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Approved Tech The Bryn'adûl | Pulverizer

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Krarolk T'manu


  • Classification: High-Caliber Pistol/Detonator
  • Size: Average
  • Weight: Heavy (7 kg)
  • Ammunition Type: Dramedius Prime Ore Shells
  • Ammunition Capacity: Small (Four shells per magazine)
  • Effective Range: Average
  • Rate of Fire: Very Low (1 shot per ~1.5 seconds)
  • Stopping Power: Very High
  • Recoil: High
  • Detonator - On top of the Pulverizer, behind and below its sight, is a large button. Normally, nothing happens when the button is pressed. However, if pressed within five seconds of firing a shell, a venting mechanism propels residue chemicals from the discharged shell forwards at a slightly faster speed than the Ore Shell. When the gaseous chemicals come into contact with the shell, a chemical reaction is triggered prematurely and the voatile Dramedius Prime Ore detonates. Consequently, it is possible for an individual to remotely detonate a Pulverizer shell before it hits a target.
  • It's High Noon - True to its name, the Pulverizer packs a considerable punch. Its explosive power can burn exposed humanoid skin until it resembles cooked meat, and being caught in the center a shell-stack explosion is nearly always lethal for an unarmored humanoid.
  • Everything's Bigger In Texas - Intended for Draelvasier use, the Pulverizer revolver is heavy and unwieldy in the hands of most humanoid species. Consequently, the possibility of a Pulverizer being reverse-engineered or stolen for effective anti-Draelvasier is extremely unlikely.
  • Kaboom - Explosive Dramedius Prime Ore Shells are propelled out of the Pulverizer at high speeds, leading to a large explosive detonation when the voatile shells hit a physical target, are stimulated by other Dramedius Prime Ore chunks, are remotely detonated.
  • Shell Stacking - Through a process commonly referred to as "shell stacking", an individual can fire a Pulverizer shell into an area with remnants of other shells or where there is an abundance of Dramedius Prime Ore to create an even stronger explosion. The more Prime Ore is concentrated in an area, the stronger the blast is, to the point where a single Shell fired into a large (~ >10m x 10m) Dramedius Prime Ore deposit has the same firepower and explosive radius as a heavy turbolaser cannon.
  • Remote Detonation - The shells fired by the Pulverizer can be detonated before coming into contact with a physical barrier or another shell thanks to the Pulverizer's remote detonator. Consequently, creative marksmen can score kills by shooting around forwards-facing energy shields and detonating the shell at their exposed flank.
  • Self-Preservation Zone - Since the Pulverizer is designed with explosive shells and bolts as ammunition, Draelvasier are discouraged from firing the Pulverizer at an enemy two meters or less away in order to avoid being caught in their own explosions.
  • The Tortoise - As a result of its high firepower and kickback, the Pulverizer's firing rate is very poor, comparable to that of a typical single-shot RPG.
  • Slow Shot - Pulverizer shells have a relatively low bullet speed of only about 50 meters a second, making evasion at mid-range a simple task.
  • HE > AP - While the Pulverizer packs considerable explosive firepower, its blasts lack the heat or penetration required to severely damage most battle-rated tanks and walkers.

After the loss of lives of numerous frontline officers in the Battle of Yurb, an engineering panel was developed to design a handgun to provide improved defense at close range.
The brainchild of such a panel was the Pulverizer - a large handgun with a versatile detonator. While unusually large for a handgun, the Pulverizer is still easily capable of fitting on the waist belts of most Draelvasier officers with their large physical forms. While it is a powerful weapon on its own, Pulverizers are also light enough for a Draelvasier to dual-wield them, equipping them with close to mid range firepower only rivaled by shotguns and rocket-propelled explosive weaponry.

Pulverizers are uncommon weapons intended as sidearms for use of mid-ranked Bryn'adûl officers across their numerous military organizations, from Zealot Officers to Brute Captains to Shaman Beast Masters.
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Krass Wyms

Jedi Tech Division
Tathra Khaeus Tathra Khaeus

Sorry for the delay was waiting until I had a half day to get to these.

This is close to the original source.
6 shots rapid fire (active effect with a perfect reload in gears increases rate of fire rather then damage)
Heavy stopping power against enemies short range even when fired at the chest can cause maiming (gears orignally torso shots could explode the body)
The Weight of the weapon.

Things like the weight is meh but you are close on the other features of the boltok. Inspiration is one thing but this can be getting closer to the line. My recommendation is make this your own, have some fun with it. This is space a revolver can be more shots as conventional ammo is much more variable.

Krarolk T'manu

Krass Wyms Krass Wyms

Thanks for all the feedback!

I've never played Gears of War, so my knowledge of its arsenal is fairly limited, and I did not make this weapon with any knowledge of the Boltok's capabilities. I took a look at its Gearspedia submission a few minutes ago and have revised the Pulverizer to add some unique qualities while keeping the "powerful explosive pistol" concept intact.

I increased the damage output, and recoil, while reducing fire rate, ammunition capacity, and replacing the six-shooter module with a unique chemical detonator. I also added the unique feature of Dramedius Prime Ore to the weapon's strengths - aside from simply being explosive, it is also highly voatile around seperate chunks of Dramedius Prime Ore.

Krass Wyms

Jedi Tech Division
Krarolk T'manu

Thank you, the changes are decent but that much fire power for npc's could be easily abused. I would want either lesser production with a pc restriction, 2-3 substantial weaknesses added.

Giventhe speed at which it fires what reaction time are you looking at for detonating the shots behind a shield?

Krarolk T'manu

Krass Wyms Krass Wyms

I apologize for the delay, it's been a busy week for me. I nerfed the firepower and added a slow bullet speed (primarily a weakness) which also helps better utilize the detonator sequence.
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