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The Cave (Matsu and Matsu)

Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Matsu Xiangu"]

The world of Shri-tal held many secrets and as Matsu stood there she was looking through he stacks of it all. The twilight sepulcher was a place few ever saw and looking at the massive city under the canopy of the jungle built under a criss crossing of beams and sections. The twilight temple that held many secrets but this wasn't a secret place... rarely used and no one really came but it wasn't a private or secret place. That was why as Matsu stood there she was looking at her research team who were working on equipment and gear for them to use.

Hunting down in the caves had proven quite a sight and there was more down there in the dark, more things people didn't see and when the contract came from the beast hunters she had to admit it seemed a little easier. Matsu knew the sithspawn made a home here and on the world itself... many creatures did and they were all dangerous and here in the cave system there were some places that could house more then just babies. She had laid out equipment and was smirking as she spoke. "Well I do hope and think she will like it."

Her researchers were working hard on going further down into the caves and build a warehouse. The storefront in the capital was quite a sight but she needed to see what would come of it now before she was moving off into the distance and holding her obulette satchel and packing it with some weapons and tranq darts. She hadn't wasted time going for the large gun as getting five of these beasts would be quite a sight and the money would best be served going into more equipment and research. They had sea leviathans after all and those were more dangerous.

"So are you ready to begin?"
Matsu, though she was familiar with the idea of a terentatek and their inherent strengths, was unsure of what to expect from trying to capture one – let alone five. For example, what information was left on their history before the Gulag plague destroyed much of the Galaxy’s more obscure historical documents indicated the Jedi had at one point attempted to exterminate them. She knew Terentateks had a fondness for the flesh of the force-sensitive, but did that extend only to Jedi, making her partner more at risk? Or did it not matter anymore? The lines were blurred these days, less concrete than a thousand years ago when the Jedi and the Sith had been one thing and one thing only. Would she have some type of effect on the Terentatek as she was Sith herself, or did they only protect certain Sith?

Questions abounding, she tore her gaze from the Twilight Sepulcher, something she felt strange laying eyes on. Despite the ease with which they’d fallen in with each other, Xiangu was everything her friend’s Order stood against. In truth, spending time with Matsu Ike was the last thing she’d ever expect herself to be doing if she’d asked herself a year ago – she’d done too much. In her early years she’d watched Nemene Talith torture a Silver Jedi youngling. She’d dueled multiple Silver Jedi with every intention of eradicating them. And even more recently she’d used Connor Harrison’s mind as an experiment, twisting visions in to his head – flashbacks like drug memories. By all rights they should be fighting each other to the death, not planning a hunt in which neither is all that suspicious of the other.

She needed to get her head out of the clouds, or her questions about the Terentatek would never be answered – they’d kill her before she could come down.

She’d come armed to the teeth, explosives and darts and tranquilizers galore. The Force would not be the same help in the way it had for the other hunts they’d been on, not for these creatures. She had both her saber and her alchemically-altered sword. Five of these beasts would not be easy, not remotely – but they’d done the nearly-impossible before. They could do this too.

Coming to stand by Ike and look down in to the cave system, she nodded. “As ready as I’ll ever be. Do you have any idea what’s in there, or are we going in blind?” This was Ike’s world, her Shri-tal.

[member="Matsu Ike"]​
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Matsu Xiangu"]

Matsu looked at her and at the area around them, shadow guards and disciples were here. They preferred it and were not the more serious of the silver jedi, as she moved towards the cave hearing Matsu's comment sh had a small grin with that. "The caves honeycomb the moon, this entire moon is jungle with interconnected temples, cities like this built below the ground and a lattice work of trees in planters and stone work, it made for an underground yet open city. The cave at the base of the large central tower was her destination as she spoke stopping to show the waters and pushing it with the force.

The snap and attack from the Tova-ra brought her away and she had been expecting it, the two meter long fish was like a giant eel as it hopped on the stone work and looked at her. Matsu kept her hand close but out while she remained to the side enough for Matsu to see the nasty thing. "These are the tova-ra... very deadly and very poisonous. There are many rivers down there with them in it and pits where they mate. Their venom is good at weakening larger predators enough to take them down or put them to sleep." She had a small grin on her face with that, the fish were dangerous and able to handle beast.

That made them an asset as Matsu pushed with the force sending it back into the water and moving while she looked towards the caves. "There are some other species down there like the Skr-ul they are delicious and the predators eat them. With enough as bait we can try and lure them away one at a time." She had some plans in case that failed but it involved not facing more then two of the beasts at a given time. One they could handle together... two she believed they could as well with more work because there was two of them... All five at one time well that would be dangerous and you should only try if crazy...

