Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Business Kid

The Galactic Alliance was a very busy place. The Supreme Commander was dealing with some of his advisers at the moment. The majority of the Jedi Knights were off expanding the alliance borders. The tradesmen were not part of Darius' immediate contacts. This meant that the teenager would be meeting with [member="Vitor Imperieuse"] alone. Probably not the best idea, but it couldn't go too terribly, right?

From what he'd heard over the comms, Mister Imperieuse wanted to do business within the alliance. That was all fine and dandy really. It was a bastion of free trade after all; why shouldn't a successful merchant set up shop in their space? The problem was that the guy needed an in, so to speak. The alliance was a legitimate galactic power now, and you couldn't just waltz in without going through some paperwork.

Fortunately for Imperieuse, that paperwork came in the form of a Jedi Padawan all-too-eager to please his superiors. He would asses whether or not Imperieuse was sane or not, and if so, would send him on his way to people like Mister Dashiell.

The meeting was to take place aboard the Tyrene just over Sullust. The ship's hanger was already open and awaiting the man.

Darius tapped his fingers on the durasteel desk. He awaited Vitor in a small room just off of engineering. He did not have a lightsaber yet, but if he did, he probably would have been twirling it to assuage his boredom.
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
In most instances, Vitor would have been fine with remaining with the Republic. For Emeritus, they were an excellent source of income with regards to starships and the like, and many wanted to utilize the vessels.

The battle of Contruum had showcased sole proprietorship was a bad idea. Were the Republic to fall, Emeritus would have nothing to fall back on were its manufacturing facilities seized by the Sith or Mandalorians. Failsafes were in place to ensure Emeritus facilities would not fall into enemy hands, but a loss like that would be critically dangerous.

Such was why he had come to Sullust, and why he was on board the Tyrene. A certain individual was willing to assist him in getting into the Galactic Alliance business-wise.

Perhaps this would be a good deal.

Darius had read...oh, at least five entries on the holonet about this kind of thing. He was not the type to be caught unprepared even if he was out of his usual zone! Sure, he was no Dashiell, no Kuhn, but he could help usher a promising company into the alliance's fold. Force knew they needed something to help boost the struggling economy. Things were just taking off, but it was difficult establishing contracts when you were just starting out.

The door slid open for Mister Imperiuse. White hair? Echani maybe? Darius wasn't about to ask. He'd made that mistake many times in the past, and paid for it. Most folks didn't like it when you questioned what species they were, even if the question was entirely honest.

"Hi there, my name's Darius," he grinned and offered a hand, "My job is to make sure you aren't crazy and help you set up facilities smoothly -- care to get started bud?"

[member="Vitor Imperieuse"]
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?

"Certainly." He nodded in response to the Padawan. "The question is, how in-depth will my acquisition of territory be? Will I have to go through the trouble of constructing new locations? Are there already plots of land set out for industrial purposes? To be more precise, what level of government intervention in the business process will I need to deal with?"

This was always an important question.

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