Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction Ad The Confederacy of Independent Systems



Millions are Afraid.

They are terrified of being caught in the crossfire as titanic nations go to war. Terrified of being exploited by those less moral...or being sacrificed in the name of the greater good. Yet, in this time of terror, the urge to survive another day can inspire greatness. Some have chosen to band together in the name of Freedom, Prosperity, and Independence. This is their union.

This is their Confederacy.

Government Type: Confederation
Capital: Theed, Naboo
Alignment: Neutral
Principal Ideals:
  • Planetary Sovereignty
  • Individual Freedom

The heart of the Government is the Confederate Charter. These terms exist as the fundamental laws which founded the nation. All member worlds agree to abide by the Charter's terms upon joining the Confederacy. Though essential, amendments to the Charter can be made by the collective will of the Viceroyalty.


I. The right to autonomy is guaranteed. The Confederacy will never infringe upon a world's right to self-rule or self-govern - except in cases of extreme abuse of the people, internal corruption, or a verified absence of a native population.
I-A. In the case of extreme abuse or corruption (confirmed via Inquisition by the Judicial Branch), the current leadership will be removed. The Viceroyalty will establish a new representative of the world or supervise the immediate election of a new representative.​
I-B. In the case of a verified absence of a native population, the world will be classified as a Territory. The governance of the Territory will be established by the direction of the Viceroyalty, including its representative.​

II. All worlds acknowledge that membership within the Confederacy is permanent.

III. All worlds agree to appoint a single representative - known as a Viceroy - to serve as their representative within the Confederacy's governing body: the Viceroyalty.
III-A.Viceroy candidates must be of legal age as defined by Confederate Law (18) and be in good standing upon the member world.​
III-B. Viceroys are permitted to serve a period of four years, after which they can be re-elected or replaced.​
III-C. There is no lifetime limit on consecutive terms of service.​

IV. All worlds agree to abide by and enforce common, Confederate Laws that are drafted by the Viceroyalty. Chief amongst these are:
IV-A.The elevation of Slavery to a capital offense.​
IV-B. Paying a common tax, across all worlds, for the creation and maintenance of the military, as well as public services.​

V. All worlds agree to submit themselves to investigation if corruption or abuse are suspected.
V-A. All claims of corruption or abuse must be backed by tangible evidence.​
V-B. All claims of corruption or abuse will be investigated, personally, by the Judicial Branch via Inquisition.​

The Confederate Government is organized into three distinct branches: Executive (The Presidium), Judicial (The Knights Obsidian), and Legislative (The Viceroyalty). Below, you will find a breakdown of each branch's purpose, divisions, and roles.



The Presidium, otherwise known as the Office of the Vicelord, exists to Execute the Will of the Confederacy. This manifests as a number of responsibilities, including:
  • Upholding Confederate Legislation
  • Promoting Confederate Interests Abroad
  • Ensuring the Defense of the Nation
  • Managing National Resources and International Affairs
To accomplish these duties, the Vicelord can implement any number of Ministries within the Presidium. To date, the Presidium houses the following Ministries:


Office of the Exarch:
Purpose: Direct extensions of the Vicelord's authority

Ministry of War:
Purpose: Management of all Armed Forces

Ministry of Commerce:
Purpose: Management of Federal Finances and Trade

Ministry of Science:
Purpose: Research & Development of Civilian and Military Assets

Ministry of Influence:
Purpose: Management of State Media, Diplomacy, and Intelligence



The Knights Obsidian exist to Uphold the Laws of the Confederacy and to promote governance that is Free of Corruption. This manifests as a number of responsibilities, including:
  • Containment of Force-based Hazards.
  • Upholding and Enforcing Confederate Law.
  • Determining if Laws/Legislation undermine the Confederate Charter.
At the heart of the Knighthood is a Devotion to Peace and Order. It is through their commitment to these values that they strive to maintain the Law and Exact Justice across the nation. Their devotion also has also cultivated a disciplined mindset throughout the organization. From the newest Squire to the most veteran Lord, the Knighthood is effectively militant in their structure.

Thus, ascension through the ranks is based on a number key factors. Mainly:
  • Ones Mastery of the Force.
  • Ones Experience in Battle.
  • Ones Understanding of the Law.
  • Ones Ability to Lead Others.


