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Approved Tech The Bryn’adûl | Cleaver Battle Axe

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Krarolk T'manu

  • Classification: Battle Axe
  • Size: Very Large (~2.12 m)
  • Weight: Very Heavy (~15 kg)
  • None
  • Timber!!!: The Cleaver War Hammer is an exceptionally powerful weapon whose slicing power is rivaled only by lightsabers and weapons of similar size and construct. Humanoid flesh, low-grade infantry armor, and even light armor plates on the side of armored vehicles can be torn open as easily as butter against a knife.
  • Heavy Blow: Due to its considerable weight and the sheer size of the Cleaver’s blade, parrying the Cleaver is extremely difficult physically without a weapon of similar size or superior momentum.
  • Useful Utility: As a lightly modified industrial axe, the Cleaver is very effective at slicing through wood and other soft materials, allowing for a patrol to clear a forest of potential hiding spots with ease.
  • Natural Selection: While very powerful in the hands of fit Baedurin or Aeravalin, the Cleaver Battle Axe becomes a weaker weapon in almost all regards offensively when used by lesser Draelvasier. In fact, among the lesser Sraelvun, only the most distinguished Drones can use it properly. Additionally, the impressive length of the Cleaver makes it very difficult to be held and used by any individual under the height of 2.5 meters.
  • Balance? I’ve Never Heard Of Her: A majority of the Cleaver’s weight is within its blades, making it a moderately cumbersome weapon with a slow swinging speed.

The Cleaver Battle Axe is the second modern Draelvasier weapon created (after the Smasher War Hammer) out of a modified industrial design.
Designed to be slightly lighter than the Smasher, the Cleaver can frequently be found in the hands of Zealots and Shamen seeking more aggressive offensive combat styles. It is a more powerful weapon than the typical glaive in many regards, but its weight and cumbersome nature holds it back from completely replacing the glaive. Instead, it is often wielded as a heavier primary weapon for units expecting intense combat.

Among the engineering board for the Cleaver was Zealot Elite Krarolk T'manu, who sought a new, heavier weapon to compliment his glaive and throwing axes. It was largely thanks to his contributions to the engineering team that the axe was able to be successfully converted into a battle-worthy weapon.

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