Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Crown Prince was dead by the hand of his own wife. Even worse, his union did not leave behind an heir. The King was beside himself with rage; as any father would be, especially at the death of his only child.

Their monarch's tenuous health was a well-guarded secret, and now the court of Ukatis was faced with a pair of grave questions; who would inherit the throne, and what could be done to mitigate the fallout of Horace's death?

Grand Visier Faust's wrinkled face soured as he stroked his chin. Prince Horace had been known for his cruelty and womanizing mannerisms, but no one, aside from the King, wielded the authority to rein him in. Not that his behavior needed to be curbed anyway; he was their Prince. It was unfortunate that his wife, Princess Corazona, lacked the mettle to temper herself to her husband's whims. In Faust's eyes, she'd spat in the face of an opportunity many young women would've killed for.

Faust turned to the group of darkly garbed men who'd gathered in the throne room. Their King was in his chambers, resting from the blow done to his weakened heart. It was up to the Visiers to determine how to handle this situation.

"What of the Princess?" One asked.

"She's in the dungeon, rotting away." Another spat. "Such a fate is too pleasant for the crime she committed."

"Are we sure that it wasn’t an accident?" A third voice came.

Faust narrowed his gaze and raised a withered hand. At once, the talking ceased.

"It matters not what her reasoning is. What matters is what she has done. We do not want this story to become public lest it incite a riot—there are still townsfolk who are dissatisfied with Cholmondeley rule. If we let her live, she could start a rebellion. If we publicly execute her, it could start a rebellion."

He frowned.

"Three days from now, the Princess will be executed in private. We will announce that the Prince and Princess were tragically beset by bandits as they traveled through the countryside, or that one of those isolationist infidels managed to infiltrate the palace and poison them."

An ornate wooden door at the opposite end of the room creaked open. A guard's head popped in.

"Grand Visier, we have….visitors."

Valery Noble Valery Noble Desric Terassi Desric Terassi Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el
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"This entire institution is an embarrassment."

Jasper was done holding his punches. He knew everything now. He had a duty to uphold civility, peace, and security, and here the royal house of Ukatis was abusing one of their own. And for defending herself Cora was being held for execution? By galactic alliance law this wouldn't stand, but if what Desric had informed them was true than the senate wouldn't need to be involved. He stepped in and wasted very little time making his stance clear, walking past the escort that had lead them in.

"Members of the Galactic Alliance are expected to uphold her laws and protect the rights of her citizens, yet here you collude for execution with no due process," he snapped. "Is it common place to turn a blind eye when a man grabs his spouse by the throat? I find it a disgrace to the notion of civilization that such barbarism even still exists, but I suppose we wouldn't be here otherwise."

Something had snapped in the young man. He didn't lash out physically, restraining himself and maintaining focus, but this was a matter that greatly upset him. Corazona had sacrificed everything for her friends and people, all for some posh lunatics to stab her in the back.

"Corazona von Ascania will be leaving here alive in our custody," he stated, making sure to utter her madden name for a bit of extra bite. "Legally she is well within her rights as a citizen of the Galactic Alliance to defend herself, but it turns out we have some information on your royal house would frankly be a far greater embarrassment than this."

Jasper turned back to the rest of the present group, looking to Desric.

"Would you care to enlighten them, Senator?"




The more Kahlil leaned into the political side of his station, the more that feeling built. The senate meeting about the Mandalorians had shown him the ineptitude of so many given power. Their selfish desires, close minded views, hateful mentalities. People were dying, and they could only think about the next way for them to control something that they didn't already have control over. It was the same group that allowed places like Ukatis to let it's monarchy constantly abuse the law.

What was the point of laws if they only existed to those without power?

The frustration had reached it's boiling point. Murder of the Crown Prince. The information was only just given, but with it, danger. Corazona, Valery's very Padawan, imprisoned for murder. He didn't need to the details to know it was self defense. The fact that none of the Jedi could have helped before it got that far only made it worse. He didn't join Jasper above. Instead, he was below, walking through the prison.

They already wanted to kill Cora for this. Odds were she was in danger even with the Jedi coming here to retrieve her. Perhaps even more so. Desperation bred the worst in people. The guards didn't seem to like the idea of him walking in here, though. The pair by the doors to lead deeper within and to where Cora's cell was located lifted their weapons. Not to point at him, but to remind him that they had them.


