The OOC One
Slowly, two men stepped from the shadows, the darkness filling the room. The shine of the throne couldn't break up the bleak darkness, Atrisian throne rooms were made to be dark anyway. Slowly the taller of the two men flicked his hood down, and the shorter one took a seat on the throne. Lord Novus had arrived to rule his men, rule his forces. He'd heard reports of two men being spotted, scouting the palace. Truthfully, it worried him.
It worried him because he couldn't feel them, in much the same way neither could feel him. He raised his hands slowly, fingers tracing his battle scarred face, missing eye. His hands raised once again, mask sliding over, hiding the scars. He'd been through many a battles, but he knew he had stronger battles coming. He knew that it would never be over.
The royal guard took up holding near the door, each ready and waiting.
Novus just watched.
[member="[/FONT][/SIZE][COLOR=#ebebeb][FONT=tahoma][SIZE=12px][URL=""]Maxumus Corvus[/URL]"][/COLOR]
[member="Aston Jacobs"]
It worried him because he couldn't feel them, in much the same way neither could feel him. He raised his hands slowly, fingers tracing his battle scarred face, missing eye. His hands raised once again, mask sliding over, hiding the scars. He'd been through many a battles, but he knew he had stronger battles coming. He knew that it would never be over.
The royal guard took up holding near the door, each ready and waiting.
Novus just watched.
[member="[/FONT][/SIZE][COLOR=#ebebeb][FONT=tahoma][SIZE=12px][URL=""]Maxumus Corvus[/URL]"][/COLOR]
[member="Aston Jacobs"]