Luckily they were crazy and Matsu started walking into the cave as the force crystals in the walls hummed slightly while the Amberite slowly encroached on it. Casting a tinge on the caves like stain glass and gold with its own inner light before Matsu spoke and was moving. "The crystal here are like Ilum, similar in every way almost except one... This amberite being, a living and parasitic crystal that bonds with force users and the crystals around it. It can make the solari and lignan crystals here on the moon that have been found react very differently." She was moving now letting the crystal light illuminate their way without the need for a glow rod yet.
The Tova-ra was unexpected, a black eel with a sheen of gold over its skin that looked just about as deadly as it was. Although she didn’t voice it, she had the feeling she and her partner were on the same page. She was sure it would take multiple of them to even begin to create the kind of poisoning needed to weaken even one of the enormous creatures, let alone five. But when Matsu pointed out the Skr-ul she paused for a moment in thought, tilting her head in question. “Do you think the Tova-ra would eat the Skr-ul? If we had enough of them to lure a good amount, it could be enough poison to take down at least one or two, maybe more.”

The more she thought about it, the more she wondered if this wasn’t even more insane than the Exogorth – perhaps on par, each with their own challenges. Thankfully tranquilizers seemed to be their go-to and they’d both brought enough to take down all the beasts – the trick would just be getting them back to the ship before they woke up.

But she was getting ahead of herself.

She followed Matsu deeper, leaving her saber to the side for now as the crystals lit the caves. She wondered if she wouldn’t be able to come back here without the job in mind someday, explore – scavenge.

Deeper, and deeper in to the caves they went and soon Xiangu was hoping to hear something of the beasts before they got too far from their transport. The closer to the exit, the less of a chance they’d die in the attempt. And then, all the sudden, a small group of what she could only assume were the Skr-ul Matsu mentioned came in to view, poking around for food.

She narrowed her eyes and grimaced at herself. “I swear, you cursed me with that ropo and now I love cute animals.” Whether they were cute was debatable, but maybe it was 'so ugly they're cute'?

[member="Matsu Ike"]​
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Matsu Xiangu"]

"They have a habit of attacking everything that moves usually and once they smell blood they go after it. A small and dangerous gambit but there is many things down there that people don't see." These ruins, this moon, this world were all made long ago and the faded murals were there in the temples and some of the sections. Slowly Matsu kept walking and listening as she chuckled to the other part... The adorable nature of some of these creatures were not lot on her. People liked them because of that as she kept going the pink hairless creatures were ugly sure but it is much like a plastic bottle being tapped on your head... eventually you are going to laugh.

She had a few other ideas but stopped just looking at the creature while it came to her hand and she was running her fingers over it. The bunny mole rat thing was just squeaking while she picked it up and held it. "These little guys are considered very delicious and pretty much anything down here will eat them. Put enough together and it would make a good lure same as one of their nests." It wasn't the best way to go about it but she didn't see a danger with it, the creatures were like that anyways they could have been eaten more then likely or lived and mated more spawning more children that would b eaten so circle of life.

Matsu was looking around in the dark as she held the creature out that was curling into her like a little heater. "Eventually their cuteness will get you and you might become the only darksider who has ropo pillows and skr-ul blankets. Nothing to be ashamed of my friend." Matsu held a smile now that was teasing on her face and she was setting small beacons for the research teams to come and look. They were searching parts of the caves for large crystals or materials and expanding for the warehouse they had. She had a few ideas while listenignf or more of the creatures and the deeper sounds or presence of the sithspawn.
She imagined there were some that would go to war with Matsu Ike for statements like that, for insinuating that she was anything less than a warrior princess. But Xiangu could only laugh, even taking it one step further: “Turn them in to blankets!? I could never. I’ll just have a zoo.”

Even a Sith Lord was allowed her fuzzy animals, even if their hands were a little creepy.

Regardless, she believed it would take a mix of tactics to bag all five Terentateks successfully. Lightning would not strike five times in a row, of that she was sure. So some of the their cute little piggy friends would have to go in the name of credits – alright, so maybe she was slightly less of an animal rights activist than immediately assumed.

Speaking of which, she felt the presence of the sithspawn not long after they continued on down the caves, Matsu dropping some of the moss she’d seen the Skr-ul eating along behind her to lure them in to trailing the pair far enough to be used as bait. She paused before the mouth of a cavern that felt enormous judging by the way air was traveling through the passage, inching her way forward to see the two huge spawn moving slowly along the larger cave. At least in this respect they would have an easier time as a small steam of water cut through the bedrock, sure to hold several of the poisonous creatures Ike had introduced her to earlier.

She used the moss like one would a treat in front of a pet to get it to do something, moving inch by inch so the little herd trailed behind it, frustrated that not even one of them could capture the mysteriously mobile moss, not noticing they were inching closer and closer to the water full of death, and that two giant sithspawn at lumbered around to see what was making so much noise – something that looked tasty.

[member="Matsu Ike"]​
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Matsu Xiangu"]

Matsu looked at Matsu as they walked more with that hidden amusement you could have in a situation. She was reaching out with hr senses and could feel them as she stood there looking on. Her amusement melting away as she stood there watching the two sithspawn in the larger cavern and there were many things around that she could see to use. The bunny moles going the way of the underground river while she was adjusting her eyes and the creatures turning around to look at the sounds had Matsu breathing in and out while her hand went to the darts and stunners she had in her pack. A small nod of her head that she was ready though had her reaching to sense for the tova as one came to the ground snarling.

Matsu was moving quickly and with a purpose now as she ducked lower and the fish creature snapped, now she was moving and looking at those poisoned tusks of the creature while she moved between the legs. Two was the magic number for them and she would have to be careful as Matsu held the stunner in her hand and she saw the fish snap onto the beasts leg. The thick hide met claws while a sharp scent hit her nose... the water became choppy and there was more of them while Matsu grabbed a spine and held onto the creature jabbing the stunner into it. The research team was ready to move in when she contacted the and they could get the beasts secured on the ship with proper sedatives and restraints.

Matsu was also looking for Matsu to see what she was doing while the large beast bucks now with several things biting it. The other was being distracted by the attack and coming to help or maybe join the frenzy as she crouched lower nearly hugging the spine and using it as cover and protection jabbed the stunner in again where the hide was thinner and softer on the head. Just below the ridges while it started to fall back and Matsu was leaping and rolling with her hands covering her head. The thing wasn't down yet but she switched from stunner to dart launcher while taking aim and firing into the snout and mouth of the creature. The fish biting it and looking at the other thing attacking them while Matsu went and used the beast for cover.
Whether out of curiosity for the unknown or the nature of the jobs they’d taken before, Matsu had never shown much of her prowess with the Force beyond moving a few bunny-creatures around as bait or the preternatural awareness of the right thing to do that some mistook for luck. She’d always tried Ike’s gadgets or allowed the harder way – the most she’d ever done was use telekinetic power to manipulate nets.

This time, they’d need everything they had.

All they had to do (and that makes it sound easy, as if they aren’t trying to bring down creatures bred to feed on the flesh of those using the Force, the very thing they also resisted so well) was fell the creatures, bring them down so Ike’s research team could sweep in and cart them back to the ship. It would be two down, three to go.

As her partner sprinted forward, almost a blur enhanced by the Force, her aim impeccable, Matsu waited for an opportunity. They were, of course, in a cave system and what she was about to attempt could destabilize the entire tunnel network if she ripped too much of the earth from around them unless she waited until both the sithspawn were close enough to each other. It would add an element of risk to Ike’s endeavors but Matsu had faith she could protect herself.

As if on cue, the straggler came to join its brother in fighting Ike, roaring angrily at the interloper though both were flagging as the effects of both the tranquilizer darts and the fish biting at their hide starting to creep in. Immensely powerful creatures, it served to make them dizzy at worst – but Matsu had a plan. Reaching up, she concentrated every bit of the power she had access to and yanked with her telekinetic prowess once she saw Ike was at a distance relatively far enough for her to keep running out of the zone of Matsu’s attack. Spidering cracks opened along the ceiling that broke suddenly to drop huge chunks of rock on the terentateks, striking them over and over as they crashed to the ground.

However, the cave system was varied and unpredictable and as the dust cleared – the first two creatures down, but perhaps just barely – it was revealed that Xiangu had opened an entire hole in the ceiling opening to another chamber above.

And three Terentateks were looking down at them, their claws curling around the edge. “Oops.”

[member="Matsu Ike"]​
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Matsu Xiangu"]

Matsu was moving on the back of the creature as she heard it... that rush of energy and power pulling towards the ceiling. She could hear the cracks of the stone while the debris started falling. Matsu moving quickly off the back of the creature as she flipped and planted her feet to the stone. The force energies rippling down the length of her arms before she pulled up to plates of stone to protect her from rocks. Then the dust was settling while she moved her hands and feet jumping forward to levitate the rocks then kick them into the three that had been attracted by the sounds.

Matsu looked up and was moving now as she brought a small wall of stone up pulling at the fallen pieces. The stone work here was good these were crystal caves and she looked up at some of the large veins while she moved to stand beside Matsu who spoke..... Her head turned with a quick jerk motion frowning a little in more that 'what you talking bout willis' look then anger or emotion. This was still a fight they were going to have to do just meant now there would be an added level of danger to it while she was moving letting her hands spark with bursts of fire.

"Well this will be interesting." That was the best she could think about for it, no snappy one liners, no witty come backs because not the fun of it as Matsu moved towards one of the beasts jumping and focusing on the earth around him. The stone becoming her weapon while she raised a section of it to divide the creatures and give some breathing room before dropping a third into a slope so it rolled down to the ground end over end. A little jostling to soften it up while she slid a saber blade that activated with a snap hiss of silvery white light and vibrations of lightside energy. Solari crystals could be a powerful thing for attracting attention.

"Come on."

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