Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The boy who never grew up

Zack, who was in better shape and was laughing now, but walking was out of the question sat with his fairy friend who had much more energy than he did. He smiled as his blind eyes searched aimlessly, he had not felt so happy before nor had he had a friend before. He listened to the fairy as she seemed to be able to do enough talking for the both of them. Little did they know, their little group was about to get bigger.

They hung out in Zack's little cardboard home with Zack sitting on his blanket. This lay in an alleyway outside of a cantina and they were alone. Due to the Black Sun blinding and beating Zack, all the other homeless children would avoid Zack in fear that they would receive the same punishment.

[member="Tyl Ro"] [member="Alesia"]
"I don't really talk to my family anymore. I have alot of siblings though! There's Alek, Alice, Abi, Allana, Andrew, Anthony, Annette, and Akiana in addition me. As-Aki families tend to be large because we don't live very long. My family was trying to marry me off to this guy that was a total jerk, so I left. I've been travelling around the galaxy by myself for a few months now. It's really easy for me to stow away on ships. It's nice to have a friend now though! I've never had many of those before! The worst part of being a stow away though was when people mistook me for a bug! Can you believe it? Just because I have the prettiest wings in the galaxy doesn't mean I'm so kind of bug!" the little fairy blabbered on and on as she sat on Zack's shoulder, tucked into the collar of his shirt, as she was quite cold. [member="Zack Matsumoto"]
Zack listened happily, he didn't mind in the least bit that she talked a lot, it made him feel normal. He smiled at the long list of names, well a slightly crooked smile, but there was no mistake what it was. "Oo ou iss y-your amiy?" He had asked her if she missed her family, he didn't know for sure if she really understood him as he had only known her a few days and he tried not to talk often as it embarrassed him. As they 'spoke' he tied around with a hole in his shoe. He had many holes in his clothing, street kids didn't have the luxory to own wardrobes so he wore the same clothing everyday. This made him wonder why his little friend liked to snuggle in his clothing, but he liked it as it provided him with a fiant idea of love and care, but like everything else he expected her to leave him soon.

[member="Alesia"] [member="Tyl Ro"]
"Sometimes I miss my siblings but they never really understood me. I should go back and see them one day, but I'm scared too. Tradition is important to them and I've kind of thrown every tradition they ever had out the window since I left," Alesia explained, shifting a bit on his shoulder. It was true that his clothes weren't in the best state, but her species sensitivity to various temperatures could be very damaging if she wasn't careful and the collar of his shirt happened to be the best place to snuggle into to avoid the cold. [member="Zack Matsumoto"]
Zack nodded at her words, even if for some crazy reason, he wanted to return home he knew he couldn't. "I ould ye or amiy." He smiled, offering her to be his family. Obviously there was a height difference, but at the same time she was a small fairy and he was a damaged boy, made sense to him. He looked up, as if he was looking at stars, oh how he missed stars. He use to dream about one day leaving Nar Shaddaa and never coming back and just living among the stars. This was a dream a blind, almost mute kid could never have. He looked down and began feeling around the ground. One of his prize positions, and probably the only clean one, was a piece of a blanket his mom had given him. He found his treasure box and felt through it feeling for the soft fabric. He pulled it out and brought it to her instead of his dirty clothing. "y om ave e his." He smiled, hoping this would make his new friend happy.


Lord Zrixtas

Even should this body fail, you won't stop me
Zrixtas walked along the streets of Nar shadda as he searched for the Damnable Patrolian that had fixed his ship, the little thing had taken the power cable that left his ship useless. 'When I get my hands on that drekhead I'll' He began thinking before he noticed [member="Zack Matsumoto"] in an alley he was passing by. 'A child?' He thought before shaking his head a little 'it's not your problem Zrixtas.' He began walking away tugging the hooded coat he wore a little in. He got a few meters away before he stopped and sighed, maybe it was the father in him that didn't like seeing children alone like that but nonetheless he walked to a street vendor and bought a large order of some food.
Walking into the alley he stopped a few steps away from Zack and then noticed [member="Alesia"] curled up in his collar. 'At least he seems to have a friend.' He thought, if he could smile he probably would. Slowly he knelt down showing that he didn't mean any harm as he placed the packed food'd container at his feet. "I mean you no harm little ones, you simply seem hungry so I brought you some food." He simply said in a kind tone of voice, though he knew the design of his body was far from kind looking.
Alesia took the little chunk of blanket and curled up in it. She glanced up at what she assumed was a man, who came bearing food. Alesia crept out of the little blanket and came forward to investigated the food. It smelled good, and she struggled with the package before getting it open. She smiled when there was veggies in it. Good, vegetables were one of the few things her species could eat. The little fairy took over of them and began nomming on it. "Thank you, Mister!" she said between mouthfuls. After she ate the small veggie, the little fairy began trying to drag the container closer to Zack. [member="Zack Matsumoto"] [member="Zrixtas"]

