Worthy Warlord

- Intent: To weaken the entrenched humanoid forces of the galaxy. To provide an interesting plotline involving the use of an engineered Bryn'adul bioweapon
- Image Source: All Flairs were created by
Ingrid L'lerim
- Canon Link: N/A
- Permissions: N/A
- Primary Source: Bioweapon | Nanovirus | Xenotoxin

- Name: Mankind's Eternal Curse of Weakness | "Curse" colloquially
- Manufacturer: The Bryn'adul
- Affiliation: The Bryn'adul
- Market Status: (Closed-Market)
- Model: N/A
- Modularity: Virus cannot be modified - delivery methods are variable.
- Production: Minor
- Material: Viral Materiel (Virions/Capsids/Glycoproteins/Etc) | Harvested Human/Humanlike Genetic Materials |

- Genetically Engineered Nanovirus
- Transmission via Fluid (Liquid, Vapors, Blood, Tears, Etc)
- Large Degree of Mutation causes Pharmaceutical Resistance
- Highly Contagious - Highly Lethal
- Asymptomatic First Stage leads to Increased Infectivity

- Vicious Virus - The Curse carries an extremely high rate of lethality once it is active. Attacking the bloodstream and the organs of its victim, it tends to cause massive organ failure or lethal hypovolemic shock within 3-4 days. Approximately 90% of infected persons will expire as a result of this attack, especially without medical treatment and care.
- Sleeper Agent - For approximately 30 days after first exposure, the Curse is highly static and asymptomatic. The very occasional sneeze is the only external indicator that the virus is present. The virus also tends to reproduce very slowly at this stage, meaning that a mixture of low quantity and little action makes it very difficult for medical personnel and scanners to detect the presence of the Curse.
- Ease of Transmission - As the deployment method of the Curse requires only some form of liquid or vapor, it is easy to manufacture into methods of battlefield deployment such as artillery shells or grenade canisters. Furthermore, the disease has an easy time jumping from host to host as sneezing, bleeding, or the transfer of other bodily fluids are fairly simple and common occurrences.
- Personalized Mutation - Designed with a high degree of mutation, the Curse is difficult to understand and to research. Common genetic trends and markers among a dozen participants may be different from another dozen. While this only rarely makes the Curse more or less contagious or fatal, it is possible for the Virus to mutate itself into a corner and actually circumvent its own lethality - hence the 10% survival rate among those without additional medical treatment or care. In its favor, this means that having the Virus once does not necessarily prevent a person from receiving a slightly different variant of it in the future.
- Human Bane - The Virus exclusively targets human and human-like races. This means that it cannot backfire against its Bryn'adul creators naturally.
- Vaccination Proof - The Curse cannot - in most cases - properly be vaccinated against prior to infection. The mutative nature of the Nanovirus means that it will circumvent these protective restrictions upon first entry and work to adapt to its host's physiology. That said - once it has already entered a body and settled down, it may be treated.

- Slow Acting - Since the Curse enters a 'sleeper' mode upon first exposure, it requires a fairly significant amount of time before it can begin to inflict casualties on an enemy group. While the Curse may be utilized in battlefield scenarios, any fight in which it is used will almost certainly be finished by the time it has become active. This is not a weapon of war.
- Human Bane - The Nanovirus has been designed with a particular type of species in mind. This means that alien races that are significantly different from humans such as Wookies or Neimoidians will be altogether unaffected by the Curse.
- Extreme Temperatures - The Nanovirus struggles to survive in areas of extreme cold or heat. Whether the smoldering lava plains of Mustafar or the frigid tundras of Hoth, the Nanovirus would quickly find itself exterminated by nothing more than ambient temperature - unless it was already within the body of a host protecting themselves from those elements.
- Atmosphere - Like many other chemical weapons or viruses, the Curse requires an atmosphere to function and survive. Throwing it into space or another vacuum would likely burst its virions or disperse them to the point of uselessness.
- Weather Effects - Especially when deployed in a vapor form, the Nanovirus is subject to whatever weather or wind patterns are afflicting an area. It is a simple matter for the vapor to be blown away from its target by such forces.
- Ample Time to Cure - While there exists no present cure for the Curse, if one was to be discovered, it could be easily applied during the thirty-day period of stagnation and viral stasis before the Nanovirus has caused damage to its host or spread particularly far.
- Force Healing - The boundaries of the Force are not the same as those of science. Those it would require a doubtless tiresome focus and an iron-will, it is possible that a particularly skilled Force-Sensitive healer could lessen the severity of the Nanovirus for a patient, perhaps extending the time they have to survive, or perhaps weakening the Curse enough that they can pull through and survive its effects on their own.

