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Dominion The Bryn'adûl | Battle of Danuta


The Bryn'adûl | Battle of Danuta
Danuta has served as a military outpost for the Silver Jedi, operating from the planet’s badlands to keep eyes on the Bryn for years, but now all that remains is a military force and scattered population. The military force operates out of a series of connected outposts making up a singular military station resting on the edge of a massive cliff-face. It is guarded by three mass-driver cannons. The station also utilises a hangar bay built into the face of the cliff as an escape route.

Objective: Kill them All
What infantry the Concord remnant has to offer stands to fight as the remaining civilians attempt to flee to the underground hangar. Land in the station, defeat the localised infantry.

Objective: Cannons
Each cannon is defended by a unit of Concord rangers, you must eliminate them. Then, destroy the mass-driver cannons.

Objective: No Escape
Destroy the hangar bay. Ensure as few ships as possible escape us.


Ostak Cl'mana

LOCATION: Danuta, near cliff face
EQUIPMENT: Fireproof leather Shaman robes

As usual, Ostak walked into an enemy stronghold unarmed and unarmored.

Half an hour earlier, the Shaman-Overseer had descended from an orbiting Conquestor along with an elite strike force of Zealots and Shamen, primarily equipped with Sirracus Wyrms. A dozen of the lithe assassins writhed in the air, cradled in the front claws of the dozen Urasik Wyverns descending down into the lower atmosphere.

The stealthy wyverns approached the hostile military station undetected, their radar-resistant scales concealing their presence and their loads. A nearby hangar bay provided a tempting route into the military station, but the riders were smart enough to know that it would likely also be the best-defended, and that a separate task force would be assigned to the area. Instead, they landed on top of the barren cliff, the wings of the wyverns kicking up clouds of dust as they approached the ground, dropping their Sirracus into the dry earth below.

The sandy surface easily yielded to the Sirracus Wyrms, and they burrowed diagonally into the ground beneath at the orders of their masters. The resulting holes were just large enough for a single Draelvasier to crawl in, and each of the eighteen Zealot Minors and six Shaman Beast Masters crawled inside.

Dust still lingered in the small tunnels, and the Zealots leading the way covered their faces in rags in order to prevent themselves from experiencing uncontrollable coughing fits. After about two minutes of descent, the tails of the Wyrms came into view, alive but stalled.

The Sirracus scented metal.
Objective: Cannons
Post: One
Tags: Osam Osam | Ostak Cl'mana

A number of the mass-driver cannons were situated on high rise elements of the city, one of which was under assault by Tathra himself. The platform was covered in bodies, a singular Gunboat had crashed into the building, surrounded by dead drones as a pillar of smoke rose from it.

The wind blew over the platform dangling over the city, five-hundred feet high, the battle below laid out like insects on a board. The Titan’s Axe cleaved the first of the rangers in half, his body breaking apart into an explosion of red as two more stood in his immediate vicinity. One aimed a slug thrower at his face as the other rose from the ground to swing at him.

Tathra blocked either with each gauntlet, pushing away the blade as his right clamped down on the Rangers chest. Horrible crackling followed as the Ranger’s ribs were crushed in his palm. The man screamed in pain as fragments of his bones filtered between his organs, shredding them as they too were crushed in a second.
Whirlwind of the Cosmic Force
Post: One
Objective: No Escape

The Heldrak dropship cracked the earth as it landed, the entirety of its interior shuddering as the deployment bays opened, light shining through upon the assembled force. Two Servitors were released from their holdings alongside the deployment of Gunboats to support the forces within the city.

Drek’ma made his way to the edge of the ramp, looking down at the green pastures below leading up to the cliff side ahead. He did not plan to embark on a journey to halt the operations of the hangar, but the Servitors would serve their purpose.

The Concord remnant had left these poor souls behind. Deep down, they knew they were weak. The Concord was weak. All these worlds, systems left behind in the dust. Even their own men and women left behind to fend for themselves.
Objective: Kill Them All
Post: One

The Gunboats dropped in hot, Juggernauts at the ready as blaster fire rippled against the hull. Galak scoffed at it, watching as the troopers unwittingly gathered underneath the Gunboat in an attempt to stop it.

Tathra was right, these humans never learned. He heard the gush of the molten plasma escaping the flamethrower as a tally of horrified, melting screams followed in its wake. Captain Akade shook his head as he loaded his Kraker.

“Damn Concord infantry never learns. It's like they don’t teach them anything. Makes for poor sport.” A jest, but not one without a lick of truth.