They didn't get a sentence out. Kahlil raised then lowered a hand, and they crashed into the ground with a dull, loud thud. It was enough to immobilize them, and yet he didn't stop there.

"She was a child. And now you raise your weapons? To keep her imprisoned for execution? You should've been helping her. But no, you serve that bastard prince and his pathetic father like loyal dogs. Loyal, pathetic dogs." He increased the weight. They deserved death. Anyone with a hand in what happened to Cora deserved death.

Valery Noble Valery Noble | Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania | Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el | Desric Terassi Desric Terassi
Desric was not used to feeling powerless in a social context. Throughout his life, the chips had by and large been compelled to fall in his favour by way of political connections, familial intervention, and overwhelming financial might.

Being unable to do anything as a friend was pushed into a marriage she didn't want had been a rude awakening.

Now matters had escalated on their own. That rabid dog was dead and Cora was scheduled for execution. Like hell.

"I would be happy to, Knight Kai'el." They were finally in his corner, after all. This he knew how to do.

"Civil wars are rarely black and white. Even the most conscientious of commanders cannot prevent all collateral damage. The people of Ukatis - and the galactic community - would no doubt accept that sorry reality." Desric smiled stiffly, but his eyes were glacial. "I doubt they would prove as understanding if they knew of the ritualistic mass murder of civilians."

Desric paused at that; hopefully long enough for a Visier to speak up in denial so that he could interrupt him.

"I am not merely spouting allegations, mind you. It was the residents of Anatol who were slaughtered wholesale, sacrificed to dark spirits to empower Chalmondoley forces. It was covered up by the crown, of course, but there is corroborating archival data and witness statements."

Said witness(es) had not necessarily come forth willingly, but that was neither here nor there.

While he did not know the details, Cadence had carried out the extraordinary rendition of a retired army officer using a black ops team and a quasilegal arrest order based on ancient yet technically valid treaties from the Old Republic era.

"The King would not have his throne without a, ah, demonic pact. Why, that makes it seem like he's practically a Mawite." By this point, he had dropped the thin veil of politeness and what remained of his smile was downright vicious.


Outfit: Factory Link | Wedding Ring
Appearance: Link
Blasters | Lightsaber
Tag: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el Desric Terassi Desric Terassi Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania

Valery was right by his side.

While Jasper and Desric were up there to handle the more political side of this, she had joined her husband to go after Cora more directly. She couldn't allow her Padawan, the woman she had sworn to protect, to be executed over nothing, and she wasn't going to let her husband stand here alone either. After he returned to her life from what she had believed to be the end, he told her that he wouldn't leave her side again, and that went both ways.

Through good and bad times, he was her pillar of support, but she could be his too.

"Love..." Valery watched the guards flatten against the ground and brought her hand to gently take his hand and squeeze it. "They're not worth it. We're here for Cora, not for revenge," she said with concern in her eyes, as she tried to get him to ease up on the pressure he put on their bodies. "killing them won't change anything about this situation or this planet, but it will change you. Please, don't," she asked, before removing her blaster from her hip and firing a pair of stun rounds at the guards on the ground.

Then, she turned to face him and squeezed his hand just a little more.

"I know they're monsters, and I feel angry too, but..." she frowned and looked up into his eyes. "We can't do it like this."

The gaggle of Visiers murmured in discontent at the intrusion. A sharp look from Faust was enough to silence them, before the pale man turned to appraise the Alliance officials who let themselves into the grand chamber.

"Ah, Jedi Knight Kai'el and Senator Terassi." He greeted with a sweeping gesture of his arm. Though his tone was polite and unbothered, there was a underlaying current of malice in how his lips moved. "I was not aware that you would be joining us today. Unfortunately, this is a closed meeting."

The Grand Visier did not suggest that the pair wait outside—his words would be wasted, and the tag team of young men wasted no time in cutting to the heart of the situation.

Faust's neutral expression remained controlled, even as one of his companions cried out in rebuttal.

"I doubt they would prove as understanding if they knew of the ritualistic mass murder of civilians."

"Such arrogance to threaten us so!" One of the cloaked men spat. "You have no way of putting weight to your silly rumors that-"

But he was cut off by Desric doing exactly that, laying out what he knew in a succinct manner. Anxious mutters rose from the group of Visiers; the Senator's information was too accurate to be happenstance. Someone had leaked information.

Faust looked between Jasper and Desric. He smiled, an expression that matched the shark-like quality of the Senator's own grin.

