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Invasion The Clash of Ideals // NEO invasion of DE controlled Ithor and Selnesh [ OOC ]

F i e l d - M a r s h a l


// Begins 2/28 - Ends 3/14 //
// NEO intends to invade the DE owned Ithor and Selnesh Hexes //
The Clash of Ideals //

// Mandalorian Neo-Crusader //
// ADMINS //
Vreegan Fett Vreegan Fett
Careena Fett Careena Fett

// The Dark Empire //
// ADMINS //
Detritus Ren Detritus Ren
Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen

1. Yuri Maji Yuri Maji
2. Mother Askani Mother Askani
3. Altan Altan
4. Kalah Redra Kalah Redra
5. Trent Perris Trent Perris


In the aftermath of the Mandalorian Assault on Naboo, the Mandalorian Neo-Crusaders, under the leadership of Mand'alor the Anointed Carduul Akahl Carduul Akahl , have acquired the essential plasma resources to launch a major offensive against one of the galactic powers in the region.

The focus of the Great Crusade is directed towards the biodiverse planet of Ithor, as well as the Imperial Prison Planet of Selnesh, both firmly under the control of the Dark Empire.

Despite having negotiated a treaty in secrecy, the Mandalorian Field Marshals have observed the turmoil resulting from the Spark of Rebellion: Empire's Edge | TF vs DE.

Having concluded that the Dark Empire is currently weak and susceptible to an assault by the Galactic Alliance, there is little need for the Crusade to entangle itself with an unreliable alliance.

The Mand'alor is convinced that by capturing these planets, they can establish a stronghold from which to launch further campaigns into Imperial territory, thereby destabilizing their adversaries and restoring Mandalorian strength in the process.

With their battle fleets assembled and their warriors ready for combat, the Mandalorian Neo-Crusaders stand poised to unleash their might upon the unsuspecting defenders of Ithor and Selnesh.

As dawn breaks over these lush worlds, the atmosphere is charged with anticipation—the moment of reckoning is at hand, and the sound of Mandalorian war drums resonates throughout the galaxy. Will the Neo-Crusaders achieve success in their initial strike, or will the entrenched forces of the Dark Empire prove too formidable to overcome?

// Objective One //


The Mandalorian Neo-Crusaders have strategically set their sights on Ithor not only for its rich resources but also for its advanced technological capabilities, particularly its experimental bio-weapons projects that leverage the unique flora of the planet and the persistent rumors of top-secret scientific facilities dedicated to synthesizing potent biological weapons.

By seizing control of these facilities, the Neo-Crusaders aim to harness the cutting-edge technology developed there, enabling them to create a new class of weaponry that could turn the tide in their favor against the Imperials.

The ongoing battle around Ithor is not merely a skirmish for territory; it is a critical strategic maneuver to gain the upper hand in the larger conflict. The Imperials, aware of the planet's significance, desperately attempt to defend their interests by engaging in atmospheric battles among the floating cities that dot Ithor's skyline.

// Objective Two //


The Mandalorian Neo-Crusaders have identified the Imperial Detention Center as their primary target on the planet of Selnesh, viewing it not only as a symbol of the oppressive regime that has long subjugated the local populace but also as a strategic asset that, if captured, could significantly bolster the ranks of the Mandalorians, allowing them to push ahead with their campaign.

The detention center serves as a key facility for the imprisonment and indoctrination of political dissidents, rebels, and those who oppose the Empire's rule, effectively stifling resistance and dissent.

By launching an assault on this prison stronghold, the Mandalorian forces aim to liberate these prisoners, galvanizing local support and rallying disenfranchised citizens to their cause.

This operation is rooted in a broader strategy to destabilize the Imperial presence on Selnesh, weaken their morale, and create a ripple effect that could inspire similar uprisings across neighboring systems.

// Objective Three //


BYOO.....Whatever floats ya fancy.

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