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The Confederacy

A coalition of systems based in the Outer Rim, intent on bringing order and stability to the Galaxy

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The Confederacy FAQs


Below are listed some Q&A regarding the faction for your convenience.

Q: Why the CIS, dawg?
A: Because Canon got some drip and we want to use it.

Q: Do you guys have a Force Sect?

A: In all seriousness, no we don't and we won't ever have one either. You are welcome to be Force Sensitive when you join the Confederate Army, Navy, Intelligence or Parliament, but there will be no exclusive Force sect in this hood, yo. Canon CIS didn't have one either.

Q: Where the droids at?
A: They're still there, but have been bumped down to support within the Confederate Army. So if you want to write a CIS-type droid or a commander of a droid force, feel free to. But if you don't, you can still run around as a human/humanoid soldier with your blaster and warpost.

Q: Is this Confederacy a Sith shadow state?
A: No, it's not. It's a morally grey faction with no puppeteer whatsoever. Head of State's a war veteran and not some hidden Sith Lord pulling all the strings. The government is very much a democratic one - either diplomatically or aggressively. Think Canon CIS - just remove the Sith puppetmaster from the equation.

Q: How does The Confederacy feel about crime syndicates and other scoundrels?
A: Officially and publicly? "We will eradicate crime!" Behind the scenes? Everyone has a little black book and can't afford to get their hands dirty (and what politician is a clean one?). So your bounty hunter, shadowrunner, smuggler and other useful scoundrels can be utilised to conduct more clandestine activities like HACK THE IMPERIAL MAINFRAME. But keep in mind, loose ends will be dealt with, so don't peeve off the Confederate making use of your services.

Q: I heard something about ODST - where can I find that?
A: Join the Confederate Army, yo, and you can rock that ODST drip - complete with drop pods.

Q: Are there going to beach threads?
A: Depends on the story. But socials won't be the driving threads in The Confederacy. They'll have their place, everyone needs to unwind every once in a while, but the main aim of the faction is to restore order and stability in the Galaxy.

Q: Can my corpo do stuff in The Confederacy?
A: Please yes! Corporations are as much the backbone in this Confederacy as it was in the Canon CIS. You can send your/a corpo as an ambassador to represent the corporation in Confederate Parliament if you want to do business with TC/in TC territory. Keep in mind, there will be laws in place to keep order in TC, so if your corporation wants to conduct less law-abiding activities in TC space, they need to do it all hush hush and illegal and make sure Customs/Law Enforcement don't catch you, cause there will be IC consequences for it (we love illegal activities and the cat and mouse game with the law/parliament, so please do attempt it - it always makes for good fun story and lends some risk to your IC endeavours)

Division information, including independent contractors, can be found here


You can use this discussion thread if you have any more questions regarding the faction that have not been answered. Please just use it to ask your question, don't make an actual discussion out of it and please keep the questions free of politics. Be respectful and mindful and keep them shade free.

My, Jas Katis and Eva Malström's DMs are open both on Discord and here on the board, so feel free to ask us there if you don't want to throw it here.

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