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Approved NPC The Bryn’adûl | Zealot Commander

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Krarolk T'manu


Featured above: A Zealot Commander in full armor with a Barad Assault Carbine

  • Unit Name: Zealot Commander
  • Affiliation: The Bryn’adûl
  • Classification: Acquisition & Assassination Units
  • Description: Zealot Commanders are the highest-ranked individuals in the Zealot Order, handpicked by the Zealot Council to lead Elite Squads or hordes of lesser Zealots into battle. Commanders nearly always have several years of combat training and experience, making them extremely formidable warriors who are nearly unrivaled as commando units.

  • Combat Function: Zealot Commanders lead their inferiors into combat, whether they are assigned to Elite Squads or oversight over several Companies of lesser Zealots. As commanders and the most esteemed members of the Zealot Order, Commanders fight alongside their units with incredible strength and skill. Often compared to mobile armories, Commanders are adept in the use of nearly every handheld weapon in the Draelvasier arsenal. Additionally, most Commanders are Force-sensitive and use their extensive abilities for both offensive and defensive purposes.
  • Special Forces: Zealot Commanders are extremely well trained in the more subtle arts of combat such as infiltration, assassination, and asset retrieval. As such, Commanders can perform high-risk, high-complexity, high-value operations that even other Zealot designations might be incapable of performing.
  • Bigger & Meaner: Zealot Commanders are often among the finest specimens of the entire Aeravalin and Baedurin subspecies, rivaled only by high-ranking Shamen and Brutes in physique.
  • Force Warriors: Unlike lower ranks of Zealots, a considerable amount (~80%) of Zealot Commanders are Force-sensitive to at least a minor extent, allowing them to enhance their already impressive combat performance with a variety of physic attributes. At the rank of Commander, many Force-sensitive Zealots have refined their powers to such a considerable extent that they rival Shamen and Seers in aptitude, though the abilities of the Commanders are less specialized.
  • Big Boys: As members of the Draelvasier species, Aeravalin and Baedurin Zealot Commanders are well-built and can take serious punishment from most opponents.
  • Tactical Introversion: Zealot Commanders are at their most effective when controlling small units away from heavy frontline fighting. If the enemy vanguard detects a Commander, then they and their unit will be hard-pressed to escape the pressure applied by superior firepower.
  • Big Boys: The considerable size of the Draelvasier species makes it difficult for Zealot Commanders to hide themselves from keen-eyed enemies, and their large forms are easy targets for enemy marksmen.

Zealot Commanders are the highest-ranked members of the Zealot Order, forming the executive pillars of the Order in both authority and strength.
The position of Zealot Commander is a very prestigious one, with only Elites who have served for at least two years or Officers who have served for at least three years being considered for the position. Eligible Zealots are then handpicked by the Zealot Council for advanced promotional training, commonly referred to in Zealot circles as APT. APT is held five hours a day for seven consecutive days once a month, where candidates refine their unique physical and spiritual talents to their absolute limits. After their first APT session, candidates are promoted to Commander under the condition that they consistently attend APT sessions, usually resulting in Commanders holding their rank until they are physically unable to.

An additional privilege and responsibility granted to Commanders is a seat on the Zealot Order's council. The Zealot Council, consisting exclusively of Zealot Commanders, is the ruling body of the Order of Zealots, reporting directly to the Ish'makra ruling council of the Bryn’adûl. The Council's responsibilities include recruiting Minors into the Order, organizing Zealot Companies, and selecting Zealots for promotion to Commander and assigning command among themselves.
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