Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Public The Chase Begins

Location: Approaching planet Roon aboard the GS-77 Gunship
Local Time: 1400 hours
Equipment: Body/Suit/Sword, M-18 Pit Viper, SYC Grenades, Ion Grenades, DEX Satchel charges
Tags: Open

Aiden was sitting in the cockpit of his ship. The recent events of what had happened were playing through his mind over and over. He knew where he had to go. He knew what he had to do. The question now was just getting there. John was at the wheel of the ship, bringing it in to start a landing sequence. First thing was first now however. They needed to resupply and refuel. Aiden needed time to think on how he would accomplish this new objective. This... this would be difficult to be sure. Extremely difficult being the understatement of the millennia. This would be almost impossible. The Sith. Not many knew what went on inside Sith space who weren't supposed to know anything, and those that said they knew, well were either crazed, wrong, or extremely rare. This new mission, who he'd have to go after. He couldn't stop thinking about it. The name ringing in his head over and over.


He'd done a search through CIS and even TDW records that he'd, well stolen to see if they mentioned him at all. Nothing. Not even a hint. Just what he'd gotten from the Lord Marshall. And what he'd gotten from him, made him second guess this, if only because he didn't know if he could accomplish this alone. Maybe he-

"I know that look sir, stop thinking about it,"

"About what?"

"The mission sir. Your father had the same look every time he was presented with an extremely difficult problem to mull over. Take the problem one step at a time, one issue at a time. Focus on the now, plan for the immediate future. That, what you're thinking about, can wait,"

Aiden looked the droid in the head with a quizzical, almost curious look. John said he was Sergei's personal combat droid, having been assigned to and fought alongside him for almost a year non-stop. And while he didn't believe any mere droid could keep up with someone as tough and aggressive as Sergei, he couldn't deny that was something Sergei would have told him.

"What was he like? Towards the end?" Aiden asked.

"Your father? Well he was certainly something. Saved me multiple times, and survived some of the most hellacious places in the galaxy. There's a lot to tell...." The droid would start as he brought the ship through the atmosphere to a landing pad on a small little town. The local authorities logged the GS-77 and directed them to pad 10, letting them know several contractors would arrive to begin refueling and topping off their supplies.


Aiden walked down the ramp of the vessel as he looked about the landing pad. It was pretty sparsely populated, with only the fueler and another contractor taking an order from John on the necessary supplies they'd need for the ship. The contractor in question was idly talking to the droid as the other left to go grab the supplies, mainly rations and maintenance supplies for the trip. John would speak to Aiden plainly as the droid addressed the needed issues.

"Go ahead and go find yourself something to eat, we'll be on the road for a while. You need the time to calm your nerves,"

The cyborg would nod in his helmet as he began walking up the street. He kept his blades, and some of his standard kit on him as he walked, deciding that while this planet was more of a backwater, that it would be better to be armed in case. Just to discourage casual muggers and other riff raff. He would walk past several food vendors and other types of stands, selling fish, small knick knacks, fruits, vegetables, cuts of meat and various other items both edible and not. The bazaar itself was crowded, full of various people, smells and languages as various peoples bartered, sold and bought items at varying quantities. One a fisherman selling a hold of fish, another a tradesman looking to barter for more items or otherwise trade his wares, one a trandosian selling ironically enough cuts of various terrestrial based animals. Aiden would take in the sights, smells, noise, and the general mood of the place. It was lively to say the least. This place reminded of a small village he'd visited on vacation from his time in university. A place that he would love to visit, and possibly even work at for a while just to take in the life style of a more simple and wholistic life. A small tavern looking place would catch his attention as he was walking and he would step inside to look across the room. It seemed quiet enough as he did a quick scan of the room and found that they served food and drink, which from the smell was absolutely delectable. He would pick a table towards one of the corners of the room, placing himself in a booth with the hope that anyone who was passing through wouldn't notice him. If TDW caught up with him, they'd immediately send recovery teams to try and stop and arrest him. And after beating several of them to a pulp, Aiden didn't want to fight them much more. His quarrel, while probably rightfully should be leveled at them for lying to him, was not. They simply stood in his way, and while he didn't want to hurt them because they were like family, he had to do this. He shook his head as a cute waitress walked up to him and asked him in a polite and cute tone.