"Oho! An amusing story, Senator." He clapped his hands in mock delight. What Desric may or may not have known, was that Faust himself had been the Seer to advise the King to slaughter his own people. "You have quite the imagination." Faust tapped two fingers from either hand together, steeping them in front of him. "I can forgive the decorum that the Jedi mongrel lacks, but I truly expected better from someone of your breeding than a blatant disregard for protocol and fanciful tales."

"Many villages were slaughtered by opposing forces fifteen years ago, as is the unfortunate way of war. What proof have you of this dark pact? And You accuse the King of being a—ah—Mawite? Such nonsense!"
Irritation had begun to seep through the cracks of his noble facade. "A country grieves for the loss of its heir, and you come here defending his murderer? Does the Galactic Alliance have no stomach for proper justice? Rather, they'd exert their will on a nation without regard for its own customs and tradition!"

Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el Desric Terassi Desric Terassi

The guards stiffened, their bodies seizing, then went still as they drifted into unconsciousness.

The path they'd been blocking would lead to a cell in the heart of the dungeon. Despite being a maze, Valery and Kahlil would be able to follow the trace amount of Cora's suppressed presence to her.

The cell was spartan. Still, she was afforded luxury that other prisoners wouldn't even dream of receiving—a bare cot in the corner and two basic meals a day. She wore no shackles around her wrists. Despite being on death row, Cora was still a member of the royal family.

Back against the wall, Cora sat in the corner of the duracrete room with her hands folded neatly in her lap. Even now, she had the bearing of a Princess. Fatigue wore her features heavily, from the dark rings circling her eyes to the sallowness of her skin. The bruises and cuts she'd sustained from her spat with Horace had been given rudimentary treatment, but she felt as if they weren't healing.

Time had passed slowly for the three days she'd been held here. There'd been very little for her to focus on aside from her actions that had lead her to this dark, damp place. In a way, she was alright with it. It would be an escape, at last. Horace wouldn't win.

A pair of thuds echoed from down the hall had her head turning a fraction. Cora pressed her cheek to the cold wall and closed her eyes.

On the other hand, she wasn't quite ready to die.

Valery Noble Valery Noble Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble


"They're not the only monsters. These guards who stand idly by, the King who abuses his throne, the Senate that allowed people like this to stay in power. Is this freedom really free? It only ever seems to belong to the rich and powerful."

He was done with so much of this. The Jedi weren't allowed to be Jedi, people weren't allowed to be saved. The only thing that ever seemed to be allowed was the abuse and corruption he continued to see. That another of their Padawan's was suffering under. But, he let out a sigh and lowered his hand. Squeezed Valery's in turn. He understood what she was saying. More importantly, what line he was going to cross.

They'd face punishment. Real punishment. He'd make sure of it.

".. Let's just get her out of here. She's suffered far too much already." The Force that had been trembling around him ceased as he instead reached for the door. Through the Force. His frustration was still there, even as he ripped the door from it's hinges and set it scattering. A warning to any guards that might still be within.

He wasn't holding back.

Valery Noble Valery Noble | Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania | Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el | Desric Terassi Desric Terassi

“Lack of decorum?” Jasper scoffed. “I don’t know what gave you the idea I was here to negotiate.”

He wasn’t here to negotiate. All of this was happening. The Grand Vizier has already lost this battle. He simply couldn’t see it yet.

“Let’s get a few things straight,” he hissed, “Corazona is not a murderer. She endured a year of physical and mental abuse unlike anything you will ever experience in your pathetic little life. Galactic Alliance law defend her actions as self defense. To that end I see no reason to be courteous with a band of savages.”

Jasper flexed his mechanical wrist impatiently. This man wasn’t worth his time. If Desric’s intel was to be believed, which he very much did believe it, this Faust fellow was the advisor behind the slaughter. A Sith as far as he was concerned. He wasn’t here for that. He was here for Cora.

“What I mean to say is you don’t get an argument here,” the knight sneered. “Kick and scream into the night all you want, but you have no power here. Corazona leaves this place and not a single word is uttered about your house implicating her. Say a word and the galaxy knows. Everyone in the senate, the entirety of your population… How do you think they’d react knowing that the King of Ukatis slaughtered his own people, all while his rat of a Grand Vizier groveled at his feet with encouragement. My general idea on the matter is that it would just be your job.”

He was grinning now. Jasper had been waiting to do this for a while now. It was cathartic, in a way, standing here as everything was falling apart. He had nothing to fear. Cora was already safe after all, in the capable hands of his mentors. More than anything he was here to rub salt in the wound.

