Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Charter of the Expeditionary fleet!- (Expeditionary Fleet only/Recruitment)


Location: Hyperspace, Somewhere along the Hydian way aboard the Gypsy Caravan
[member="Ark Tallen"] [member="Shane Zion"] [member="Venris Helion"] [member="Emily Beleren"] [member="Tyranus Collik"] [member="Larana Holst"]


Vassara sat in the cargo hold of her L-19, the Gyspsy Caravan. Her feet were kicked up on a nearby cargo crate, a bottle of whiskey in her hand. Across her lap her shotgun was resting idly and drunken smirk was on her face.

Off on the other side of the bay Silas was shooting bottles off the top of the railing with her Czerka Machine pistol. Problem was he was a horrible shot, and some of the slugs whistled and popped striking the bulkhead and ricocheting into the crates around it.

"Your a fraking horrible shot with that thing Silas, stick to your scattergun!" Vassara teased.

"Frak yourself." Silas replied, loading another clip.

"Ah well."

She turned to the group she had assemble now. Over the past few months the young spacer had bounced from place to place gaining jobs and friends. Now she had called them all on board, providing booze and smokes in hopes of striking a loose alliance of Captains, bound by a charter of guidelines. The goal? To aid each other and the galaxy with exploration and provide security to their small guild.

"Well guys, how was your travels?"

Grim Blacklake

Shane sat up against a crate slowly twirling a combat knife in his hand.

After leaving his previous job with Razz Michaels, he decided to do something fun.

He watched the one who was shooting bottles and shook his head slowly in disappointment.

Then looked up to the woman who had her feet up on a crate, she asked how their travels were and he shook his head again, talking was hard on him, but when he needed to talk he would. He turned his head to his canine friend and began to pet him.

"Madam I hope you don't mind that I brought my companion with me..." he whispered hoarsely

[member="Vassara Raxis"]
Leaning against the wall with his arms crossed, Detorin raised his head at the question of how his travel was. If he was honest, it had been horrible. The Former Pirate Lord was accustomed to captaining a cruiser, yet ever since his fall he had been forced to single-handedly pilot a starfighter.

That was one of the reasons he was here though, to make the money he needed to get back to the top. Until then, he'd need to join someone else's crew. He only hoped there was a space on one of the Captain's crews. "Ordinary." His reply was short, yet it made sense. Nothing special had happened, nothing exciting.

Hopefully if he could join a crew he'd have more fun than sitting in his cockpit alone...

[member="Shane Zion"] [member="Vassara Raxis"]

Ark Tallen

Quartermaster of the Expeditionary fleet.
Ark Stood in the Gypsy Caravan, just like he had before. Nothing seemed different, other than there was nobody shooting at him and he has a glass of whiskey in his hand. The amber fluid was all he really needed to be drawn into a situation, and at this moment Ark realized that was how Vassara drew him into her missions in the first place. His greatest weakness, the thought of it made him chuckle.

"Any travel is good when you bring the booze!" Ark stated, raising his glass with a jolly laugh.

His coat hung on a box next to him, and Ark was making himself at home. Leaning back on a crate, Ark looked at the others. An interesting crowd, to say the least, but these were his kind of people.

@Detorin@Shane Zion@Vassara Raxis
[member="Ark Tallen"] [member="Detorin"] [member="Shane Zion"] [member="Vassara Raxis"]

Venris sat on top of a stack of crates, watching the group and waiting for Vassara to speak. He had genuinely been surprised when the young captain had called on him, not expecting her to recall some random merc from Nar Shadda who didn't even use blasters. When Vassara finally addressed the group he hopped down and gave a shrug before resuming a sitting position atop another crate. "Well, considering most of my transportation either winds up hijacked or crashing I have to say that this trip was fairly relaxing."

While Venris usually didn't associate himself with...well, anybody really, he felt an odd sense of familiarity with some of the people aboard, as though they might sympathize with one another on some level. Usually the presence of other mercenaries, assassins, smugglers or freelancers of any kind would be enough to send the former Jedi back on his way to his next meal ticket on some outer rim world, but this gathering had intrigued him enough to make an exception.

