietly in what many could argue was a regal gown - though she felt that its deep red with black accents not only suited her perfectly, it also held a strange uniqueness in celebrating the upcoming holidays that would soon settle over the Galaxy. Resting quietly in her lap was a large book, its facade appearing old as though it had been through multiple lifetimes exposed to all manner of hazards - yet it remained, as it always had been, complete and together. Resting atop of the book itself was a single circular blue gem that seemed to dance and glitter with a life of its own as she carefully brushed her hand over the gem. Looking up from the book, she smiled softly, revealing a slight hint of her fangs as her golden-yellow hues carefully looked over the gleeful and joyful faces of the children that had been brought into the library once their parents had heard of a special storytime that was being held.
It was a strange place for the Grand Marshal - one who was always steeped in war and violence - that she felt calm and collected in front of these children, a chaotic force in their own right, said something about how she so often dealt with the horrors and chaos of war with such ease. That soft smile remained as she leaned forward, both hands gently clasping the book firmly to prevent it from slipping out of her lap and clattering to the floor below.
"Has everyone found their seat? Are you all ready?"
She cooed softly, her voice not the usual tone of disdain and stern coldness that many others likely would have associated with her from their own previous experiences. Slowly sitting back up, she lightly ran her hands over the book that was in her lap - this book though was special. Much in the same way that the Jedi and the Sith had their Holocrons, this book was something similar, though unique in its own right. The Book of Stories was itself, a Datacron - a special kind of Holocron that even a Non-Force User, like the Grand Marshal, could access without the Force. All that she needed was to speak the special passphrase that would unlock the book and the phrase was something both simple and magical.
"Once Upon a Time, In a Galaxy Far, Far Away".
The Book came to life as its clasps opened up, the pages flipping over until they settled on what appeared to be the exact center of the book. The image of - at least in the current standard - an ancient Draethos Male appeared before both the children and Amelia as they sat there. With a quiet bow, the male motioned with his hand, before speaking in what was clearly an older language - though thankfully the book appeared to be capable of translating its speech after a moment or two.
"I am Odan-Urr, builder of the Great Jedi Library on Ossus, and this is the Book of Stories, a miraculous Tome of Stories both ancient and new, please select a story and enjoy the contents within."
Amelia smiled as she watched the children's eyes light up in amazement as the book came to life - watching intently as the figure appeared and spoke as if he had been there in the very room with them, and now sat silently waiting to assist them in what story they would choose. The woman smiled quietly, musing to herself at the enjoyment that these children - and by some extent - their parents were likely feeling as she lightly ran a hand over the edge of the book. Shifting for a moment to be more comfortable - and doing her best to repress the desire to cradle a drink in her hands that would otherwise be inappropriate for the day's event - she looked over a few of the stories that had appeared on the pages before her very eyes.
"Such a myriad of stories Children, and yet we what should we enjoy today?"
The children began to clamor and shout out their ideas, hoping that some story they called out would be present in the seemingly magical book that this strange woman had brought out before them. This clamorous shouting from the myriad of children brought a strange smirk to the woman's lips as she reveled in the apparent chaotic situation - only serving to make her feel all the more at home before that smirked turned into a sly smile. She had found the perfect story, one that she was sure many would like to hear, and what better story to tell to open the children's minds to imagination and welcoming of the coming Holidays.
"Children, I have just the perfect story to start our day off. It is called '

Chaos NaNo: 998