Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Calling of the Force

Gen'Sar Surom

Anger Means Nothing; Only that your Fear is Shown
[member="Stardust Raxis"]

Gen'Sar Surom paced the halls of the ancient hallway lined with paintings of forgotten heroes and miniature memorials of dead warriors. He felt something. A very powerful pull. As if someone- or something (as in the force)- was trying to contact him. He swore he could hear very faint whispers.

This feeling which sank into him like a freshly-sharpened vibroblade had been at him for about four painfully straining hours. Now Gen felt the pull stronger than before. He was in the middle of a step when he collapsed to the floor.

Gen'Sar coughed violently and choked on his own breathe, his vision flashing before him. He started to see a new...something. A new planet. A planet he hadn't seen before. In the midst of the unknown he heard a whisper...


Gen'Sar's visions returned. He leaped up onto his feet, and dashed out of the hallway out to the courtyard. He bounded into a nearby ship. He knew what he had to do.
@Gen'Sar Surom
The capital city, where stars home sat on a hill looking over the city from a small quaint house, there resides star and her newborn, she was still busy as ever, but she made time to see her child

However after she had laid the kid down...the force started pushing at her, she looked to the door, she fekt as if the force had just invited someone in, lately it seems...that's been the thing....oddly enough

Gen'Sar Surom

Anger Means Nothing; Only that your Fear is Shown
[member="Stardust Raxis"]

As he was traveling through space, he continued to hear faint whispering, as if the force was calling out names, buildings, sites...he could swear, in one of those whispers, he could hear the word "training."

As Gen'Sar landed on the planet, the whispers stopped abruptly. He jumped out of the ship, and surveyed the area. "Fascinating," he muttered to himself quietly. It truly was. The planet's surface was that of what he had only seen in simulations back on Coruscant.

As Gen glanced at one building, the pull had reappeared, and he took a few steps towards the door. "Hello?!" he shouted out, perplexed at what purpose there was for such mysterious guidance from what felt like the force. Eh, what was he saying? The force in itself was mysterious.

He quickly realized he should've just knocked, but what the heck, shouting worked anyways.
@Gen'Sar Surom
She heard someone shout, she pulled a westar out as she opened the door and pointed it out, she looked at the man as she approached and slolwy lowered the weapon

who are you? Are you the one the force invited to my place?

She said as she stopped about five feet away, her Sabers coming to her hands as she put them on her sides

Gen'Sar Surom

Anger Means Nothing; Only that your Fear is Shown
[member="Stardust Raxis"]

"Woah, Woah, there's no need for trouble!" He quickly said as he held up his hands, in the same way one might raise a white flag.

"'Invited me?' The Force gave you the same feeling? Well, yes, a-apparently," he said, stuttering, due to complete shock. His hands remained above his head.
@Gen'Sar Surom
at peace then

She said as she holster ed the blaster Sabers on her hips as she looked him over, he didn't seem to look like a monk or anything but it was obvious he knew the force

yes the force gave me the feelimg someone was gonna I'd it invited the person into my home...and now you show up...your not shooting me or trying some way to kill me so you must be the one

Gen'Sar Surom

Anger Means Nothing; Only that your Fear is Shown
Stardust Raxis said:
@Gen'Sar Surom
at peace then

She said as she holster ed the blaster Sabers on her hips as she looked him over, he didn't seem to look like a monk or anything but it was obvious he knew the force

yes the force gave me the feelimg someone was gonna I'd it invited the person into my home...and now you show up...your not shooting me or trying some way to kill me so you must be the one

The boy slowly lowered his hands down to his sides, giving a sigh of relief.

"Well, yes, apparently...still, I don't quite understand the meaning. I heard a whisper of training, for some reason. I had a vision of some sort. Of this exact planet."

Gen'sar stood there, pondering and speaking to himself in thought. He was never one to shy away from telling a good tale, but the majority of what he knew was shrouded in mystery.
@Gen'Sar Surom

hmmm....the firce invited you in to my place, and seemed to have led you to me...for training for that matter...hnmm...please come in and we shall discuss over tea
She said and turned heading back inside, knowing he'd he was curious to why the firce brought him to her...just as she was curious

Gen'Sar Surom

Anger Means Nothing; Only that your Fear is Shown
[member="Stardust Raxis"] With a quick nod, Gen'sar followed the woman, not hiding away his curiosity for the planet he was on. He made a quick note to himself to give a note in his journal of the flora and fauna of the place. He unwrapped his linen-like scarf, torn at the edges, around his waist, and glared around the room.

"Uh, sorry, I don't recall you giving a name? My name's Gen'sar. I usually just go by Gen."
oh manners must be rusty, I am stardust raxis Riiduur to alor raxis...and current stand in alor

She sat up a table and chairs, she then put some tea on as she turned to him as she motioned to a chair

please sit and we can talk I'm sure your just as curious as I am

@Gen'Sar Surom

Gen'Sar Surom

Anger Means Nothing; Only that your Fear is Shown
[member="Stardust Raxis"] "Great to meet you." Gen'Sar gave a quick smile, before turning his glance over to a chair, sitting down.

Gen'Sar pondered the place for several moments, then issued a query to the woman. "Are you a Jedi?"
@Gen'Sar Surom

She gave a nod and small smile, her attention went to the tea, she started to use pryokinesis to heat it faster till it's started whistlimg, she removed it as she turned to him pouring him and herself a cup before setting down and pondered his question with a smile

some might say I am, but truly I am not...I am a rogue Jedi in technical terms....I'm the balancer of dark and is my duty to keep Balance on both sides

Gen'Sar Surom

Anger Means Nothing; Only that your Fear is Shown
[member="Stardust Raxis"] The young Jedi, instead of reacting in a way that an experienced Jedi master, who lived his life in the teaching of "light is right, everything else is wrong and evil," was fascinated. Balancing both sides? He had never heard of that! "That sounds awesome!" he shouted out. Questions began to flood into his mind. "So, like, what type of code do you have?" and "What's meditation like?" were only a few.
She couldn't help but smile then laugh, it was genuine to, she collected herself and then looked at him with a wise look

there is one in fact it goes like this...

There must be both dark and light. I will do what I must to keep the balance, as the balance is what holds all life. There is no good without evil, but evil must not be allowed to flourish. There is passion, yet peace; serenity, yet emotion; chaos, yet order. I am a wielder of the flame; a champion of balance. I am a guardian of life. I am a Gray Jedi.

She said as she then smiled and spoke to his second question

as for is the's you Balance out the good and bad emotions to find center ground....and as for that code...even though it says Grammy Jedi it applies to rogues as well...I did not start out as a rogue...I want from jedi...and to here
@Gen'Sar Surom

Gen'Sar Surom

Anger Means Nothing; Only that your Fear is Shown
[member="Stardust Raxis"] Gen'Sar listened to the full code fully, and at the end, he gave a gleaming grin. "That sounds really awesome!" After that he bowed his head a bit, with more pondering traveling his way. Quick flashes of memories flooded his way. "I remember an old dueling instructor of mine, when I was a youangling, at the Jedi Temple. He said not to embrace the Dark Side. That it could lead to suffering. How could balance be good, then? Couldn't it do harm?"
@Gen'Sar Surom

please drink your tea it may go cold unless you prefer it so

She said as she smiled, she sipped her tea as she pondered the question and how to answer it, soon she smiled

as a child with sweets your taught moderation and how not to gorge yourself on them...I do not gorge on the dark side nor the light...I just take a pice from both to Balance it out...while the dark side leads to sufferimg....the light leads to loneliness....both have their trade offs...least in my opinion

@Gen'Sar Surom

Gen'Sar Surom

Anger Means Nothing; Only that your Fear is Shown
[member="Stardust Raxis"] "Oh, uh right." Gen'Sar glanced down at the table, and gulped the tea down, before setting it down and continuing his series of questions.

"What's the dark like? How did you learn of its power? Can it be taught?"
it is odd...and hate that isn't warm...but it is strong...stronger then the light I'd for being taught...yes....but it is dangerous...only those and balanced heart can take it

She said in a quite serious tine and crossed her arms

@Gen'Sar Surom

Gen'Sar Surom

Anger Means Nothing; Only that your Fear is Shown
[member="Stardust Raxis"] Gen'Sar noted the woman's change of attitude, and took in the information, almost to heart. It did seem more practical to learn both sides of the world, instead of one; to learn both faces of the coin. It was quite seriously said it was dangerous; perhaps the dangerous route was the path to a greater knowledge? Yet, his instructors explained without and "if," "and" or "but" that the Dark Side was nothing but evil, and should not be practiced at all. With but a few sentences Gen was conflicted. "Stronger?" he finally asked, with the word echoing in his mind. Was there an implication that power was the path to victory and knowledge?
when two rushing rivers meet and become one they become stronger and lead to the ocean a vast expanse of water...I see being a rogue like such....I become the rivers that become one which leads to more allows me to learn things that would be taboo...the key is balance...and I can teach you such if your patient

She said her smile returning as she chuckled

besides it's been so long without a enthusiasm like yours I could use it myself
@Gen'Sar Surom

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