It may have helped that Vassara had genuinely earned his trust after helping him escape some disgruntled Trandoshans back on Nar Shadda.
[member="Ark Tallen"] [member="Shane Zion"] [member="Venris Helion"] [member="Emily Beleren"] [member="Tyranus Collik"] @Detorin

Vassara nodded at the group. Most of them were salty space dogs, two of whom she had close experience with. The rest were either colleagues or newcomers whom had answered the call of the Underground networks. Still more was merrier and the young woman slammed her drink before pouring another.

She passed the bottle left along the circle and stood, propping her shotgun up nearby on a cargo crate.

"Well animals, companions and crew are welcome aboard any time. Of course the Gypsy Caravan is kinda small, so don't all party bomb me at once!" Vassara shot off with a grin.

"Now to business gentlemen. I'm looking to assemble what resources and crew we have into a roving fleet. I intend to Explore new worlds and take more stations."

Those that stood with her at Kathlan station understood just what she meant.

"Of course with freedom among us comes a cost. Unfortunately a certain band of Pirates has taken quite an affront to us already. Partly my doing, void knows I love a good fight."

She tossed a wink towards Ark and Venris, whom knew this all too well.

"That being said, I hate Sith and will hunt Sith. I will lend aid to the Underground and anyone whom stands against them. The Sith wiped out my home Alderaan. I'm hoping everyone here would be in agreeance. The most important thing is that we are all made equals aboard this fleet. No one person shall hold all the power, and I welcome you to lay the terms of your respective crews forth so we can all come to a mutual accord."


The Darkness feeds me
[member="Vassara Raxis"]
Tyranus stood up pulling his hood over his shoulders and he held his mandalorion helmet under his left am with booze in his right hand. He drank some before speaking calmly and casually, it was a gift to him being able to speak calm in almost any situation since he grew up a slave.

I..know of a Sith organization called, the Ever-lasting sith....they are the last remain of of the sith from the Sith is a subspecies of the Pichilus both my slave-masters and now my allies...

He said the last word with a slight tone in his voice signifying that he still didn't trust them and would never trust them. He drank another whiz before continuing.

....All I know is.....that they live on Felucia......and that they have quite a abundance of ships, resources, even a couple of crates of credits......but the last I saw of them was ten years we might as will check....who knows what well find

With that, he sat back down and drank another whiz of booze before finishing it and placing it beside his chair near a few more empty bottles.
[member="Vassara Raxis"]

"You and that habit of starting a fight is one reason why I agreed to come here," Venris chuckled and rose to his feet. "It's also one of several reasons that I'm saying yes to this madness: because you're actually insane enough to carry through with it and not get cold feet at the last second."

Anybody could claim that they would take the fight right to these pirates, but how many would practice what they preach? He trusted Vassara to keep her word and fight these scum to the death even if they outnumbered her a thousand to one, and he couldn't deny that he found her aims to be agreeable.

"I don't own a ship of my own, but I can work on acquiring one pretty quickly if needed," Venris continued. "And in the mean time if nobody here minds playing Taxi Driver for me, I can make a handy field operative."

He suspected that he would have to come clean with this group at some point about just who and what he was exactly, but for now he'd keep silent about it unless asked. It wasn't too strange for a random Force Sensitive mercenary to wander in a galaxy so large and with so many people, but if anybody noticed how he wielded his vibro blades like a professional Soresu or Ataru fighter then there might be certain suspicions. After all, Sith could learn these same styles just as easily as any Jedi, and he could tell that this entire gathering was full of people who would gladly string up a Sith; the last thing he needed was a misunderstanding of the lethal variety.
"You know that brings up a good point. These pirates, these Sith. We can even benefit from taking them down. They got credits, ships and other things. Well.."
Vassara took a swig of her drink, finishing it and reaching back down for another bottle.
"We got blasters and crew. Some of the finest!"
Sitting back down she took out her datapad, kicking a crate from nearby into position as a sort of table between them all. The data pad was slammed won with more force than necessary and she let out a ghastly burp. After all spacers weren’t proper ladies!
"So here's what I propose. The Charter of Tatooine."
Article One: All shares of plunder are to be split equally among the members of the Fleet and their crews. A percentage comes off the top to maintain our Space Stations, Community Ships and Shadowports.
Article two: No member of the fleet shall kill or injure another, except in a duel, determined by mutual decision before hand. This is a last resort.
Article Three: No Captain shall hold more power than any other, nor any crewman than any other. We're all free people here, acting on common interest. Dissenters will be marooned upon the planet of their choice.
Article Four: We will explore numerous worlds and stations as a Fleet. The safety and Security of the Fleet relies upon trust. Don’t Lie, don't Cheat, Don't steal from fellow crew. Crew are never to be left behind in their hour of need.
Article Five: The practice of the Dark side and Piracy unto free people will not be tolerated. Sith and Pirate alike will be hunted. We will always lend our aid in the cause of Freedom, no matter the cost.
Article Six: A Corp of Fleet Facilitators shall be established to watch over and guide the overall operations of the Fleet. The positions are as follows.
Quartermaster of the Fleet- Splits the shares of plunder and whatever else. Also in charge of supplies and money.
Wardens of the Fleet- Multiple slots open, awarded to active members. Basically an unofficial leader of the fleet. Responsible for giving guidance to junior members.
Master at Arms of the Fleet- Oversees the armory and making sure that the weapons and armor are good to go. Also organizes defence forces and handles security.
Chief Engineer of the Fleet- Maintains vessels and Space station repairs. Chief consultant on factory subs and such.
"All in favor Say aye. If not, state your objection or change and we will put it to a vote!"


