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Approved NPC The Cloudforest Owls

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  • Intent: To formalize a group / role Kryze have been providing for centuries
  • ​Image Credit: N/A
  • Role: Big Game Hunters
  • Links: N/A
  • Group Name: The Cloudforest Owls
  • Classification: Big Game Hunters
  • Headquarters: Mandalore
  • Loyalties: Kryze Inc
  • Group Sigil: The stylized Kryze Owl with the image of a stylized animal corpse of an indistinct but impressive nature.
  • Description: The Cloudforest Owls have existed since Clan Kryze became nomads, although perhaps not by that name. They are expert hunters, trackers and big game experts - providing services to the rich, the famous, the wealthy and to the corporate and poor alike. They will hunt for food, or to bring you home a rancor skull, they offer everything from a full autonomous service to guided hunts to simple protection and tracking during a hunt, boasting that they can hunt anywhere in the galaxy.

  • Hierarchy: Mandalorian psuedo-military hierarchy, very fluid, with only really three ranks: verd (warrior), ver'alor (lieutenant) and al'verde (commander).
  • Membership: Membership of any rank higher than verd is exclusive to Clan Kryze via adoption or marriage, outsiders do become members, but only through adoption or marriage.
  • Dogma/Doctrines: The Cloudforest Owls take the concept of 'passionate, honourable hunters' to the extreme - honour your prey and you honour yourself. There is very little that they will not seek to hunt, but they make active efforts not to endanger species or to destroy the wildlife their survival depends upon.
  • Curios: Trophy-taking is one of the biggest rituals of the group, with few of the members not having animal trophies of one sort or another both on their beskar'garm and/or in their home.
  • Goals: Currently, the group seeks to find Kryze expansion by doing what they are good at - however they are actively working with the rest of the family and with the Mandalorian Empire to preserve as much of the native ecology of Mandalore as possible.

Jaris Kryze (NPC) Al'verde

Created by long ago and named after a now extinct species of avian from a planet somewhere on the Outer Rim, the Cloudforest Owls have been part of Clan Kryze since shortly after the clan became nomad - alongside mercenary work, they were (and are) one of the clan's biggest forms of income. Today they are rarely seen on Mandalore itself, still upholding most of the nomad lifestyle as they travel the galaxy looking to earn funding. Although a significant number do make their home on Mandalore in order to work to preserve the native species.
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