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Approved Tech The Collar of Many

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Manufacturer: Adeline Noctua
Type: N/A
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Unique
Weight: Light
Size: Small
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"We are Darth Parasideus. And we do not bow"
"Then I will chain you standing!"

— Kaila to Darth Parasideus[x]
  • Increases the limits and efficacy of Force Walk
  • Reinforced through Sith Alchemy
  • Disturbing to spirits
  • Force Walker - Allows the wearer to cast Force Walk through the collar, potentially binding multiple spirits to the collar while allowing the wearer to temporarily and utterly exert their will over the spirits within and then re-bind them to the collar as needed, affectively bypassing the bodily limits of Force Walk by housing them in the much sturdier artifact instead of harming their own body, drawing on their power only when needed.
  • Non-Armor - Made from materials unsuited for the battlefield and intended to be worn beneath existing armor. While reinforced through Sith Alchemy, the artifact was never meant to shield in combat and could likely break if in battle, resulting in the scape in one or more of the imprisoned spirits caged within the black kyber crystals, or even weakening the wearer's hold over them should the enchanted bones be broken.
  • Force Nullification - Relying on the power of imprisoned force spirits, the amulet cannot be used to entrap additional ghosts while under the affects of force suppressing or nullifying fields, nor can the wearer draw power from the caged spirits while affected.

The Collar of Many was Sith Amulet crafted by Darth Keres among the dead halls of Yalara Academy in exchange for a favor from Kaila, who was once a pseudo-apprentice of hers and shared the same master even before then. It was a cursed thing made from the ancient bones of Darth Parasideus, a master of possession who persisted even in death. From his bones, Darth Keres was able to imbue the collar with a tiny sliver of his being, Enchanting it with the power of Possession. Kaila too provided a sliver of her being with which she imbued the Black Kyber Crystals with the power of Force Walking, taught to her by Darth Varynx, and from the writings of Darth Parasideus, they were able to enchant the amulet with a crude knowledge of Essence Transference.

With this combined power they forged a powerful amulet capable of binding spirits to the beautifully cut kyber crystals affixed to it, storing them as battery would store power, shackling their will that of the amulet as if it had somehow taken on one of it's own through exposure to the dogmatic psyches of it's three creators, binding spirits to it's ever hungering presence only to give it's master control when commanded.

Spirits found it's mere presence in the force off-putting and living force sensitives were often confused it for many distant signatures in the living force that seemed to feel more potent with use.

Unfortunately for it's intended wearer the amulet was not fool proof. Damage sustained to the crystals had the potential to "leak" spirits back into the world, weakening those who relied on the ghost's strength for their own, and the kyber crystals used in it's ritual creation were not easy to replace.

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