(It's Daisy Americus Daisy Americus )
"Hey there hon! What'll you be having today?"

"I.... I dunno, what is good here? This is my first time,"

"Oh that's too easy there sugar, I'll set you up with a big ole Saber fish platter. This comes with a side salad, some 'mashed 'taters, and we'll even throw in a pint of our famous Roonian 'shine,"

"That sounds absolutely delicious, thank you kindly,"

The waitress would make some notes in a datapad and quickly walk away, smiling the whole time while she spoke to the cook in the back. Some kind of short hand to let him know what to cook. She would quickly come back with a large pint of blue liquid, and Aiden would remove his helmet to take a drink. The alcohol content in this drink was stout enough that Aiden was pretty sure just smelling this would get someone drunk. Which when Aiden took a drink, expected to be hit with a massive burning sensation from the liquor, but was surprised to have only a slight burning sensation to the otherwise sweet and quite fruity drink. In fact it tasted strongly of apples and cinnamon, which Aiden assumed covered up the amount of alcohol was in it. He would quietly lament the fact that his own various blood purifiers and monitor systems wouldn't let him actually get drunk. Just another reminder that inside he would never be human again. A small sigh would escape his lips but at least the drink was good and would keep him occupied. He hoped this would be a quiet stop, and that he wouldn't have to worry about anything coming up just yet. He would have to deal with metaphorically mountain sized issues in a bit, and he did not look forward to it. For now he just hoped to sit back and enjoy a small respite, a relative calm to the coming storm.

Word Count: 1,250

TWC: 11,323

Zephyr Krayt


The engine's whirrs grew quieter as the ship landed on its designated bay and the Mandalorian flicked a few switches to park the ship. He spun around in the chair and stood up to leave the cockpit, scooping up the sleeping mooka from the chair by the door as he did. The creature made a noise of surprise as it was woken but upon realising who by it made no further protest. Zephyr walked back to the central area of the ship and placed the animal on the top bunk, which he had fashioned into a crate, and closed the metal bar door.

There were marks on the inside of the cage, from the mooka's pesky beak as he had tried to chew his way out many times in the past. A familiar sensation to the Mandalorian who had been nipped by the mooka many times when he was a baby. However, Kai seemed content with being caged for now and nestled into one of the blankets that had been provided for him to return to sleep.

With his companion secured, the Mandalorian began stocking up on weapons. Most weapons were already on his person but he grabbed a couple of grenades to replenish the last he had used and placed the jetpack on his back. While grenades may have seemed like overkill to many, he had learned that you could never be too careful for a bounty because they could get awfully unpredictable. While a single bounty may not have warranted use of grenades, aside from shock grenades, it was if they called in any allies that the situation started to get difficult.

Similarly, the Mandalorian was prepared for such an event and had relayed his location onto his clansmen in the event that back-up was required which could be called upon by a comms transmission from his helmet. The loyalty of Mandalorians was fierce and it was because of this loyalty that they were a dangerous people to anger. Especially his new clan, clan Krayt, known for their vengeance. He expected to be able to handle the bounty alone but was not naïve or arrogant enough to deny the possibility that he may require assistance.

The Mandalorian tracked the bounty to Roon, a rather unnoteworthy planet, but it hopefully meant there would be less attention and less interference from locals should a fight break out. As any duel would be a non-lethal one, at least from his end, with any luck the locals would be able to appreciate that it was the work of a bounty hunter and leave the pair alone.

As Zephyr began the search for the bounty, he passed through a market and even under his helmet the aromas in the air were present with the strongest notes being of fish and then cheese. The scene was very different to the lifestyle and planets he had grown up on. Having spent the first portion of his childhood on Rhen Var, his first home planet had been one of solitude, desolation and insurmountable layers of snow and ice. The second portion of his childhood as a child of Mandalore had not been as harsh but it was still not as vibrant as the scene before him.