Tyl Ro

The Anti(Hipster)-Cynic
Volunteer work happened in every corner of the galaxy. From the richest communities to the dingiest, there were always things needing done. On top of that, free was a concept that most consumers relished, regardless of economical status. Though finding those willing to do that work for free was another matter entirely. Most would never have the opportunity to work for free for a considerable amount of time, simply out of their own need to provide for one's self and family. The goodness of a person's heart is often outweighed by their need for survival.

But Tyl Ro was a Jedi.

Jedi had no need for material possession, and their ability to survive was heightened compared to those around them that could not influence the Force. As a result, credits were often inconsequential. Food, water, and shelter were often provided as a courtesy, but the volunteer work that the Jedi offered to the communities they served fully compensated for their stays in most locations. Thus monetary transaction could be avoided, the Jedi could fulfill their duty, and an otherwise unsolvable problem was alleviated.

In the case of the Kaminoan Knight, her duty came in the form of being a Healer. Hospitals and missions were always looking for more help, and a Jedi was capable of things traditional technological implements weren't. Some medical professionals would always hold a certain resentment for what they saw as a primitive witchcraft from Jedi Healers, but Tyl's knowledge of the medical field expanded beyond just her knowledge of the Force. Her fluency in the practical applications of the field often put other doctors and physicians at ease, and thus she often found herself welcome in many societies, primitive or advanced or anything in between.

But Tyl held no great interest in the lavish facilities of the wealthy. Treating a paranoid hypochondriac was not a step in any direction and held no fulfillment. Often those who had the opulence to afford such unnecessary treatments didn't have the need compared to those who could not possibly afford it.

And so she found herself on Nar Shaddaa. Though there weren't necessarily official medical practices on the criminally run planet, there were always centers for medicine, many of which welcomed the Jedi with open arms. So she went from place to place, instructing, healing, and assisting in any way she could, often sleeping at the clinic, eating nothing more than bread and drinking fizzy water.

Though something had been nagging at her since she had arrived there. The Force worked in mysterious and unpredictable ways. She couldn't put her finger on what it was, but she knew there was something that she needed to do while on the planet. And she wouldn't leave until she knew what it was.

[member="Zack Matsumoto"] [member="Alesia"]​
How would one describe being blind? Some compare it to being in an all dark room and closing your eyes, but even then you are seeing the color black. Being blind is being without comparison. You don't know the color black because you have never known anything besides it, being blind is being empty of all sight. Luckily, Zack had only been blind for a few years and so he knew the color black and being blind he got to know darkness very well expecting that things could not get darker.

This all changed with a Sith Acolyte, a Force order that Zack knew nothing of and even more so knew nothing of the Force itself. Though right here and now, he knew greater darkness, he didn't know how to describe it, but things felt darker and he felt colder. He did not understand the situation nor did he hear the offering of food. His senses, what little he had, were flooded by this darkness greater than his own blindness, what could it be. His heart began to search for comfort, for light by reaching out. The Acolyte may have had no ill intentions, but someone so innocent of the Dark Side was unable to be in it's presences without it having a negative effect.

His body fell back and tears streamed down his face, by all apprentices he was in shock, fear was plaguing him and the worst part is he had no idea what he was afraid of, only that he was afraid and needed out of this darkness the filled him and threatened to drown him.

[member="Zrixtas"] [member="Alesia"] [member="Tyl Ro"]

Lord Zrixtas

Even should this body fail, you won't stop me
Zrixtas felt the boy's fear emanate from him and reached out to grip his shoulder gently, though he knew his metal body would be cold to the touch but he placed it there and began to try and let soothing emotions flow into the child. 'What is this child?' He thought as he looked the boy over and then looked at his friend. "Is he all right? what's happening to him? Boy Calm down no one here is going to hurt you!" He said in a concerned tone as his fatherly instincts took over, he wasn't truly fallen to the darkside like most acolytes were but he was dancing on that thin edge between light and dark and approaching the dark with each passing week under his teachers tutelage.

