Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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"The Cartographer"


Name: Baelfire Jareth Lenasin​

Alias: The Cartographer​

Faction: None​

Rank: None​

Species: Epicanthrix​

Gender: Male​

Age: 83; Physically 28​

Hair: Black​

Eyes: Gold (cybernetic enhancements); Brown​

Height: 6'6"​

Weight: 150 Lbs.​

Sexuality: Pansexual​

Status: Single​

Force Sensitive: Yes (Basic knowledge, chooses not to train)​

Bael is considered by many to be extremely attractive, though he doesn't really care about looks. He dresses "casually", though given his wealth, he looks chique in basically anything he wears, even if it's just his underwear.​
Bael is often referred to as a genius due to his contributions to the scientific community. His immense social status reveals that he is very friendly, as well as whimsical and spontaneous. He knows EVERYONE, mainly because of the hundreds of parties he hosts. He believes in living "in-the-moment". With all the years he has under his belt, he feels it's best to live right now and not back then or in the future. He is relatively slow to anger. However, should he be angry, he will become cold, snarky, and even a bit snobbish.​

Strengths and Weaknesses:​
+Bio-scientist- Bael specializes in the study of living things. This includes human and alien anatomy, as well as experimentation involving living specimens.​
+Cybernetically Enhanced Eyes- Bael has done considerable things to his body, such as tattoos and extensive ear piercings. However, none are more prominent that his eyes. He had always had less than perfect sight, so he remedied this by enhancing them with infrared sensors, X-ray micro-technology, and self-repairing 20/20 vision. In order to appear less noticeable, he added a built-in concealer, thus making his eyes appear normal until he wished to use their special features.​
+/-Force Sensitivity- Bael has a basic knowledge of the Force, and can perform basic acts, such as levitating objects and sensing other Users as well as the emotions of others. However, he doesn't want to train and grow in this area, as he doesn't see it necessary to do so.​
-Authority Issues- Bael doesn't take orders from anyone. He is a powerful man, and perfectly capable of making his own decisions. This does usually mean that those who hire him have to at least compromise with some of his wishes if they want to get anywhere with him.​

Baelfire is the sole heir of the Lenasin family, one of the wealthiest and most respectable families in the Galaxy. Since the day he was born, he was showered in admiration and high expectation. For most of his childhood he was pressured and prodded by his egotistical parents to be perfect and successful in every way. Naturally, he wasn't completely willing to comply. At every place he could in his education, he made little blemishes and mistakes, knowing full well that his parents, being perfectionists, would notice. As years passed Bael became extremely well-known for his work in bio sciences. He turned into a social butterfly, and began collecting massive amounts of friends and wealth. The contributions he made eventually led to the name that every being knows him as: The Cartographer. His parents eventually stopped talking to him. They still brag of their intergalactic son, and he still tells of his family, but that is the extent of their relationship.​
I for some reason feel I want to either help or work for this fellow at least once for the story if not also the rp, if you need a bodyguard detail or random shinanigens, definitely free for it! [member='The Cartographer']

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