While he was intrigued, he focused on the job ahead of him. If he was quick about it he might be able to pick up dinner on the way back. However, it seemed the presence of beskar was not unnoticed as a few vendors tried to get his attention, assuming that with such armour came an inordinate amount of wealth. What they didn't know was that many Mandalorians inherited their armour, as he had, and it had not been acquired through wealth, no matter how much it would cost to sell. He ignored those calling for his attention and continued through.

The Mandalorian activated the face-recognition software of his helmet and scanned around the crowds. It made his visual display very busy but he hoped this would be the quickest way of finding the target who he knew was nearby. Once reaching the end of the market, he was stood outside of a tavern. If nothing else, he hoped the bartender would be able to provide him with some information if the target had passed through here.

He walked in and approached the bar, placing a hand on it while he turned and scanned the room. "What can I get for you?" The bartender asked as he ran a cloth around the inside of a glass but Zephyr wasn't listening, his attention focused on a man whose face he couldn't quite see. Slowly, he walked away from the bar, leaving the irritated bartender behind, as he approached the the elusive person in the corner from behind. Upon confirmation that it was the target, the Mandalorian drew a blaster in an instant, set to stun, and aimed it at the man. "Do you want to do this the easy way or the hard way?" He asked, giving an option to come peacefully.

Aiden Wolf Aiden Wolf
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Location: Tavern in local fishing village/small trading space port
Local Time: 1445 hours
Equipment: Body/Suit/Sword, M-18 Pit Viper, SYC Grenades, Ion Grenades, DEX Satchel charges
Tags: Zephyr Krayt

Aiden was sipping on his drink as he waited for the food he'd ordered, finding it arriving none too soon after he'd ordered. The platter was quite large and center stage was the rather large and steaming blueish green hued steak that was still sizzling from the grill. Next to it the rest of the food, all looking like it was made quite freshly, would be all quite hot as it was fresh from the grill or he assumed a pot of actual mashed potatoes. Aiden would grab his utensils and begin eating, noting that the quality of food was quite top notch. The chef here must have been an expert at preparing such meals, and he noted that most of the time it was the smaller places that would produce meals such as this. This place was no exception and he concluded that the access to a fresh fish market and likely fresh produce would be the reasons behind this. His attention had been on the food so he didn't notice the armored stranger enter the tavern, nor that he was clad in beskar or that his focus was entirely on Aiden. And he would be mid bite of another piece of the steak, when the armored gunman would make his presence known, delivering a line that Aiden considered to be, well almost cliché. That didn't hide his surprise though when he looked over to see the clearly Mandalorian warrior holding a gun on him at quite close range.

"What..." He was quite legitimately confused as he looked at the armored man before him. Was this a mugging? Was he being robbed? Was the tavern? Who was this-

His attention was then caught by one of the Holovids on the wall, playing a crime show or some such, what it was didn't matter to Aiden. It was that his face was on it.



Immediate apprehension of one Aiden Wolf Aiden Wolf has been authorized by The Dire Wolves Paramilitary Organization

Crimes committed as follows:
Theft of starship, Unauthorized access of secure databases, Multiple accounts of assault and battery, Theft of military grade armor, weapons and droids, Trespassing aboard secure vessels, Attempted Murder of Lord Marshal, Intent to commit treason, Intent to commit terrorism


Reward for Capture as follows: 75,000 Galactic Credits
Reward for tips on Suspect's location: 1,500 Galactic Credits
Reward for engaging and delaying Suspect are negotiable

Oh you have got to be kidding.

He looked back at the Mandalorian, silently recording this using his eye as he spoke.

