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The Confederacy

A coalition of systems based in the Outer Rim, intent on bringing order and stability to the Galaxy

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The Confederacy Information

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The divisions within The Confederacy consist of many walks of life. They all work to achieve the same goal - order within the Galaxy. Stability and liberation is paramount

These are the divisions that can be roleplayed to bring true prosperity and balance within the Galaxy.



The Confederate Army is the backbone of The Confederacy. They are the power behind bringing order to the Galaxy.

As The Confederacy is still in a fledgling stage, the corporation Hex Incorporated are contracting out the Hellion Private Military as the defence and expeditionary force to The Confederacy while a more rigorous standing army is being systematically amassed.

This force protects the systems within The Confederacy and convinces those that deny the order and prosperity of the hegemony.
  • Survivors/grateful individuals from Wild Space planets that wish to join the Army
  • Hellion PMC mercs
  • Defectors from other militaries
  • Individuals wanting to be heroes



The true class of The Confederacy.

With the Vicelord of The Confederacy having been a Grand Admiral of two different empires, the Confederate Navy is kept to the same standard in terms of discipline and tactics.

The Navy is the nigh impenetrable shield for systems under the protection of Confederacy and the ultimate nightmare for those that oppose the hegemony. With a century of tactics to personally draw from, the Confederate Navy is the pinnacle of fleet maneuvering and a force not to be trifled with.

It is the true wonder of The Confederacy.
  • Remnant fleeters from the non-Mandalorian contingent of the Mandalorian Enclave that used to serve under Verin Oldo and Vemric Keldra.
  • Defectors from other navies
  • New up and coming pilots and fleeters from all walks of life
  • Comms, Navigational and other Officers on the ship
  • Fighter pilots



The CIB of The Confederacy is divided into two branches - Confederate State Security and Confederate Law Enforcement.

Confederate State Security doubles as Special Forces as well as Intelligence gathering. These individuals are highly trained in combat, stealth, infiltration and the acquisition of galactic information in order to advance The Confederacy's goal to bring prosperity to the Galaxy. With a plethora of skills in their repertoire, the Intelligence Officers' abilities enable them to achieve the goals they set out to reach.

The Confederate Investigative Bureau acts as the Law Enforcement branch within The Confederate. They would stop at nothing to ensure that the laws brought into effect by the Parliament are adhered to. This duty often necessitates intelligence gathering of its own by means far more clandestine than State Security's methods.

Together, these two divisions ensure that the cog of The Confederacy keeps turning and can strike at the heart of any who oppose the order that Confederacy brings to the Galaxy.
  • Snipers, demolition experts, military infiltrators and all-round "Green Beret" characters
  • Guerilla fighters
  • Special Agents
  • Cops
  • Propaganda writers and news journalists
  • Defectors in these disciplines from other nations



The Confederate Parliament is the governing body of The Confederacy and run the daily operations of the hegemony.

Consisting of representatives from systems and organisations within The Confederacy, these parliamentarians ensure that order is maintained within Confederate territory.

Parliament's diligence will ensure that peace and prosperity can reign supreme within the Outer Rim and in the rest of the Galaxy.
  • Representatives and ambassadors throughout Confederate territory wishing for a political career
  • Political aides
  • Political journalists



Independent entities within both Confederate Territory as well as the Galaxy can do business with The Confederacy.

The Confederacy makes ample use of corporations, mercenaries, Bounty Hunters and similar organisations to aid in its endeavour to provide stability to the Galaxy.



Money makes the Galaxy turn.

Corporations are a massive supporter in the economy and operations of the new Confederacy. From bandages to blasters, as it were. Their trade is welcomed within The Confederacy, within confines of Confederate Law. Parliament seats are open to Corporate Ambassadors to represent their organisation's interests within Confederate Territory.

Corporations are respected and encouraged to aid The Confederacy economically.
  • Ambassadors and owners of intergalactic businesses
  • Entrepreneurs looking to grow and expand their influence and companies in the larger galaxy
  • Shareholders wanting to invest in new prospects and grow their reach in the Outer Rim



Some problems are a little too dirty for the likes of a government, and no government is complete without a little black book containing the solution to said problems. Hired guns, revoked doctors with the death mark, smugglers and bounty hunters, there is always work in the Outer Rim and the Confederacy is "allegedly" always happy to pay those to do their dirty work.

Of course, loose ends are dangerous, and the Confederacy ensures that its contractors understand that betrayal carries a hefty punishment.
  • Criminals looking for work
  • Hunters in need of a score
  • Fine members of society that find it difficult to work in the confines of the laws of other systems

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