As if on some cosmic queue, a woman that had come back from the dead herself interjected thoughts on the Mand'alor's audible musings. It was a hard thing to adjust to, the idea that the Liberator, the very first Mand'alor he had served under had been dead in his arms, but was not alive and standing before him in a completely different skin suit. Everything about Mia Monroe had changed from what he knew her as, the voice, the eyes, and even her personality had shifted - though he wagered death might do that to a person. Over the months after coming to the realization that she was the Liberator of the Mando'ade, he'd gotten more used to seeing her this way, though she still reminded him of her death at every turn. An apropos greeting as he had just left the words leave his lips of seeing the dead among the living. A lot of death had come their way recently, and he was only now starting to move forward with his life and the leadership of the culture without the heavy burden and weight of so many so quickly perishing. Though they would never be forgotten, as each Mandalorian of valor recited the names of those that had lost as a daily remembrance of brothers and sisters that had gone on before. However, he'd recently stopped quoting Mia's name now that she was among the vode once more.
"Neither talking or arguing with yourself is much of an issue, Liberator." Azrael turned towards Mia as the helmet slid in place and activated the seal on his
"The only cause for concern would be such a personal disgust that I give myself the cold shoulder." In essence, Azrael was referring to a certain level of schizophrenia that would warrant a very different kind of intervention and medical help - though it was said in jest as he passed through the self-same door that Mia leaned against with a nod in her direction to join him for the trek out to the southern outpost to meet up with Verz and company.
"I imagine it'd be a bit more believable from your lips than that of someone that hadn't lived through that." A comment he wasn't altogether happy about, as he couldn't really justify the process of dying and being reintroduced into life, and the term living seemed to fall so short of the mark. A meager shrug was offered as his right hand rose up to issue a silent gesture to tag along as requested. "The Ravens are chomping at the bit to prove something about their president, I suspect a skirmish with them soon, should be a good training exercise for the initiates." Obviously Azrael didn't think much of the faction, or their leadership, if he could lead a one man strike and capture their president with only about two weeks of planning.
Stepping out of the war room bunker and into a turbo-lift, the racing lights ripped down their side as the pair emerged from beneath the surface of Keldabe to end up at the star port of Mandal Motors, and his personal
Oya'karir; a two man armed assault vehicle that Azrael preferred when he was travelling with the Field Marshals or other higher ranking officers from city to city. The speeder bikes were nice, but the ground vehicles were for less urgent matters - as it was slower, but felt far more satisfying to feel the grip of the wheels and the roar of the engine beneath the hood of the mechanical beast. Sliding into the driver's seat, the Mand'alor fired up the engines and took off down the ramp and towards the landing site. A thick dust cloud kicked up in the vehicles wake as it trailed the line from Mandal Motors, through the rough and rugged dirt laden terrain that sprawled over a good portion of Mand'yaim.
"You know I remember when I first met him. The mess hall went silent when he walked in, every eye and visor in the entire place went directly to him. Even as a Field Marshal, Horak always commanded respect." The day Azrael spoke of was the day when he was taken under Verz's tutoring wing, and was given personal instruction in the way to use a blade, and to fight smart and hard. Ever since that day, he was set apart, and he owed a lot of Mandalorian roots and heritage to that crimson armored man. Even after what Gil and Ordo had told him about what occurred and why he had to be forcibly removed from the sole leadership - he still didn't count the man as Dar'manda. There was conflict about his position on the stance of Verz, but of all things Azrael was glad that he was coming home.
[member="Andrea Kryze"] | [member="Arla Balor"] | [member="Mia Monroe"] | [member="Verz Horak"] | [member="Anastasia Rade"] | [member="Preliat Mantis"] | [member="Strider Garon"]