Notable Figures: Vytal Noctura
Themes: Witches, Magick
Notable Abilities: Chant of Resurrection, Spirit Ichor, Aspect of the Storm

The Solanaceae Chapter, once known as the Mandragora or Witches of Ryloth, is a Chapter devoted to seeking the deepest understanding of the Force. To this end, they explore all facets and spectrums, imparting spirituality, magicks, and hidden truths along the way.

Notable Figures: Redd
Themes: Darkness, Passion
Notable Abilities: Alchemy, Lightning, Dominate Mind

The Thorn Chapter is a collective devoted to finding strength in the Deep. Their midst dives into the Darkness, empowering themselves through passion, ferocity, and guile.

Notable Figures: Asaraa Vaashe
Themes: Light, Preservation
Notable Abilities: Force Light, Art of the Small, Healing

The Lotus Chapter is a congregation which places their Hope in the Light. Therefore, their pursuits revolve around protection, restoration, and purification.

Notable Figures: Taramaz Arcturus
Themes: Balance, Control
Notable Abilities: Waveform, Ballistakinesis, Alter Environment

The Acanthus Chapter is a gathering which identifies Harmony as the greatest source of strength. They believe that, to bring Order through Law, one must bring Order to Self.



The Viceroyalty exists to Represent the Will of the Confederacy's people. This manifests as a number of responsibilities, including:
  • Passage of Confederate Law and/or Amending the Confederate Charter.
  • Establishment of Taxes and the Implementation of a Federal Budget.
  • Allotment of Land to the Federal Government.
  • Additionally, as individual Viceroys represent the will of their homeworld, their duties often include:
  • Management of Homeworld Resources.
  • Establishment of Judicial Jurisdiction on the Homeworld.
On another note, whilst the Viceroyalty collectively works for the betterment of the Nation, there are numerous thoughts upon how to best achieve these goals. Over time, like-minded individuals have banded together to form Political Parties within the Viceroyalty.

Whilst the Parties depict the political leanings of a Confederate planet, Interplanetary Pacts denote the formal relationships forged between member worlds. Below is an overview of the four most renowned Parties and the current Interplanetary Pacts.


Notable Figures: Adron Malvern
Themes: Nobility, Heraldry, Opulence
Supports: Aristocratic Dominance
Opposes: Corporate Outsourcing

The Party for Systemic Aristocracy, commonly known as the Aristocratic Party, is a coalition of worlds defined by Heriditary or otherwise Royal leadership. The Aristocratics believe strongly in centralized leadership and the pooling of wealth to make powerful impacts upon the Confederacy.

Notable Figures: Bastille Rommer
Themes: Planetary Sovereignty, Independence
Supports: Personal Freedoms of the Individual
Opposes: Centralized Government, Militarism

The Party for Sovereign Systems, commonly known as the Sovereigntist Party, is a gathering focused on the decentralization of government. Rather, they believe that the strength of the Confederacy lies in the sovereignty of its member worlds. In their eyes, federal government should play a small role in the worlds' internal affairs.

Notable Figures: Rann Thress
Themes: Equality, Liberty, Brotherhood
Supports: Fair and Equal Representation
Opposes: Disparity of Wealth and Opportunity

The Union for Citizens' Rights, commonly known as the Unionist Party, heralds themselves as the representatives of the Common, Confederate Citizen. Formed in direct opposition of the Aristocratic Party, the Unionists strive for a more Egalitarian Nation, with Protections for the Worker, and Rewards for Hard Work.

Notable Figures: Darth Metus
Themes: Nationalism, Allegiance, Soldiery
Supports: Proactive Foreign Policy
Opposes: Internationalism, Decentralization

The Party for Separatist Governance, commonly known as the Separatist Party, prides itself on a strong, national identity. Its focus lies upon the promotion of Confederate interests abroad and maintaining a strong reliance on the strengths of the Confederacy First. Military Might, Independence from Foreign Assets, and National Symbolism are hallmarks of the Separatist party.



The Ministry of War is a member of the Executive Branch. As such, this organization is tasked with the Management of All Militant Bodies found in the Confederacy. This manifests as a number of responsibilities, including:
  • Overseeing the Operations and Support of the Nation's formal military.
  • Establishing the Jurisdiction of Civilian Organizations.
  • Negotiating and Managing the Contracts of Independent Entities.
The Ministry of War encompasses All Militant Groups of the Confederacy. It is composed of three main bodies: the Confederate Armed Forces, Civilian Organizations, and Independent Contractors. Below you will find a breakdown of each body's purpose, organization, and roles.