"Look, I don't want any trouble. Do you mind if I finish the meal? I do not wish to insult the staff here, I'll even buy you a drink. Just, please put that away, I don't want anyone to get hurt. I'll come quietly, just please don't do anything both of us will regret,"

Aiden was sincere in his request. He really did want to finish the meal, and he didn't want to fight this person, particularly here. He made a mental note that TDW had definitely been a little overzealous with their sales pitch on him, but he didn't blame them. Nor did he blame this Mandalorian before him. He probably saw Aiden as someone who he'd seen a thousand times, a criminal who was just intent on staying out of prison or escaping the law. Which, technically Aiden was now. It didn't help though that he had been essentially forced to do what he had done. He sighed as he waited for the Mandalorian's response, hoping he wouldn't shoot him, or more importantly someone else to make his point. And while Aiden would prefer to resolve this situation with peace, somewhere he knew that this man wouldn't listen to reason. At least the reason as to why he should let Aiden go. So if the two were to come to blows, Aiden didn't want to do that here. Not only because he was more than capable of accidentally hurting someone, but he didn't know what this Mandalorian was capable of. What kind of violence he would use, whether his ethics would allow him to use bystanders to achieve his goals. Aiden wouldn't be able to forgive himself if that happened because he'd resisted in a place where he knew people were at risk. So he hoped this Mandalorian wouldn't resort to using such tactics. Aiden knew that most of the Mandalorians were above using those types of tactics, but also couldn't help but to remember the many that still resorted to such low blows. Including one who had attempted to crack a planet in some self proclaimed act of either vengeance or mercy.

Word Count: 800

Total Word Count: 12,123

Mandalorian Prophet

"Ironic stance, given the bounty." Cleru's voice rang out from nowhere before he dropped the fractal coating that made him invisible. There was little chance he was going to let a brother of his clan, no matter how new the Chiss himself was to it, go alone for a bounty like this. The white beskar clad man had his own Charric rifle in hand. There wasn't a stun setting for this kind of gun, but better safe than sorry. Especially when the target is a cyborg with unknown capabilities.

His voice came out unfiltered by his helmet. No one here would know who he was. The Chiss Mandalorian none the less kept his blaster level. He stood on the opposite side of Zephyr Krayt , just to cut down on the escape routes. "You can come in hot, or you can come in cold. Either way, you're not finishing this meal."

Aiden Wolf Aiden Wolf
Gᴜɴɢᴀɴ Hᴏᴜɴɢᴀɴ
Tags: Cleru | Zephyr Krayt | Aiden Wolf Aiden Wolf

"Well, damn. You stole my line." Came a third voice from yet another side of the restaurant, "Let's try this then. Aiden Wolf! Dead or alive, you're coming with me."

It was younger voice, sounding roughly similar in age to Cleru. A man in ecclectic looking armor, mainly looking Mandalorian in its aesthetic. He drew twin LL-30 pistols, and aiming them in the direction of the rest of the party. The red visor on his helmet seemed to scan the situation, making calculated decisions. He approached carefully until he was roughly the same distance from the rest of the hunters and the acquisition.

"Not that Guild meetings happen often, but I don't think I've had the pleasure of seeing you two." He chuckled snarkily, "Name's Djarin. Kaleb Djarin, and as you know...this gentleman has a lotta creds on his head."

He kept one of his blasters trained on the target, and the other one loose enough to fire upon the other hunters if they wanted to get hostile.

"So....How do we want to do this?" He spoke, a hint of glee in his filtered voice, "Best hunter collects it all, or split it three ways?"

Zephyr Krayt


The confusion from the bounty was met with confusion from the bounty hunter, though the furrowed brows were hidden behind the helmet. Was the man unaware he had a bounty on his head? Even if he was then he must have been able to gather from the situation that that was the case. Soon, it all became clear as a holovid explained the Mandalorian's presence.

Zephyr was further surprised when Cleru appeared but gave his fellow clansman a small nod in greeting. The bounty's proposal was a peculiar one and even went as far as offering to buy a drink for the bounty hunter. Such unusual behaviour suggested the man didn't feel threatened and was likely buying time for an attack. Either way, the Mandalorian was smarter than to let his guard down so he kept his blaster trained on the man. As he was about to speak, a third voice made itself known but Zephyr didn't turn to face the owner, instead keeping his eyes trained on Aiden in case he tried anything, assuming the newcomer would approach them.