“I imagine such information could spark some upheaval,” he shrugged. “As much as I’d like to see a bit of karmic retribution, I have a duty to ensure that the lives of Galactic Alliance citizens are not frivolously lost. For now I suggest that you play nice, cause this is the single most restrained and charitable decision I’ve ever made in my life.”

Ukatis could have their mess later. He wanted the crown to get their comeuppance, but he was here to see Cora was safe first and foremost. She wouldn’t want her people plunged into war.

Certain aquatic predators could sense 'blood in the water'; Desric, meanwhile, had a similar knack for social vulnerabilities.

Part of it was experience, part of it was a natural aptitude greatly aided by his admittedly poorly trained Force Abilities (he really ought to prioritise some advanced lessons, one of these days), and part of it was his eyes. Not only were said eyes the best damn cybernetics money could buy, the plethora of data they collected were subject to real-time AI analysis.

There was a savage gleam in his eyes at some of the Visiers' reactions, though his gaze remained fixed on Faust.

He was sorely tempted to remark that their customs were worthy only of being trampled underfoot the moment they came at the expense of his friend's happiness, let alone her safety. Jasper had that angle more than covered, however.

"It seems you misunderstand the situation, Grand Visier, but that is understandable. Being confronted with the skeletons in one's closet must be stressful." The Senator spread his hands, a falsely caring smile on his lips. "This is not the Galactic Alliance imposing its will. Not yet. If you would prefer having this discussion before a Senate committee, that can be arranged."

Waving a hand lazily, his smile broadened. "As for your 'doubts' about the veracity of my information, I would be happy to provide details: Dates, names, and file numbers. Would you prefer a private message or a headline article?"

A glint of something truly vicious could be seen in his eyes; for a moment he looked remarkably like his deceased Sith brother. "Oh, and where are my manners? Major Henskel sends his regards - he recently chose to enjoy his retirement off-world. I understand you worked closely alongside him and his brothers-in-arms during the final days of the war?"


Outfit: Factory Link | Wedding Ring
Appearance: Link
Blasters | Lightsaber
Tag: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el Desric Terassi Desric Terassi Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania

"I know," Valery said with a pained smile, as she looked up into her husband's eyes. When confronted with such blatant injustice, Valery always felt he stood strong and never compromised what he believed in. What had been happening on Ukatis is wrong, and the fact that it was so impossible to change anything just made it worse. But in that desire to punish those responsible, she only feared that he'd lose himself.

The Wellspring and having been split from his family had changed a lot about him. He had been very stoic and in control of himself before it all, but he had chosen to live his life differently. A change she had felt very happy about, but one that made it even more important for them to stand together. Especially now that Cora, someone they considered family, was being threatened.

"I promise I will help bring justice to these people, but we do it the right way." She smiled more softly now, and let her warmth flow to him through the Force. "But that doesn't mean we'll go easy on them here. Nobody is going to get in the way of Cora being safe again." So, much like him, Valery moved towards her cell with an intense fire burning inside of her. She watched her husband rip the door from its hinges and exploded inside like an unstoppable tidal wave. No guard would stop either of the two Nobles, not today.

But then she spotted her.

"Cora..." Valery gritted her teeth, and the metal bars that still separated her from the two Jedi Masters warped out of the way under sheer pressure.

Faust did not waver as Jasper and Desric attacked him from different angles, but his expression did tighten at the mention of the traitorous Major Henskel.

Behind him, the Viziers scoffed and gasped among themselves. Some were visibly nervous at the depth and accuracy of the information wielded by these Alliance agents. One winced when Jasper rolled his cybernetic wrist.

The Grand Vizier was quiet in thought. His newfound opponents were awfully confident. After a few prolonged moments, he spoke.

"It seems as though you are both prepared to drag yourselves through what would likely be a protracted legal battle before your Senate. After all, the burden of proof is a heavy shackle to bear."

Perhaps, stretching this out would allow Faust to gather ammunition against their claims and scrub every bit of scandalizing data from the archives. Hopefully that Arcadian rat hadn’t copied everything that would be damning.

A bony hand rose to cradle his jaw.

"I see… as we speak, your associates have entered the catacombs beneath this palace in search of the Princess. Tell me, why go through so much trouble on behalf of one little girl who could does not even bear the mettle to fulfill her duty in life?"

Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el Desric Terassi Desric Terassi

Cora winced and flinched as an unseen force wrenched the door from its hinges and sent it clattering heavily to the floor.

Two figures appeared in the doorway. For a moment, she shrank back in confusion.


Valery's voice was layered with emotion. Concern. Anger. A righteous fury that engulfed her and…Kahlil? Kahlil was here too. The Nobles had come for her.

"Master…" She croaked, finding her voice hoarse. Cora took a moment to steady herself and take in the overwhelming energy of their collective presence.

"You've…come to see me before I'm to be executed?" She guessed, a weak smile tilting her tired features. The bright light of innocence and enthusiasm for the galaxy she'd worn in her gaze had been snuffed out.

"I must apologize for my appearance." Cora gestured to the dress she was wearing, the edges beginning to tatter and the fabric scratched in places. "I didn't know that I was going to have…visitors."

Her face pulled into an expression of surprise when Valery bent the metal bars separating them with her bare hands. A spark of hope leaped inside her gut, and she looked up in awe and confusion.

“Wh…what are you doing?!”

Valery Noble Valery Noble Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble

"I see… as we speak, your associates have entered the catacombs beneath this palace in search of the Princess. Tell me, why go through so much trouble on behalf of one little girl who could does not even bear the mettle to fulfill her duty in life?"

"Because I'm a real person!" Jasper snapped. "I've not been twisted by your disgusting game of power-play and royalty. You cling onto a façade of power and prestige, desperately hoping that it means something, anything at all. In the face of how tiny and insignificant you are to the vast galaxy- no, universe we live in, that means nothing! Corazona sacrificed everything, and you disgusting wretches that dare call yourselves 'noble' leapt at the opportunity to tear her apart every chance you got. So curve your cowardly tongue and listen closely."

Jasper was done here. He didn't need to justify himself to this sorry excuse of a man, but he wanted to. Everything coursing through his mind, the frustration of the last week, all of it was coming to a head here and now. His awareness was as high as ever. The force surged around them, and for the first time he could truly feel what he was standing before.

"I know what you are, Seer," he sneered. "I know what you think you are capable of. You weasel your way around that slimehole you call a Royal Court hoping that your actions give you some semblance of control. I don't need to see the future to know that you'll find that everything around you is more wildly out of control than you can possibly imagine. It won't come now, but it'll happen faster than you could've ever comprehended, and on that day you will come to the realization about how much your sad and miserable life was wasted. I know where I'll be when that happens. Watching the sunset with a cold drink."

He glanced back to Desric. The evidence was concrete. The Vizier was only delaying the inevitable, and the two of them had no intentions of backing down if he wanted to throw around legal weight. They had a Sith hating Alliance behind them, hundreds of worlds strong. Faust was just a scared little man scrambling to cover his own ass, lost in the twisted game he sold his soul to.

"The choice is yours," the Sentinel shrugged. "Take the extra time to keep things quiet or jump feet first into hell. We wouldn't be here if we weren't prepared for door number two, so I suggest you choose wisely."

A protracted legal battle? Did the Grand Visier seek to threaten him with a good time?

"The burden of proof may be a heavy burden, but it is one I am happy to bear." Even now every surveillance asset Cadence could muster was bugging rooms, slicing networks, identifying witnesses, and infiltrating archives. It was nothing next to the planet-spanning surveillance state of the world he represented, but he was confident in its efficacy.

If necessary she would certainly procure more witnesses before the crown could get to them.

"Let us not discount the court of public opinion either. The media can be vicious, especially when properly motivated." The shares he held in various media companies through a byzantine network of shell companies, familial holdings, and non-disclosed assets ought to be motivation aplenty, once orders had time to trickle through layers of middlemen.

As ever, Jasper answered the more personal question - as such, Desric's veneer of objectivity remained, but it was a thin veneer indeed. Horace had been a savage and would not be missed, but the Senator would not have pulled out all the stops for just anyone. When push came to shove, he tended to be motivated by loyalty to friends and family above all else.

"I am inclined to agree with Knight Kai'el. You can face the truth or allow her to depart in peace," He paused briefly for effect. "Either way, she's leaving here alive - unless you wish to order your jackboots to take a shot at her while she's in the presence of two Jedi Masters?" The 'option' was noted in an unconcerned, almost amused tone.

It would be a political clusterfuck, but he was confident that the Nobles and Cora would emerge intact - and that he would be able to spin the narrative in the right direction in the aftermath.