The implication was one he understood, each member of the Bryn hungered for greater fights. But he wasn’t so arrogant that he wanted danger to befall his less experienced kin. Many Juggernauts had only seen combat against remnant forces. Whether it was against the Sith remainder or the Concord.
Objective: Kill em all
Post: One

The Vandals had been selected for yet another mission against the Concord remnant in this sector, He was a Captain and that meant keeping the forty Vandals under his command alive, whilst also maintaining efficiency. That was his duty, and the Bryn expected him to do it admirably.

He wasn’t sure if command suited him but he knew such expectations were not only placed on his shoulders. But many others had that mantle as well, especially on a battlefield like this. He turned to one of the Ungulloi soldiers in the Gunboat’s deployment bay, pacing about between the silent warriors.

The others ignored him, but it was Quoron’s luxury and duty not to. Making his way to the small Ungulloi, Quorum settled down onto his knee beside the Ungulloi.

“Need any help?” Quorum asked.

The Ungulloi seemed surprised that he was speaking to him, eyes leaping about the vessel's interior as he chose his next words carefully.
Objective: Cannons
Post: Two
Tags: Ostak Cl'mana | Osam Osam |

The slugthrower fired, forcing Tathra to hunch low as he brought the Axe low and to the right before slashing from right to left across the stomach of the Ranger. Blood pooled out from the wound as the ranger fell to the ground, grasping at his abdomen to hold in his guts as he slowly bled out. Another’s kinetic hammer struck his back, coming from behind.

Tathra buckled, legs staying firm as he turned, dodging the second strike as a doorway opened on the other side of the platform. The Titan turned on the heel of his foot, throwing the Axe spinning through the air as a group of six rangers pushed through the doorway. One enough, unlucky to be struck by the Axe.

The ruby blade tore through the soldiers torso, legs breaking in impossible angles on impact as one of the arms tore from the body, clinging to the rifle as the torso skidded back leaving streaks of blood. The mace was caught by his right on the third attempt, pulling it down in a reserve grip, straining the man’s arm. His left clenched down hard on the man’s head pulling the rest of his body and his arm in either direction, tearing the arm off before releasing it.

Ostak Cl'mana

LOCATION: Danuta, military station interior
EQUIPMENT: Fireproof leather Shaman robes
ALLIES IN OBJECTIVE: Osam Osam / Tathra Khaeus Tathra Khaeus

The strike force had arrived.

The metal the Sirracus scented was undoubtedly the walls of a hallway within the underground facility. With a mentally relayed order, the Sirracus parted, allowing for the Zealots to move forwards. The thin metal plating was easily snapped by their kukris, and the lead Zealots leapt out of the tunnel and into the hallway.

It was long and thin, approximately half a kilometer long and capable of fitting three Draelvasier side by side. Artificial lights provided moderate illumination, with small shadows lining the halls. The hallway was currently empty, but it would not be for long.

The entire task force unloaded itself into the halls, leaving the Sirracus in the surrounding earth for surprise attacks. They jogged in a long column led by Ostak and his co-commander, a Zealot Officer. The halls were currently silent except for their footsteps, the members of the task force searching for any clues for their location. After about a minute, they came upon a sign:


The Officer and Ostak translated the Basic to the rest, and they continued their jog.

Suddenly, a detachment of alien troopers rounded the corner of a nearby intersection.
Post 1 – Objective B

The Crusade came down on the world of Danuta with force and exceptional violence. While they had always reacted harshly to the weak sycophants who held firmly to the doctrines of humanity, there was a special sort of terror now being wreaked upon the inhabitants of Danuta. There were two reasons that Osam could see for this particular display of aggression.

One was that Danuta had long been utilized as a means for the Silver Jedi to spy upon the bordering Bryn’adul worlds, and to keep a close tally upon their activities. This meant that there was a significant population of Antarian Rangers and the assorted support staff who accompanied them wherever they went in their different tasks and missions.

More blatant, however, was the fact that the Bryn’adul had lost so many of their soldiers during the battle of Sev Tok. The desert world had been turned against them, the very weather imposing a crippling debt upon many of their Baedurin warriors, and the extreme lengths that their foe had gone to in order to bleed them of warriors had left a multitude dead. Now the survivors of the conflict, and those who had lost companions and comrades in it could seek their vengeance, and they did so with gluttonous abandon.

Osam was one of them.​
Objective: Cannons
Post: Three
Tags: Osam Osam | Ostak Cl'mana

Tathra bent down, pulling the man down helpless before crushing the soldiers head into mush against the platform floor. The five rangers opened fire on the Titan, calmly marching toward them with a raised gauntlet in play; absorbing the otherwise harmless blaster bolts as he closed the distance.

