Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Burning Fire

Kei had come to Ra the day before seeking guidance in control. Of all the people to come to, she felt the most qualified to help him. As a buisnesswoman and sith, that control was needed almost all the time. Just because one followed a certain path that did not mean they were evil.

Dark she was, but evil was not one of them. There were even times in her life where she questioned on if she was even sith at all. At the moment that wasn't what actually mattered. The issue of control was.

The next morning, Ra was the library and waiting for Kei to join her. A game plan was in her mind on how to accomplish what he needed. This plan also included tempting him with ever so gentle nudges into the dark. She also needed to figure out a way to keep him within her sphere of control.

In a way, he had become an apprentice. Kei may not need Force training, but in asking to be taught control, he was almost the same as an apprentice. The night before, she had sent him to bed with a few questions he needed to answer before they could really begin. Now to find out if he had come to conclusions to them.

Vincent would be ready to provide any food or drink they might need over the course of the day.

[member="Kei Raxis"]
Bast Castle
Kei had rolled out of bed.

He cracked his knuckles as he changed. He'd thought about everything Ra'a'mah had asked of him. He ran his hand through his hair, attempting to neaten it slightly. He looked like a mess, which was a pretty accurate represenation of how he felt. He looked like he'd just downed lots of ale and turned up to work with a rather large hangover. He ruffled his own hair slightly, just trying to make himself look more presentable, look better than he did.

He walked down the corridor. He felt weird, he was unarmed and he didn't like it. He never walked unarmed, perhaps it was a sign of the trust he shared with his family friend, with Ra'a'mah. She had been help, the help that he had required in his time of need. He had trusted her and she was advising him, plus she was giving him useful things to think about. She was clever, Ra'a'mah was good at the advice but there was something else.

He didn't know what it was.

In a way, he was apprenticed to her. He knew that, he was in her debt like [member="Mysa Snowstrider"] had been in his. He blinked softly, leaning against a wall for a few moments. That was someone he hadn't seen in a long time, someone he hadn't heard from in a long time. She would hate him now, hate him for what he had done to Zavii. She would never forgive him for turning to the darkside, turning on his Jedi vows and turning on everything he had loved.

That hurt.

He walked into the room. Ra'a'mah was set there, waiting. Vincent was wondering around, happy when Kei asked him for a coffee with all of the shots of coffee as extra. He needed a wakeup, he was tired and stressed. He really hoped Ra'a'mah could help him, he was relying on her helping him. He required her to help him, he was stressing and hurt and tearing himself apart. He hated himself and he was sure everyone else hated him.

He sipped his coffee.
While it was early in the day, Ra had been up for a while and had already cleared away the fresh out of bed fuzzies from her mind. The additional drink from Vincent though was always nice to have. The man had been with her for so long, she almost no longer needed to ask before he provided something for her. Happy to do his job and not look further than that, she accepted the drinks he brought when he returned.

"Thank you, Vincent."

With that, the old man left the library, but kept the door open. It would give the sense to Kei that he wasn't kept held here and could leave if he wished. Ra did not think he would do that and if he did, she wouldn't stop him. However, he was at a tender stage of things and impressions were everything. The day before he had told her some of what had happened and what brought him to her.

Of everything that mattered to him, it was control he wanted the most. Hoping he had actually given thought to her questions, she looked at him before speaking. It gave him the time to wake up fully and drink in what Vincent had brought.

"What answers did you come up with, Kei?"

A simple question that needed answered and then she could move into various forms of control.

[member="Kei Raxis"]

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