If Jasper was right and the Seer had been involved... why, perhaps he had been a Sith cultist all along?



"What we should've been doing from the beginning."

Kahlil turned his gaze towards the hall around them. Keeping watch is what he told himself. There were still other guards, and it was likely they'd try to intervene the moment they knew what was happening. In reality he just couldn't bring himself to look at Cora. He'd failed her. This whole system had failed her. For a child to have to give up so much for the sake of her family's protection in a galactic power that considered itself civilized was wrong.

For him to be unable to protect yet another Padawan from things they should never have to face. He couldn't bare to look at her because he couldn't bare for her to see just how furious he was.

"We're leaving. Together. Jasper and Senator Terassi are already making sure those fucks upstairs won't be able to retaliate against you or your family. You don't have to stay here any longer, Cora."

Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el | Valery Noble Valery Noble | Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania | Desric Terassi Desric Terassi

Outfit: Factory Link | Wedding Ring
Appearance: Link
Blasters | Lightsaber
Tag: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el Desric Terassi Desric Terassi

"Don't apologize," Valery said with a voice that couldn't hope to hide her concern, her anger, and her desire to protect. She bent the metal bars like they were made of paper, and crouched down in front of Cora to place her hands gently on her shoulders. Kahlil's words were confirmed with a nod, and seemingly with just her gaze, Valery shattered the bindings that kept Cora contained in this awful place.

"I'm so, so sorry for everything, Cora," Valery said before pulling her into a brief but warm embrace. She wished they had the time to make it last far longer, but with guards still out and about, she wasn't going to risk it and pulled back. Valery's fiery gaze then settled on Cora's, and all she hoped was to give Cora confidence about getting out of here.

"Come on, it's time to go. If you can't walk, lean on me and Kahlil will lead the way out." She glanced over at her husband and nodded at him. He wasn't going to let anybody stop them now.

Faust's upper lip curled gently into a sneer. The more Jasper and Desric went on, insulting his home and traditions, the deeper his scowl became.

The death of Prince Horace was an unfortunate situation. Faust had no love for the man, but the royal heir represented order and structure. What the Grand Vizier desired most was stability, and it seemed that these Alliance infidels were ready to plunge one of the worlds under their own protection into chaos.

All to save one life. It was strange.

On the other hand, with the tides of the Sith and Mandalorians rising again, it would be within Ukatis' best interest to remain on cordial terms with the galaxy's largest superpower. Not to mention that their support had helped to bolster the planet's shaky economy.

Faust recognized and considered all this. Some of the other Viziers did not, and they drifted forward to surround Jasper and Desric, fists shaking and bitter words firing from their lips. A few of the more tactful men stayed back, watching to see which way the wind would blow.

"H-how dare you speak such indelicate words about Ukatis!"

"Fools like you have no respect for tradition!"

"These insults will not go unchallenged!"

As Faust raised a hand to silence them, one of the Viziers lashed out with a blade, aiming for the Senator's neck.

Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el Desric Terassi Desric Terassi

Gazing up at Valery in disbelief, Cora blinked back tears. Briefly, her eyes wandered over Master Noble's shoulder to linger on Kahlil, then back again.

"Jasper and Desric are here too…?"

Her brow crinkled, and Cora put two and two together. With a hand on Valery's shoulder to steady herself, the blonde rose and straightened. She was tired, but not completely deprived of energy.

"I'm sorry that you came all this way, but….you can't. I did something horrible, and now I must bear the consequences."

The relationship between Ukatis and the Alliance had been fraught with tension, and Cora did not want to see either side pull away completely. Ukatis needed the Alliance to survive, especially with new galactic threats on the horizon.

Her gazed settled on Valery, and Kahlil with his back to her. Cora's expression was firm, hardened by belief. She'd see that peace was kept on her homeworld, even if it meant pushing away the only benevolent parental figures she had.

“I cannot leave.”

Hurried footfalls echoed down the duracrete hall as a group of guards approached, having heard the clatter of the door that was rended from its hinges.

“You there! What are you doing!”

Valery Noble Valery Noble Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble

Jasper didn't even spare the Vizier attacking Senator Terassi a glance. With one simple outstretch of his mechanical arm he had stopped all of the man's momentum, catching the blade itself.

"Ah, attempted murder of a senator as well?" Jasper remarked with a grin. "News flash, tradition is nothing. Arbitrary and made up. You've simply justified being a terrible person with lies. The fact that you've been driven to a punishable crime is evidence enough of that."