The Darkness feeds me
[member="Vassara Raxis"]

He stands up and walks over to a crate and takes out some booze and then he walks over to his chair and sits in it. He takes off the lid and drinks some and then stops for a while

Grim Blacklake

Shane listened to the young woman talk.

He looked around and noticed the others around the ship, they seemed as if a mixed bunch...sseemed to be all different. Shane looked back to the woman. He was glad to hear his faithful companion was on board with him. Hearing the sith were against them made Shane smile and remember Razz, oh how Razz hated those sith. Although hearing them talk about their abundance of fighting recklessly made him shake his head, making themselves shown was a mistake. He smiled under his mask.

The captain kicked the crate between the group making Shane jump up in a fright. He always hated things that popped out of nowhere. He picked up his sword and held it. He slowly read what was on the data pad.

"Aye" Shane said weakly.

[member="Vassara Raxis"]


The Darkness feeds me
Tyranus pulled hid Mandalorion helmet off and took out a spray can and he slowly began to paint a design on the front of it. He couldn't let the other's know he as a Mando. Although, eventually they would find out but he believed that they would mock him of his heritage and be scared because he was of the Clan of Fetts, the same as Boba Fett and Jango Fett. Tyranus wiped away the current paintjob unsatisfied and then took out a black spraycan and began to do a design on his helmet. He drank another wiz of booze, he turned and laughed lightly at [member="Shane Zion"] reaction.

Don't worry we will be reason to worry......we are not going to be butchered so put you sword away.
"You don't need to ask me twice. Aye!" Venris declared with a smirk before pulling a flask out from his coat and taking a mouthful to celebrate before looking at Tyranus. "Well General, it seems that you and I will be working together more often than usual now, only difference is I won't be able to bill you for it." Venris joked.


The Darkness feeds me
[member="Venris Helion"] [member="Vassara Raxis"]
Heh, yeah too bad.........for you

Tyranus said with a hunt of a smile. He continued to paint the design onto his helmet, being careful not to mess up. He took another wiz of booze before putting it down again and before speaking again.

So....Vas when is our next move?

Grim Blacklake

Hearing a man near him laugh made Shane uneasy, he was not use to being in a group such as this...although it was a big opportunity to get more credits.

Shane sighed and put his sword away.

He gave a short whistle and his canine came near.

"So...who are you guys" Shane finally said softly

if he was going to join them he'd better know who they were.

[member="Tyranus Collik"]
[member="Venris Helion"]
[member="Vassara Raxis"]


The Darkness feeds me
[member="Shane Zion"]
Will....I am Tyranus Collik, I grew up a slave in the Pichilus empire then I later became.....a general and became a freed slave....I never knew my true father or mother but All I knew as that a pichilus general by the name, General Exarnus was the one who adopted me when I joined the army. Then......I fought in a battle of Felucia with out fellow here.....Venris and I lost my left arm to a couple of blaster shots.....back then he was a hired merc.......then after a few years I left the army and began to explore the galaxy........but I'd rather not explain my heritage.....

Tyranus hoped that Shane wouldn't ask about his heritage as he continued to paint his helmet. He left the booze on the ground for a while trying to keep his mind clear and to allow him to think for quite some time.

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