"He's not going with you." The Mandalorian replied to the other hunter. He had loyalty to his clan above all else, meaning Cleru was his only ally. He finally drew his eyes away from Aiden to look at the other bounty hunter, trusting that the presence of 3 hunters would be enough to deter the man from acting out if he attempted to. "I don't care who you are. Only what you do." He replied. It was the first time his loyalty to Mandalorians had conflicted with his loyalty to the Guild and he doubted it would be the last.

The Mandalorian sighed as he saw the blaster drawn on him and Cleru but didn't raise his other blaster, seeing the other hunter as more of an annoyance than a threat, especially as he had beskar to protect him from blaster fire. "We split it two ways and you go back to wherever you came from." He answered. "Get out of here before someone else gets hurt." He warned the man. Getting civilians involved in fights was never ideal but sometimes it was unavoidable. For now, it seemed like they could avert such a scene.

"Come on." He told Aiden, reaching over to pull him to his feet from under his arm, still keeping the blaster trained on him. He didn't know what the man was capable of but expected resistance when they got outside.

Aiden Wolf Aiden Wolf Sankarra Tomo Sankarra Tomo Cleru
Location: Tavern in local fishing village/small trading space port
Local Time: 1445 hours
Equipment: Body/Suit/Sword, M-18 Pit Viper, SYC Grenades, Ion Grenades, DEX Satchel charges
Tags: Zephyr Krayt Cleru Sankarra Tomo Sankarra Tomo

Aiden was a little more than surprised to see someone just appear from thin air, and quite heavily armed nonetheless. But as he began to overlook his situation, his head began to put together the three bounty hunters as far as levels of danger went. The first, having at least brought a stun blaster was smart enough to have dun so, the second had a cloaking device and.... a charric? Did he miss something or did he expect to collect with nothing but remains? Then a third piped up, stating that dead or alive, Aiden was coming with him. Aiden looked at the man, then back at the vid which was now gone, but back at him and muttered under his breath to no one in particular.

He hoped the man was either really strong or good looking, because wits were clearly lacking. And that'd be cruel to be zero out of three.

However, the three of them seemed quite intent to interrupt his meal, which while it peeved Aiden was understandable. The bounty said he was to be considered extremely dangerous, and technically he guessed he could fit that description. He didn't appreciate the two different hunters pointing blasters at him though. Mainly because while he understood these men's reliance on them, he'd have figured that The Dire Wolves would have told them to bring some kind of slug thrower. He supposed it was a bit inconvenient to carry around all that ammo though, deciding to reach down gingerly into his pocket and slowly put two one hundred credit coins onto the table where his unfinished meal was. He didn't want either of them to freak out and think he was going for a weapon. He really was sorry for all the trouble he'd caused. And both of the hunters could note that his meal might have costed twenty credits, which was an exceptionally large tip. When the other two made it quite clear to the third that they didn't intend to share the bounty with him, Aiden put two and two together figuring two of them knew each other. The third happened to be the odd man out. Kind of awkward all things considered. That being said, the other two knowing each other well enough to split a bounty meant they were probably close friends. Or in the same familial organization such as a Mandalorian Clan. Aiden knew he could only give them one chance to peacefully resolve this without violence, and since it appeared only one of them brought actual stun capable weapons, either the second thought he knew his way around a fist/knife fight. Or he was dumber than he looked, because normally disruptor rifles completely disintegrate targets without sufficient mass behind them to dissipate the impacts. And Aiden was not very physically large, though he guessed that if one of his Phrik-A plates on his body caught the blow it could dissipate such an attack. But he was also pretty sure the Mando didn't know that particular piece of information since the loose body suit hid his cybernetics pretty well. Then there was the third that had openly stated that dead or alive Aiden would be coming with him. Even though the bounty he'd read clearly said alive. So that meant one of these men was properly (at least as much as he was going to be) prepared for this, one of them was sort of prepared, and the third, he didn't know. Which made him exceptionally dangerous to not only them, but the people around them as Aiden wasn't sure whether to expect this man to show proper restraint. And barring his face, what he considered his most hideous feature, these men hadn't seen Aiden before. But being on the run, he didn't have a chance to get anymore Synth Skin from Locke & Key, which meant that he was stuck like this for now. He would almost snap at the Mandalorian as he recoiled away from the Mandalorian reaching to pick him up.