The Confederate Armed Forces, oftentimes known as the Confederate Defense Force, is the formal, Standing Military of the Confederacy. As a result, this body fulfills a number of obligations to the Southern Systems, including:
  • Defense of the Confederacy.
  • Service to the People.
  • Defense of National Interests.
  • Defense of Confederate Allies.
To accomplish these goals, the Confederate Armed Forces exist as three branches:
  • NAVCOM: Naval Command, tasked with Space or High Orbit operations.
  • UNICOM: Unified Ground Command, tasked with Terrestrial or Low Orbit operations.
  • DAUNTLESS: Tasked with small-squad, Commando operations across all theaters.

Branch: UNICOM
Notable Members: Colonel Anakwor Farlorn
Codex Submission: HERE

Their home world turned to ash by the furnace of war, the Carian First-and-Only Rangers are the last of their people. They are an elite infantry based Regiment whose specialty is as a rapid response group, able to react to any threat in the Confederacy in but days in full force, with an emphasis on veteran leadership and superb small-unit tactics, sundering their enemy apart with a thousand cuts. Also known are their expert Snipers and uncanny Pathfinders with their stealth skills. They are nicknamed the Forlorn, after their leader Colonel Anakwor Farlorn, the same man who had saved what little he could when death came to their world and made them watch as their families screamed as the entire world was burned.

They fight desperately against the enemies of the Confederacy so that they make the best of their deaths. So that others will never have to suffer their fate. So that they make a difference. They know they will eventually all die but until then they will rage against injustice, tyranny, and the darkness of his cursed Galaxy.

Branch: UNICOM
Notable Members: Ryk Gaelir
Codex Submission: HERE

The 701st Mobile Infantry, also known as Titan Battalion, are one of the many battalions that make up the Unified Ground Command. The 701st are a regiment of soldiers comprised of organic beings, a rarity among the endless droid legions that are so iconic to the Confederacy's image. Designated as 'Mobile Infantry,' the 701st were created to excel in any combat situation; aerial insertion, prolonged campaigns, and front line assault being some of the many various scenarios that the 701st have trained for. The soldiers of Titan Battalion are able to operate in almost any condition, be it slogging through heavyset mud, underwater combat or zero-g maneuvers. Individual soldiers are encouraged to approach situations with creative, unorthodox methods in order to swiftly and efficiently achieve victory. Lethal on the battlefield, the 701st like any Mobile Infantry battalion are on par to an entire legion of standard droids, and are a valuable asset for any military commander to have in their arsenal.


Civilian Organizations are state-recognized groups that are Formed and Operated by Citizens of a Confederate World(s). For the most part, these organizations are free to conduct their business without direct oversight by the Ministry. Each group earns its state recognition by adhering to the following terms:
  • Upon formation, Jurisdiction of the Civilian Organization is established by the Ministry and the local Viceroy(s).
  • During battlefield scenarios, the Civilian Organization abides by the Global Chain of Command Rules.



The Hellknight Corps were founded upon the guiding principle of Maintaining Order from Chaos, ensuring that the Flame of Reason burns brightly. Their responsibilities are as varied as their numbers, orders, and chapters - Including:
  • Maintaining Order from Chaos.
  • Sacrificing themselves for the Greater Good.
  • Serve as an additional Force to supplement the Armed Forces.
To maintain Order and execute their daily duties, the Hellknights have an established hierarchy elaborated upon HERE.


A hidden convent open to all who follow the Resol’nare, the Enclave is a neutral location in which none are turned away. Hunters have a place to take stock and find their next target; Warriors may rest, recover, and equip themselves with new items to further their capabilities in the battlefield; Foundlings and initiates to the six actions may find a place to train under the tutelage of those who came before; Blacksmiths and gunsmiths may hone and practice their craft.

The Enclave is a place where the Mando'ade can rest from persecution and rebuild.

The Enclave is what Mandalore was, and what Mandalore cannot be: a safe space, hidden from the galaxy. Home.

Additional details regarding the Enclave can be found HERE.


Independent Contractors are individuals or organizations that have been Hired by the Ministry of War. The length of contract, rank equivalencies, and other details are established at signing. Below is the selection of organizations who currently have a mercenary contract with the Confederate Armed Forces.




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