![Sasha Kryze](/data/avatars/s/25/25780.jpg?1631142067)
Tank-Top | ENCL-21 Ra'ntisr Heavy Blaster Pistol | Theme
Adrell raised the bottle, pressing it to his lips as the bitter Kri'gee washed through his mouth and down his throat. He put the glass back on the bar- The tavern was a fairly secluded place at this hour, just like every other hour. It wasn't well known, didn't have any fancy sign. Just a good old-fashioned bar set on the the corner of a city block in Tor Valum. He came here often, the beer was always cheap and in steady supply. Sure, the best grub the barkeep could make was tough and barely edible gruel... but when you made every credit count? It was better than the alternative of bark.
The bar wasn't all that big, still looked empty though. Most company Adrell ever got was a few groups of two to three sitting at the booths, spaced apart so nobody would listen into their conversations- Everybody here spoke quietly. Nobody seemed to grab the idea that it didn't matter how far away you are, you'd still hear each other. Only way to not hear each other was to get louder... but common courtesy stopped those good ideas from ever working. People liked it quiet here. It was the only objective appeal the bar had.
Even if the bar had been packed full though, it wouldn't have been hard to spot the relatively massive form of the last Matsha, slouching over the bar and downing the dregs of the bitter ale before ordering another. The barkeep kept close, polishing a glass that hadn't been used all week, the same glass he'd been polishing since Adrell walked in. The middle-aged and wiry man couldn't hide the mild concern on his face whenever he looked at the bulky man. He'd never drank this much before, even on special occasions; but he couldn't turn down the money, he might even be able to send his estranged daughter something nice-
The Mandalorian raised a hand to his jaw line, scratching the scruffy stubble, muttering something about it being too long and needing to shave. If he noticed the barkeep's concern, he didn't care. He had misery to drown out, wouldn't hurt if he drowned himself a bit in the process- Taking the first swig out of the fresh Kri'gee bottle. Adrell shifted around in the seat, trying to work the stiffness out of his legs, even going as far as to reach down and rub one of his calves through the thick weave of his black cargopants; his black leather working boots shifted around on the floor. He pulled his hand back up, setting the bottle down as he leaned both arms back, stretching. The dim light above him highlighting his tree-trunk arms, and the tanned skin covering them. He went back to his drink, muttering again... this time something about his ex, kicking him out on his arse.
Meanwhile, in the very back corner of the bar, a group of five rather scummy looking ruffians were sat, drinking slower. The barkeep hadn't seen them before, and Adrell was too miserable to care about them taking his usual spot. They all wore Mandalorian armour, helmets on the table so they could sip their Ne'tra Gal. The sweeter cousin of Kri'gee. Little did anybody at the bar know, each one of them had a notable little bounty on them, courtesy of the local authorities. Enforcers for a small spice-dealing ring who got away when the authorities busted in on the dealers. Not important enough for the authorities to kick down doors over, but important enough to warrant a small bounty.