"Don't. Touch. Me," He paused as he breathed in and out a couple of times, slowly regaining his composure "I'll go, just please, I'm not comfortable with people touching me. See," He would stand up out of the booth, again making sure his movements were smooth and slow. And while not to them, to him it was excruciatingly so. He didn't want to startle one of them into shooting the place up, because then he'd have no choice but to fight. And while he didn't want to, he would if these brutes started hurting people in a misguided attempt to settle some perceived slights. He would pick up his suit's helmet and don it, the seals clicking in with a hiss as it locked into place. And he would close his human eye and shut off his cyber eye, momentarily embracing the darkness that his blindness would him. Then the helmet would activate its own sensors, and suddenly Aiden was aware of everything around him. Like he could see everything, without having to look at it. The sensation was still a little alien to Aiden, but he would continue speaking to the three of them as he walked forward with his hands raised.

"See, I'm cooperating. Now just please put your weapons down, I don't wish to fight nor do I wish for you to fight. I've caused these people enough trouble, don't compound this by accidentally shooting someone,"

He would give all three of them a wide berth, making it clear that he wasn't comfortable with them actually touching him. But he was being cooperative, hands held high enough for them to see, so he hoped that would be enough to get them outside of this place and get these people out of harm's way. The dark figure would appear behind Aiden as he walked, a figment of his still fragmented mind as its beady eyes and white ghastly smile looked upon him in expectation. Aiden was doing his very best to keep the peace, to deescalate as Sergei had taught him. He didn't want people caught in the crossfire and most certainly didn't want to have to hurt these men. The figure however was smiling because of the three's presence. It would chuckle lowly in Aiden's head as it spoke the words that his subconscious had been thinking the moment these hunters appeared.

Fresh meat.

He could feel the urge to simply murder all three of these men. To use his augmentations to their fullest ability and annihilate them in an absolutely carnal display of brutality and rage. To hear their bones break, them scream in pain as he would literally tear them limb from bloody limb with his hands. Aiden would focus on his breathing to try and banish the image from his mind, to keep the monster at bay. Slow, smooth breathes. In, and out. The shade would start laughing now as it mocked Aiden.

Resist all you want little wolf. You are still a wolf. You are a predator, and these men don't understand that instead of being your hunters, they are your prey. Hide from your nature all you want, it does not change it. And when you finally drop your guard, I'll be there to make you feel great again.

Aiden would approach the door as he 'looked' back at the three hunters.

"Shall we?" He asked them expectantly.

Word Count: 1236

TWC: 13,363
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Mandalorian Prophet

Nope, that wasn't going to do. Cleru ignored the third bounty hunter for now. Whomever Sankarra Tomo Sankarra Tomo was, pulling a gun like he did on a pair of Mandalorians was gonna prove to be a mistake in a bit. But for now, the Chiss's attention was on Aiden Wolf Aiden Wolf . The man was going to learn real quick what it meant to be on the business end of a Charric. The second the man reached into his pocket the blaster went off, the blue beam ripping into the wall just beside Aiden's head.

"You don't move unless we tell you to. Unless you want that pretty face of yours burned off." That was the thing about Charrics. The non lethal setting wasn't a stun, it was a burn. And a bad one. Red eyes narrowed behind the emotionless helmet of the Mandalorian. "Now sit down and be a good boy." Like hell they were going to be moving through a crowded area while a third, unknown party was pointing blasters. Aiden was either gonna start a fight or sit where he was until this distraction was alleviated.