It was never the nature of the Draelvasier or the Bryn'adul Crusade to delve into biological warfare. Perhaps as far as they had ever gone into the subject was the creation of Sun Quaker Ink - a toxin utilized to provide a smokescreen cover for their military operations, and to provide an ease of access for the fierce Draeyde. Relentless and capable of exceptional biological manipulation, the Bryn'adul were content for some time with the creation of war-beasts of one variety or another, relying upon them to supplement their conquest.
With the seemingly unstoppable march of the Bryn'adul on the horizon, it became "necessary" for a Xenophage to be created which possessed the exclusive target of the Draelvasier. Whether one was Baedurin, Aeravalin, or Sraelvun, they would suffer from extreme cellular degradation of one variety or another until they had been exterminated. The accursed Vengeance of the Sword and Sun reaped a significant toll of Draelvasier lives. Over dozens of battles, they were exposed to this fierce concoction, relying on the presence of their war-beasts and the heroic efforts of their warriors to achieve victory in some cases... and suffering defeat at least partially as a result of the bioweapons in others.
So it was that the Bryn'adul, who had expressly shied away from such tools of mass-destruction and indiscriminate targeting were taught by their moralistic foes that there would be no boundaries in their war. No development was too fierce - so long as it killed and spilled blood, all was accepted. There was no honor in the act of murdering millions from a hundred-thousand light years, but not all Drael cared for honor as much as they cared for vengeance.
Warlord Osam was one such Draelvasier. Unrestrained by the more disciplined and regimented nature of the Bryn'adul, and more willing to cross lines previously uncrossed in his hateful personal crusade against the Silver Jedi Concord and their allies, he began an unprecedented operation - to begin the creation of a viral agent that could reap chaos and havoc across the known space of humanity and her weakling kindred.
Bodies were scrounged from victorious skirmishes and invasions, corpses and whatever live-subjects had been left around for Sraelvun bloodsports were taken to experimental laboratories on Caerdar. Night after night, samples were stolen from these human subjects, and no viral agents were tested wherever possible, each one more effective than the last in their desired effect. Yet - it was not enough for the virus to be lethal - even a gun could accomplish such a simple effect. Instead, this was to be a hidden enemy... something concealed in the darkness until the last possible moment where the effect of its ravages became known. Designed with this sleeper-agent mentality in mind, Mankind's Eternal Curse of Weakness was completed and production began in earnest.
All that was needed was a first target.

- Classification: Nanovirus | Bioweapon
- Average Life: 35 Days - Hosts do not typically survive beyond this point.
- Stage One - Otherwise known as the "Sleeper/Stasis/Infection" phase. Stage One occurs the moment that the Nanovirus has made contact with a new host and infiltrated it until roughly thirty days later. Upon entering a new host, this count-down resets. As such, every individual has the same rough amount of time before the Nanovirus has begun its active stage.
- Stage Two - Otherwise known as the "Active/Lethal" phase. Stage Two occurs after approximately thirty days have passed with the Nanovirus present within the host's body. At this point it has sufficiently spread to many common arteries and veins in the body, as well as to the assorted organs and skin of its host. Once Stage Two has become active, the Nanovirus will begin to aggressively reproduce in these targeted areas. The hijacking of so many blood cells will occasionally lead to respiratory and circulatory issues, and the subsequent blockages caused within arteries and veins also prevent the healthy flow of remaining blood.
(This means if you want to RP having trouble breathing, that's fine. If you want to suffer bloodloss, that's great. If you wanna be a sweaty mess, go for it. There's enough damage going around to RP your favorite disease symptoms and tropes.)
- Stage Three - Otherwise known as the "Post-Infection" stage. Stage Three occurs after a victim has expired. The Nanovirus remains contagious and highly active for approximately four-to-five hours after death, and will continue to consume portions of vital systems. After this time period, the Nanovirus will burn itself out of fuel for its infection, and gradually expire. This means that corpses are not typically infectious beyond a few hours after death and can be safely handled or buried.