Two stood on his left, firing beside one and other. To his right, one crouched in front of the other two at his left and back. The crouched soldier dropped his blaster, switching to a slugthrower. Finally. Tathra released a blinding flash of light from his gauntlet, giving himself a moment to remove the sudden threat from the equation. Tathra darted left, avoiding whatever fire came from the slugthrower as he moved in, using his left hand to push the crouched rangers head down, crushing it into the ground.

The fallen blaster was within reach, grasped in his right as he turned on the ball of his right foot, striking one of the lined up ranger’s heads. The man was knocked back as the blaster bent and broke, bashing through his skull as his head exploded, covering the ranger behind him in blood and sinew.
Objective: Kill Them All
Post: Two

These were losing battles visited upon by overwhelming forces, crushing their enemy swiftly. That was not a real war. This was not a real war, but he was certain they’d be coming soon. The deployment bay opened, his nostrils attacked by the offensive smell of burning flesh as he leapt down, breaking a charred mesh beneath his feet.

Circles of ash floating in miniature storms at their feet, puffs of charred flesh forcing them to keep their mouths shut as they deployed. Nobody wanted the taste of burnt human on their minds in the field of battle, too disgusting. Too distracting. Galak and his Juggernauts pushed across the edge of the outpost, a gulph of Bryn forces already engaged with the enemy at this outpost.

They were coming in from behind, stealth wasn’t a great skill of Juggernauts - but a spine shattering strike from behind was right up their alley. He could see their formations, holding out behind cover situated outside and inside of the outside and utilising the few buildings with second floors as turret nests.

This was going to be a tedious battle more than a difficult one.
Whirlwind of the Cosmic Force
Post: Two
Objective: No Escape

It was a harsh reality, but it simply was that. Reality. Those who decided to remain and fight, he could commend. They had come to terms with the finality of these final hours and choose to fight regardless. Drek’ma hoped his strength would be so resolute when the time came for him.

But he did not imagine that would be anytime soon, the Bryn’adul only continued to grow in strength. As they continued to fight, their empire grew as did their strength. He believed there was a causality, as the rest of the Galaxy made themselves better prepared to fight. It allowed them to test themselves.

Drek’ma looked to the sky as the military station slowly began to be enveloped by utter chaos. There was no time to waste as the Servitors were released from their restraints, slithering out from within the dropship as they immediately began to tunnel underground. They aimed for the cliff side. He would destroy that hangar bay without so much as lifting a finger.
Objective: Kill em all
Post: Two

The Ungulloi finally settled on looking at Quoron, a choice to trust him that seemed far more monumental to the small creature than it did to him. Quorum didn’t care for the general opinions of the Ungulloi, he wanted to help.

“I’ve lost my ammo pack.” The Ungulloi soldier admitted.

The Captains eyes scanned across the Gunboat, he didn’t see any loose cartridges of spare packs. But he knew his own had plenty on them, especially the singular Juggernaut Heavy aboard the transport.

The Draelvasier looked anxious to be the only one of his kind among others. A very different atmosphere for the Baedurin for certain. Quorum nodded, rising as he pointed to one of his subordinate Vandals.
Post 2 – Objective B

The hybrid Warlord prepared himself for the battle below, checking over his equipment and that of his warriors as he had countless times in the past. It was important that the carbine he was using wasn’t prone to any kind of jamming, and that he had made certain to coat his kukri in lightsaber-resistant oils. After all, the past few fights that he had with the forces of the Concord had led to his... visceral punishment.

A shudder worked its way through him, but he did his best to conceal the terror he felt at the prospect of facing another of the lightsaber-wielding lunatics. The way that they had so easily slid through his Verikast and into his flesh and bone was haunting, and the fact that it had occurred now once, but twice was enough to cause his teeth to chatter. The snap-hiss of the butcher’s tool could be heard in his waking moments and when he lied down to rest.

Osam tore himself from the thought of being carved into pieces, forcing it away with a loud gulp as he set about the preparations. He would be facing primarily Rangers if the briefing that they had received had been correct. He’d volunteered himself and the several squads under his command to deal with the mass-driver cannons and he would do just that.

A final run-over of his equipment guaranteed it was all set for war as the burrower dropship shifted and settled, its front gate opening to release the horde onto the surface of the world.​
Objective: Cannons
Post: Four
Tags: Osam Osam | Ostak Cl'mana

The disorientation faded as Tathra dodged the rocket fired from the closest, following through his momentous evasion as he grasped the man’s waist in both hands. Tathra lifted him from the ground with little effort, tearing him apart like paper as an explosion of blood erupted across his chest.

