New Member
NAME: The Contractor
Real Name: Cthod Zole
FACTION: The Shadow Brotherhood
RANK: Rouge Jedi/ Bounty Hunter
AGE: 923
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 6.1ft
WEIGHT: 189lbs
EYES: right eye crimson left eye dark blue
HAIR: pich black
SKIN: pail
+has acses to a large amont of anchant force tech neeks taht the jedi consider as dark powers.
-low abilaty whiht the senceative force powers such as the jedi mind trick
+has an afialtion whiht technology
-must meditate regualy inorder to stay alive
the mask and body armer he wairs conseals ashen skin that is criscrosed whiht anchant runes and scars form his verasee experimits whith the the forbiden dark force techneks
spending the majoraty of his younger life on the streets of mosesely he grew stellign for suvivle and developed a taste for it seeing it as a form of sport. when he was twelve he tryed to steel form a jedi who senced the potentile he had for the foce and become his master soon enough under the training of dherk corthol he become an incomprechencably good saber user but still had truble whiht some of the force ablitays such as the mind trick and even the enhanced reflexes in his therd year of training the erges of his past began t oplage him agange adn he began to stell the acationle artifact for mthe temple and sell them on the balck marcet it was durign one of these raids that he found a room hiden in the depths of the temple entering he found shelves apon selves of anchent holicrons containing thouseds of years of nolage form the past of the jedi including instructions ofn usining a large amoungt of powers that the councle see as unsavery and dark it was wile he was ataemptinign to sneek a large amont of holicrons out of the temple that he first met alki tyrome another much younger padaone who recongnised the dark power surionding the holicrons he reported it to the councel who intern ejected zole from the order later the that day zole snuck inot wh order and stole the holicrons.
it was driing inspeciton of the holicrons that zole found a techneke that wold prolong his natual life almost indefently the only down fall of this power was that he has to medetate every hundred years inorder to renew the foce keeping him alive among other powers he also develped the abillaty to genarate wepons of foce energy meaning ath the is never unarmed at the age of 24 he became a bounty hunter and eventaly helped the empier in there invation of lasan at which point he defeted a memebre of the lasat honer gard and took his bow rifle to replace the saber that he was striped of apon his expultion form the order after this invation he traveld the unervers fotr the next few hundred years exepting the ocatanele contract but mostly training whiht the most skilled masters of armed combat in the univers howningn hsi skills and modifying his bow rifle to encoparte every new wepon he masterd around 800 years after the fall of the empier he found a relck form his past encased in carbenite the paderwone alki tyrome who hand later gon on to become the sith known as lord tyrome apon freeing him thay became parteners and eventaly wnt on to found the shadow brother hood a faction of bounty hunters and sith who only exept contracts which thay take a personlal intrest in enles of corce the price is right.
a costm billt ship by the name of the shadow
lord tyrome
a modifid lasat bow rifle that contains interchangable moduals for a rifle, energy bow, energy sighth, and dule bladed light sabler (the cristles stolen form the sablers of defeted jedis), long bladed light katana, and dule sabers (the center of the staff can be split)
ofenceve foce powers such as push coak and lightining
force amery a self devloped abilaty darived form the bacik force push and dark powers of the sith aluwing the user to hardern the force and sape it into any wepon thay could imagen
force preseve the dark force abilaty taht is kepng his body funtnal
force cleave a projection of the foce taking the sape of a blade that is given of by caniling fore energy down the blade of the weapon and relecining as the implament is swong
Real Name: Cthod Zole
FACTION: The Shadow Brotherhood
RANK: Rouge Jedi/ Bounty Hunter
AGE: 923
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 6.1ft
WEIGHT: 189lbs
EYES: right eye crimson left eye dark blue
HAIR: pich black
SKIN: pail
+has acses to a large amont of anchant force tech neeks taht the jedi consider as dark powers.
-low abilaty whiht the senceative force powers such as the jedi mind trick
+has an afialtion whiht technology
-must meditate regualy inorder to stay alive
the mask and body armer he wairs conseals ashen skin that is criscrosed whiht anchant runes and scars form his verasee experimits whith the the forbiden dark force techneks
spending the majoraty of his younger life on the streets of mosesely he grew stellign for suvivle and developed a taste for it seeing it as a form of sport. when he was twelve he tryed to steel form a jedi who senced the potentile he had for the foce and become his master soon enough under the training of dherk corthol he become an incomprechencably good saber user but still had truble whiht some of the force ablitays such as the mind trick and even the enhanced reflexes in his therd year of training the erges of his past began t oplage him agange adn he began to stell the acationle artifact for mthe temple and sell them on the balck marcet it was durign one of these raids that he found a room hiden in the depths of the temple entering he found shelves apon selves of anchent holicrons containing thouseds of years of nolage form the past of the jedi including instructions ofn usining a large amoungt of powers that the councle see as unsavery and dark it was wile he was ataemptinign to sneek a large amont of holicrons out of the temple that he first met alki tyrome another much younger padaone who recongnised the dark power surionding the holicrons he reported it to the councel who intern ejected zole from the order later the that day zole snuck inot wh order and stole the holicrons.
it was driing inspeciton of the holicrons that zole found a techneke that wold prolong his natual life almost indefently the only down fall of this power was that he has to medetate every hundred years inorder to renew the foce keeping him alive among other powers he also develped the abillaty to genarate wepons of foce energy meaning ath the is never unarmed at the age of 24 he became a bounty hunter and eventaly helped the empier in there invation of lasan at which point he defeted a memebre of the lasat honer gard and took his bow rifle to replace the saber that he was striped of apon his expultion form the order after this invation he traveld the unervers fotr the next few hundred years exepting the ocatanele contract but mostly training whiht the most skilled masters of armed combat in the univers howningn hsi skills and modifying his bow rifle to encoparte every new wepon he masterd around 800 years after the fall of the empier he found a relck form his past encased in carbenite the paderwone alki tyrome who hand later gon on to become the sith known as lord tyrome apon freeing him thay became parteners and eventaly wnt on to found the shadow brother hood a faction of bounty hunters and sith who only exept contracts which thay take a personlal intrest in enles of corce the price is right.
a costm billt ship by the name of the shadow
lord tyrome
a modifid lasat bow rifle that contains interchangable moduals for a rifle, energy bow, energy sighth, and dule bladed light sabler (the cristles stolen form the sablers of defeted jedis), long bladed light katana, and dule sabers (the center of the staff can be split)
ofenceve foce powers such as push coak and lightining
force amery a self devloped abilaty darived form the bacik force push and dark powers of the sith aluwing the user to hardern the force and sape it into any wepon thay could imagen
force preseve the dark force abilaty taht is kepng his body funtnal
force cleave a projection of the foce taking the sape of a blade that is given of by caniling fore energy down the blade of the weapon and relecining as the implament is swong