[member="Zack Matsumoto"] [member="Tyl Ro"] [member="Alesia"]

Tyl Ro

The Anti(Hipster)-Cynic
Tyl found herself walking through the slums and ghettos of the moon called Nar Shaddaa. When she looked up, smog, skyscrapers, and a myriad of lights filled her field of view. Even if the Smuggler's Moon was in the shadow of Nal Hutta, seeing the stars visually would be an impossible task. Even the Huttese homeworld was completely shrouded by the pollution that clouded and blinded Nar Shaddaa. This was a dismal place to be sure.

As she took her long but deliberate strides through the poorest and, by proxy, most dangerous neighborhoods, crowds thinned and dissipated around her. The beings that called this place home remained in the shadows, staring out, eyes filled with hate, fear, angst, remorse, and, sometimes, hope. Even the most daring of individuals, who saw Tyl and remained where they were, could not bring themselves to make eye contact, or even to hardly utter a sound as she passed by. They all knew who she was, rather more appropriately: what she was. Word had spread that there was a Jedi walking about, meddling in the affairs of the clinics. They also knew that Jedi was Kaminoan. Considering there weren't any other Kaminoans on Nar Shaddaa, and Tyl's lightsaber was clearly on display hanging from her hip, her identity was not a thing of mystery.

The first few weeks she had been on the moon, a few of the more brash inhabitants had decided to test her. Their shows of bravado were cut short. They kept their lives, but not their dignity, nor, Tyl assumed, their standing within their respective criminal community. She was not on the world to commit violence, or to solve Nar Shaddaa's multitude of problems. The Jedi had volunteered for this work in order to give second chances to those who otherwise would never have had a hope of redemption. Many would not take the opportunity as Tyl intended. This was inevitable. But maybe some would. And for those individuals, the Kaminoan could feel justified in her presence among the crime and villainy.

Despite the animosity that radiated its way towards her, the Jedi emanated feelings of serenity and passivity in response. She found it impossible to tell if her own feelings had any lasting effect, but her efforts kept the haze of negativity at bay as she allowed herself to be guided by the Force through the maze of passageways and alleys. Tyl allowed her thoughts to wander, meditating on her trials on Nar Shaddaa. Still something nagged at the back of her mind, refusing to abate.

That nagging grew for the first time since she had stepped foot on Nar Shaddaa. This snapped Tyl out of her meditation as she suddenly ceased her walking and stretched her senses out around her. The Force guided her searching like a compass, the nagging now becoming an orientation for whatever it was that so required her attention. Her sensory exploration led her to resume her moving, this time with purpose. The nagging continued to expand as it came to dominate her thoughts.

Then finally the pressure she had felt was gone, completely dissipated. For a moment, the Jedi felt a little lost without having that nag. In her disorientation, she looked around visually first, before finally stretching out with the Force once again. It was then that she made out two presences. The first was stronger, tinged with darkness, blending easily with the ambience of Nar Shaddaa's gloom. The second was extraordinarily weak, impossible to detect from a distance any further from where Tyl was then standing. But despite its fragility, the presence had a light quality that was at once out of place and refreshing to the Jedi. Was this what the Force was calling me to find? This presence?

Tyl approached the spot where she felt the presences, just outside a cantina tucked in a nondescript alleyway. The Jedi continued to emit calmness. There was no fear in her as she came upon the cardboard box. She saw what appeared to be a droid, but clearly wasn't given that it carried a presence in the Force knelt down next to a cardboard box, where she clearly felt the light being, who she could tell was becoming distressed. The Jedi knelt down herself, taking her first look upon a boy, battered, bruised, and maimed.

Saying nothing, she reached a hand out, touching him lightly on the chest, and sending waves of her own energy into his being.

[member="Zack Matsumoto"] [member="Alesia"] [member="Zrixtas"]​

Lord Zrixtas

Even should this body fail, you won't stop me
Zrixtas had heard of a jedi that had been around the hospitals on what he'd call a curing spree. As he saw [member="Tyl Ro"] lean down next to [member="Zack Matsumoto"] he looked at her. "Tell me do you know what has happened to the boy?" He asked her with a worried tone as he stood up and looked from Tyl to Zack and then [member="Alesia"] as he looked from the people around them.
Out of instinct though he took a few steps back and gave the jedi healer her space.

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