Flannigan Mcnash
Mr. Roboto
Trespassers beware
It stood forlorn and alone in the great dark of space, distant stars hanging heavy casting their pale silvery light over the station giving a ghostly visage to these abandoned halls, it slowly turned under its own weight drifting with the debri and detritus of the past, large hunks of metal floated pooling together with long cords of electrical wire. It lived and breathed foreboding.
You had been chosen, sent invitation briefed and given orders to meet at Tatooine, you spent the hour in the cantina, playing games of chance, boasting, drinking, keeping to yourself. You met your guides, [member="Cadan Tazi"], a blue alien with large red opulent eyes, a dark stained trench coat and an arsenal of weapons that would put the most loose border patrol teeth on edge, [member="Thraxis"], an alien with a pinkish complexion, greasy length of hair that ran down his scalp in thick clumps, a lopsided grin that set you on border of panic.
Driven by these two guide, you made your way to a transport leaving the safety of the wretched hive of scum and villainy, and drifted in space until reaching your destination. You came up through the barely stable hangar, leaving the confines of the ship with an audible 'WOOSH' as the air from the ship was propelled out like the last vestiges of safety.
You stood in the dark, the barely viable lights of aged terminal and devices blinking out their red minuscule light, as if adjusting to the trespassers taking their measure in equal terms, you are here on a mission be about it, escape, live, or die.
[member="Kami Meran"]
[member="Stephanie Brown"]
[member="Kat'Lariah Syphex"]
[member="Lyth Meran"]
[member="Cadan Tazi"]
Floor One