Zephyr Krayt
Gᴜɴɢᴀɴ Hᴏᴜɴɢᴀɴ
Tag; Aiden Wolf Aiden Wolf | Zephyr Krayt | Cleru

"Well that's a true shame." Kaleb's voice inflected a tone of mock hurt, "Now you've gone and hurt my feelings. But if you insist..."

The hunter slowly holstered his pistols and slowly backed away. However, he stopped moving away, eyeing the two other hunters. They clearly knew each other well. By the looks of their armor, they were Mandos. Likely clan-mates of some ungodly fashion. Kaleb stared them down from behind his helm.

"Then again, two against one is a little tipped to the side, dontcha think?" His voice seemed mirthful once again, "So let's make it interesting..."

He reached to the back part of his belt. Initially, it appeared he was going to reach for his guns once again. Instead, his hand retrieved a metal, spherical object the size of a jogan fruit. Worn Aurebesh letters barely made out the word "flash" on the side. He rolled the object in his hand playfully.

"Just for the record, I offered to do things hospitably." He warned, tilting his head a little to Aiden, "Hey quarry. Head-start."

He pressed the red button on the metal orb, and lobbed it in an arc that would land the grenade between the three hunters. It was just a flashbang. No real shrapnel, just a bunch of light and noise. Kaleb moved to shield his, praying the distraction explosive was not a dud......

Zephyr Krayt


Zephyr instinctively let go of the man when he showed such an aversion to being touched. He didn't wish to cause any unnecessary stress to the target so he obliged and held both hands up to show he was backing off. "Wait." He held an arm out to prevent Aiden from passing by without touching him. His attention back on the third bounty hunter who continued to be a nuisance. Cleru seemed to have control of the situation on the bounty so Zephyr moved closer to the other hunter to engage with him.

As the other reached into his belt, Zephyr immediately trained his blaster on the man. "I don't care about hospitality. I'm not looking for the easiest way out." He told the man before flicking the setting to kill, a warning. "Activate that and you'll be dead before you can regret it." He threatened the man holding the grenade before he could activate it. By now, the group had gotten the attention of most in the cantina who were strangers to such a violent confrontation. The Mandalorian had hoped the situation wouldn't escalate so quickly but it was too late for that. Now he had to ensure the safety of those in the immediate area.

Cleru Aiden Wolf Aiden Wolf Sankarra Tomo Sankarra Tomo
Location: Tavern in local fishing village/small trading space port
Local Time: 1445 hours
Equipment: Body/Suit/Sword, M-18 Pit Viper, SYC Grenades, Ion Grenades, DEX Satchel charges
Tags: Zephyr Krayt Cleru Sankarra Tomo Sankarra Tomo

Aiden's optical sensor would track the muzzle of this man's weapon, noting its particular direction the entire time he watched them. After he fired a shot in a seemingly random direction that was actually pretty close to his face Aiden wince slightly, but still put the credits down. The weapon he carried, it was based on maser technology, making it faster than a normal blaster and hit a bit harder. Maybe he wasn't so foolish with his weapon selection, but he was still a massive idiot for shooting in a crowded tavern. He looked the armored Mando before him in where his eyes should be as he spoke.

"Are you crazy or just stupid? You've got two other people in here with blasters drawn ready to shoot at a moment's notice and you fire a shot at me for trying to pay for my meal?!?!? Are you trying to get these people killed in a firefight!? I said I was cooperating and have done nothing to aggravate any of you," He paused as he shook his head and let himself be stopped by Zephyr Krayt . He was about to ask what the issue was when he saw the third go for his belt and have his hand on a grenade.


No no no....

