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Approved Tech The Coin.

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Image Source: Lucifer TV show.

Intent: To create a new way to play.

Development Thread: If needed.

Manufacturer: Darth Ferus

Model: N/A

Affiliation: Darth Ferus

Modularity: No.

Production: Production: Unique

Material: Alchemic Durasteel.

Description: The life of an Assassin involved many secrets. And Darth Ferus was no different. But he was stuck as a Sith Lord, with a signature in the Force recognizable to most. So, he chose to fix that. Utilizing the massive basin on Fresia he made a single coin, and infused his very being into the metal. It was no larger than a quarter, but within it held the most important part of the Sith.

His Force connection. Ferus had learned how to change the midi-chlorians within his own body, making them reduce in number to a level consistent within Non Force Users. The coin acts as a catalyst, and while in his possession it increases the count back to it's normal Sithy level. Without it, his midi-chlorians cannot increase to a number where Force Usage is possible.

As it's alchemised, the coin is virtually indestructible, save for being dismantled by the Light side of the Force. It's only use is to hold Ferus's ability to use the Force. With the coin, he is as he ever was. Without it, he has no signature within the Force, and no ability to use it. Not only does this make him a new person to many, but a non force user through and though. Should it be stolen or lost Ferus will remain a non force user for the rest of his life, unless he can reclaim it. If it's destroyed, he can never regain his connection.

​While it is in his possession, the coin grafts itself to his skin so it does not drop while he fights. This can be done anywhere on his body, however should it be cut off he looses his ability to use the Force.
[member="Darth Ferus"]

Darth Ferus said:
Curious about how this affects the midiclorians? It actually doesn't. Ferus has removed them from his body, which is why he has no more signature. And with that, the coin acts as his conduit of the Force. After researching the Scepter of Ragnos that could give people Force Connections, the Sith Lord chose to make a coin in a similar fashion that, like stated above, would give him his ability to use the Force.

Midi-chlorians were intelligent[1] microscopic life-forms that served as organelles within all living cells, existing in a symbiotic relationship with the beings they inhabited[2][5] and comprising a collective consciousness among themselves.[1] Present in all life,[2] midi-chlorians were isomorphic on every planet that supported life.[5] Midi-chlorians, in fact, were necessary for life to exist.

Midi-Chlorians, Wookiepedia Article
While I can't exactly let this go with removing midi-chlorians from Ferus's body and placing them in a coin, as that contradicts canon, we can instead alter how this works to fit canon. Let me know of any ideas you have.
[member="Darth Ferus"]
How's about this (a suggestion/idea, not quite a requested edit):
  • The use of alchemy has modified the midi-chlorians in Ferus's body.
  • The coin has been modified via alchemy to interact with the midi-chlorians in Ferus's body, and only his. (You basically state this already anyways)
  • When the coin is in his possession, the coin works in symbiosis with the midi-chlorians in Ferus's body.
  • When the coin isn't in his possession, the midi-chlorians are forced to reduce in some manner (let's not get too science-y here) to the point of him being basically a non-force user because of these modifications.
Ferus had learned how to change the midi-chlorians within his own body, making them reduce in number to a level consistent within Non Force Users. The coin acts as a catalyst, and while in his possession it increases the count back to it's normal Sithy level. Without it, his midi-chlorians cannot increase to a number where Force Usage is possible.

​While it is in his possession, the coin grafts itself to his skin so it does not drop while he fights. This can be done anywhere on his body, however should it be cut off he looses his ability to use the Force.

Added these.

[member="Braith Achlys"]
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