The Titan exhaled, gratification - he enjoyed slaughtering the Concord remnant. More than he would otherwise admit. The two remaining Rangers began to retreat, realising they were very far out of their depth. With the extension of his left, the Axe tore itself from the dead soldier in the corridor. The Axe aggressively slammed into the palm of his hand as if magnetised.

Taking a two handed grasp, he telekinetically grasped both rangers - pulling one from his feet whilst the other was drawn directly to him. The ranger screamed as this distance between them disappeared, a short swing of the Axe obliterating the man’s midsection. The last knew he was the only line of defence left for the two Mass-drive cannons located on the platform.
Whirlwind of the Cosmic Force
Post: Three
Objective: No Escape

The Servitors carved through the earth, green pastures turned to rock and grey, brown dirt as the ground shuddered beneath the hangar bay. One of the two twins went right as the other went left, they couldn’t move above ground for too long.

Lest the mass-driver cannons take notice and open fire. Luckily for those aboard the ship, the cannons were too busy with the mess of air forces currently occupying the sky to deal with every dropship.

But if they gave them a reason to take interest, they would. The two Servitors reached the base of the cliff leading to the hangar. One would rise directly from underneath the hangar, crashing through its underbelly whilst the other would crush the opening.
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Objective: Kill Them All
Post: Three

Galak settled into a crouched position with his gauntlet raised, contacting the forces deployed by their other Gunboats. If they wanted to save as many of their Drones as possible, they needed to act with efficiency as well as brute force.

“Major Daras, I need your squad inside the building to the southwest, take out that plasma turret nest. Major Fordal, likewise with the northern bunker. Deal with their snipers. Primary Juggernaut force, focus on the central outpost facility. Pincer formations, now.” The order was given and in a symphony of unity.

Multiple Juggernaut units moved with expert precision to eliminate their targets. Galak’s squad was joined by a segment of Ultras, bolstering their chances of success ten times over as they pushed up the back of the main facility.
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Post 3 – Objective B

A burst of rapid carbine fire was enough to bring the battle to its beginning, Osam opening up upon the first foe that he could see, and watching gleefully as they were torn asunder by the heavy rounds. Retaliation came swiftly – the Antarian Rangers were not irregulars, and they were not militia. Their shots were primarily accurate, but many of them dispelled harmlessly against the Verikast armor of the Draelvasier.

The Warlord raised his hand, and gave a loud whistling shriek. Immediately, the forces closest to him set about engaging in a tactic he had been drilling into them for days. A hail of fiery grenades sailed toward the Rangers – about a dozen in total – and detonated. These incendiaries scorched the Rangers, sending each of them to their dooms in under a minute as the heat of the fire kissed against Osam’s face. They’d blocked off their own advance – but they were other ways forward.

With a nod to a pair of Risen-Sraelvun Majors, he dispatched the two squads to begin climbing up the nearly sheer wall of a towering structure, allowing them to gain a height advantage over the district, and to more readily locate a way forward to the mass drivers. Undeterred, the Draelvasier and their alien allies marched onward.​
Objective: Kill em all
Post: Three

“Keshat, do you have any space Mangler cartridges?” Quorum asked, eyes scanning over Keshat’s cobalt armour as he turned away.

Insubordination, something he should’ve expected. Quorum moved to Keshat, placing a hand on his shoulder and forcing him to turn around.

“Keshat, I was speaking to you.” Quorum wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt.

“I know Captain.” The Vandal minor knew what he was doing. The insolence angered Quoron, brow furrowing as he roughly pulled him round.

“Then answer my question, Vandal. I am your Captain.”

Keshat and Quoron stared at each other, tension rising as the others began to whisper - nudging Keshat to simply listen.
Objective: Kill Them All
Post: Four

The remnant forces were quick to notice their approach, too late to stay out of range. Precise carbine fire, backed up by Marksmen rifle fire from the Ultras eliminated their preliminary guards.

Galak closed the distance, Lancer tearing apart the troopers ahead of him with short controlled bursts. Their forces quickly overwhelmed the immediate and surprised remnant forces. Galak grasped the barrel of a rocket launcher as the heavy trooper came running out from the doorway.

He pushed the rocket launcher upward as the missile fired up into the air. With one hand, Galak activated his wrist blades, slashing the troopers stomach open. The Warlord tore the serrated blades from his body as he turned the Lancer’s grenade launcher on the entrenched remnant forces.
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