It only took one tug for the blade to be removed from the man's hand.

"I'll be holding onto this," he added. "For safe keeping. Despite that I see no reason why this should change anything. Simply order your guards below to allow our people to pass through unharmed and we'll be out of your hair. But trust me when I say this: If Corazona is spoken of in an ill light by your house or her family is harmed in any way, the entire galaxy knows your little secret. Oh, and don't bother trying to scrub any confidential files. We have enough copies to last us several lifetimes."

Jasper walked over to a nearby table, pulling out his Bryar pistol. It had been with him throughout his exile and up until knighthood. Now it would no longer. Not for a while, at least. He gently placed it on the table, almost with a level of reverence, turning back to Faust.

"This is for you, Grand Vizier," the Sentinel of Harmony stated. "I'm loaning it to you for a while. I expect you take good care of it. I want it to be in top condition when I return for it. You know when that will be, don't you?"

The knight grinned, making his way back to Desric's side.

"Don't go about trying to kill anyone with it," he noted. "It's been locked. I just want to leave it as a little reminder of our promise here today. Any objections?"



"The only people who did something terrible were the people who allowed you to suffer as you have. You defended yourself, nothing more, nothing less." Kahlil briefly glanced towards her. The most he could do now was try to give her a comforting smile. She wasn't going to remain here, not any longer. The sound of footsteps thankfully brought his attention from her so she couldn't see the anger in his eyes.

He stepped between them, the guards and the two woman, and reached out a hand. He did nothing, yet. Yet.

"We're taking her home. Do not get in our way."

Valery Noble Valery Noble | Desric Terassi Desric Terassi | Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el | Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania
Even as the Viziers approached the pair, spitting vitriol, Desric remained supremely unconcerned.

These were bureaucrats, not street thugs, there was no way they --- before he even spotted the approaching blade, Jasper had already intercepted it. At the same time, he became dimly aware of a Kill Order being issued before being retracted fractions of a second before implementation, the Deathwasp having already heated up its rocket.

Behind the pair, a trio of 'human aides' seemed to flicker out of existence as their holographic cloaks were disabled; in their place stood a trio of Praetorians. From their open missile ports, it was clear they had gone to weapons free.

"DISPERSE OR BE TERMINATED." The droids boomed, targetting lenses flaring towards the confrontational Visiers. At the same time, secondary photoreceptors - and some legally questionable disruptors - targeted any guards present. Just in case.

"That's, ah..." Desric took a moment to calm himself, though he still looked frazzled. "What Knight Kai'el said."

Unlike the Jedi, Desric was not used to people making attempts on his life - even attempts destined to fail. Only Cadence's calm reassurances that she was fully capable of "eliminating all potential hostiles" kept him from a full-blown panic attack.

He got the impression that the protective AI was annoyed that she had been deprived of the opportunity to kill his attacker.

"For your information," The Senator noted, the quiver in his voice gone as his eyes drilled into the disarmed Visier. "You were about... twenty-seven microseconds from death. Oh, and your life is likely to fall apart in the imminent future."

It wasn't something he would order, per se, but Cadence would no doubt gleefully proceed unless he explicitly instructed her not to. Needless to say, having a knife thrust towards his neck had not left him feeling particularly charitable.


Outfit: Factory Link | Wedding Ring
Appearance: Link
Blasters | Lightsaber
Tag: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania Desric Terassi Desric Terassi Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el

Even now, after everything that happened, Cora still blamed herself for the horrible things that were happening to her. Valery frowned as a result but managed a more comforting smile when Kahlil spoke up. "He's right, Cora. This has gone too far, so please... come with us." She leaned in closer and made sure to support Cora while she began to rise. But the moment the young woman was on her feet, they all heard the footsteps.

Valery approached her husband with Cora in tow, and gently let her hand brush against his. If these guards were to try and stop them again, they'd be dealt with. But just like those they had taken down on the way here, she wanted to do it with as little bloodshed as possible.

She wanted to make sure he wouldn't lose himself over people he cared about again.

"Other guards have already tried to stop us, but it made no difference. Do what's wise, and step aside. We'll only give you one warning." Despite her desire to not kill, her voice was laced with anger and disgust as well. These people had done nothing while Cora was being mistreated and deserved punishment as well. But the right kind.

"Your crimes against Cora have lasted far too long. She's coming home with us."


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