His mind raced as the simulations started going. This crazy fool was going to toss the grenade, or drop it, shoot the other and start a firefight in this tavern. He would get so many people killed as these comparatively heavily armored and armed titans fought it out over a measly sum of credits in some backwater. Aiden ran through his options, his brain's computer doing calculations on what to do and how to stop this madness from happening. It pictured the grenade rolling, the three preparing to shoot. Aiden's only choice would be to shove the Mandalorian in front of him out of the way and use the table (which was welded to the floor), ripping it out of the floor with one hand while the second got the man out of the way. He would have to use force to diffuse this situation, and it would have to be a display of violence and power that would prove these three needed to settle down quit being arrogant fools. He mentally braced himself as his mind calculated the time needed to do this versus the amount the grenade would give him, that being only two seconds after it hit the floor.

He'd only need one.

And just as he prepared himself mentally to do this, the other Mandalorian went away to confront the man in the corner. He was trying to keep the peace. He was trying to protect these people. Aiden couldn't help but breath a small sigh of relief that he might not have to do what he was planning on doing to stop these men. While he still kept himself prepared to do it in case the third proved a lost cause, Aiden spoke to the Mando now behind him.

"Do you mind if I put this on then?" He said gesturing to the helmet he was holding in his hands "And would it make you feel better if I wore cuffs? I'll even put them on for you. So you don't accidentally shoot someone because you think I'm going to suddenly disembowel everyone here on a whim," He paused he remembered the recording played on the vid. He made a mental note to subtly send the distress call to John at the ship, while he dealt with these three. The only tell being his cybereye flashed slightly for a second or so, looking like something glinted off of it. The signal itself was a quantum entanglement broadcast specifically to John's own comms, and the droid would receive it almost instantly. His next question was to all three of them.

"You didn't call the contact information did you? Because I'm wondering exactly how much you know about me or why I'm being hunted,"

The unsaid second reason of that question was that if they didn't call them, he'd have more time to either convince them to let him go or force the issue. And while his face and head were quite clearly augmented, they wouldn't see past his neck. He hoped he didn't have to hurt these men, but if they gave him no choice he would do what he had to.
Gᴜɴɢᴀɴ Hᴏᴜɴɢᴀɴ
Tags: Cleru | Zephyr Krayt | Aiden Wolf Aiden Wolf

There was a moment of laughter modulated through Kaleb's helmet. Firstly for the other Mando trying to seem big and tough. On the other hand, he was amused by the questioning by their quarry.

"You're seriously asking us why we're hunting you?" He seemed to mock the.cyborg, "Did they cross a wire when putting your head back together?"

He kept his eyes carefully trained on the other two hunters, trying to keep his surroundings in check. He kept his hand carefully on his grenade. It was a simple flashbang. Something that would create a bunch of light and noise if triggered. But as far as actual shrapnel, it was not that effective. But his....charming dynamic duo didn't need to know that unless he needed more of a distraction.

"I can't speak for these two, but..." Kaleb nudged his head in reference to the other hunters, "I'm just a simple man try to make his way in the galaxy. Your name came up, I took it."

He kept staring between the rest of this situation.

"Now, seems we have ourselves a standoff." He spoke seriously, "Who's gonna budge?"

He could feel the tension in the air. He was not about to just run away because some buckethead gave him a threat. Would not have been the first time Kaleb had seen the business end of a blaster. Likely would not be his last.

Mandalorian Prophet

Once more the Chiss's gun went off, except this time it was directly at Aiden Wolf Aiden Wolf 's face. Anyone with half a brain knew the man was cybernetic. But more importantly, it's not like he or Zephyr Krayt came with their thumbs up their bums with no information on their bounty. So when his eye started to flash in front of the Mandalorian with a gun pointed at him? Cleru made good on his warning.

Bright side, it was the nonlethal setting. Not so bright side, Charric weapons 'nonlethal settings' weren't stun. Just instead of blasting holes they severely burned flesh. Survivable, even fixable with the galaxies technology. Incapacitatingly painful.

Whatever was happening with Sankarra Tomo Sankarra Tomo wasn't his problem. The Mandalorian duo weren't just fellow hunters, but clanmates. Cleru fully trusted Zephyr to handle his side while the Chiss handled this rowdy bounty and their poor decisions when facing down the barrel of a gun.

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