Well-Known Member

The Castellax Foundation. Here for the Future. Here, for You.
The Castellax Foundation is a private company based on the world of Empress Teta. The Foundation specializes in urban construction and development, urban and private security droid manufacturing, and private defense construction. With locations on Coruscant and Corellia, the Castellax Foundation is ready to serve the worlds of the Core and Mid Rim at a moments notice. Dedicated to creating a better life for the citizens of the galaxy, the Castellax Foundation is here to support the future, and here to support you.
The Catalog
Security Droids:
- Castellax Class Security Droid
- Specter Class Security Droidhttp://starwarsrp.net/topic/132158-specter-class-security-droid/
- Centurion Class Security Droid
Construction Vehicles: