RC 212

Location: Hyperspace, Somewhere along the Hydian way aboard the Gypsy Caravan
[member="Ark Tallen"] [member="Shane Zion"] [member="Venris Helion"] [member="Emily Beleren"] [member="Tyranus Collik"] [member="Larana Holst"]
Vassara sat in the cargo hold of her L-19, the Gyspsy Caravan. Her feet were kicked up on a nearby cargo crate, a bottle of whiskey in her hand. Across her lap her shotgun was resting idly and drunken smirk was on her face.
Off on the other side of the bay Silas was shooting bottles off the top of the railing with her Czerka Machine pistol. Problem was he was a horrible shot, and some of the slugs whistled and popped striking the bulkhead and ricocheting into the crates around it.
"Your a fraking horrible shot with that thing Silas, stick to your scattergun!" Vassara teased.
"Frak yourself." Silas replied, loading another clip.
"Ah well."
She turned to the group she had assemble now. Over the past few months the young spacer had bounced from place to place gaining jobs and friends. Now she had called them all on board, providing booze and smokes in hopes of striking a loose alliance of Captains, bound by a charter of guidelines. The goal? To aid each other and the galaxy with exploration and provide security to their small guild.
"Well guys, how was your travels?"