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Approved Starship The Corellian Bolt

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Image Source: Star Wars
Affiliation: Zef Halo

Manufacturer: Corellian Engineering Corporation
Model: Barloz-class medium freighter
Modularity: No

Material: Durasteel, Quadranium mesh, Thermal Tekonite Alloy, Polarizing Field Insulation.

Classification: Medium Freighter
Length: 41m
Height: 20m
Width: 20m (Doesn't say in wookiepedia)

Armament: 11
  • SW-8 Ion Cannons (2) on both sides
  • Laser Cannon (1) on top as a manned turret.
Defenses: 16
Squadron Count: N/A

Special Features:
Maneuverability Rating: 5
Speed Rating: 4

Hyperdrive Class: 1
  • Smuggling compartments: The Corellian Bolt has its perks of being owned by a smuggler twice. It almost literally has a maze of hidden compartments underneath all hooked up with the Tranquility System I against sensors and scanners

  • Blockade Runner: The stock model of the Barloz is generally made to withstand punishment. Additional material upgrades to its hull and shields has made it a great freighter that could be used to bypass blockades.

  • EMP/Ion Resistance: One of the Corellian Bolt's modifications that make it different from the stock model of the Barloz is its polarizing field insulation which makes it highly capable of withstanding EMP and Ion attacks. Not immunized but highly resistant compared to other ships. This upgrade has been mainly done to evade pirate attacks. On top of that the Corellian Bolt possess a set great electric generators that are able to restore power rather quicker than the usual.
  • Lack of Armaments: It has sacrificed gunpower for the sake of speed and has placed ion cannons as its two main weapons thus making the Corellian Bolt not as lethal as other similar types of ships
Description: The Corellian Bolt is a Barloz-class medium freighter - an ancient freighter, produced eight centuries ago by the infamous Corellian Engineering Corporation. Despite it being old it is certainly a reliable freighter if modified right which Zef Halo has done over the years he has used the ship for his long smuggling career.

Originally, the Corellian Bolt had no name and was given to Zef Halo by the Ticon family of Corellia in return he would smuggle goods for them across the galaxy. The freighter was given to the Ticon family as a form of payment for overdue debts another family had.

It is with this ship that Zef began his notorious career as a smuggler and over the years he has modified it from the bottom up. All modifications done after various experiences such as being disabled by ion cannons in the middle of nowhere, being knocked out from orbit to crash land on Klatooine, running through blockades with the Mandalorians.

Twenty years ago, the Corellian Bolt was impounded along with Zef Halo by the conquering Mandalorians. Given the choice to join their ranks or perish, the smuggler obviously accepted which made the freighter 'legally' a Mandalorian-owned ship. They named the Corellian Bolt to Jai'galaar - shriek-hawk - a Mandalore native hawk that also stood as the sigil of Clan Vizsla. The Mandalorians focused on making the ship more durable rather than more maneuvrable resulting in additional hull plating, incorporation of quadlaser cannons in the places where Zef had placed flaps for more maneuvrability.

It is under the Mandalorians that the Corellian Bolt that Zef knew changed the most - becoming more of a blockade runner rather than an 'interceptor freighter' that it initially was. Serving as a drop and evac ship in hot zones, the Jai'galaar under masterful piloting saw surviving numerous situations where the odds were against it. It served a great purpose for the Mandalorians of twenty years back in making impossible missions become possible.

After Zef's escape from the Mandalorians towards Wild Space and the furthest reaches of the Outer Rim, he retained the durability that the Mandalorains had forged into the ship but had dropped the quad laser cannons that they had put increasing the ship's speed and maneuverability a lot. Not as much as it used to be in the beginning but certainly more than it was under Mandalorian rule.

Roll to contemporary times, The Corellian Bolt has undergone another few changes as Zef returned to the Mandalorian fold after two decades of smuggling. Its purpose still the same - the Corellian Bolt underwent changes only in armament where ion cannons had been put and a laser canon. Other changes were the addition of the innovative Thermal Tekonite Alloy making it more durable and a Quadranium mesh thus making it less maneuverable but by far more resilient.

Moreover the additions of the Super Targeting Computer has made the ship more in control of its surroundings and easier for crew members to man the turrets and be more accurate. The Olie AGS navicomputer is also a very recent addition thus upgrading the Givin-produced navicomputer that Zef utilized for so many years.

Crew: 2

Minimum crew: 1

Passengers: 6 if used normally, 24-42 if used as a dropship (no personal quarters)

Cargo capacity
110 metric tons

2 months

Other systems
2 escape pods

Development Thread: N/A

Intent: Finally submit Zef's signature ship.
Who Can Use This: Zef Halo and whoever Zef Halo states they can use.
Primary Source:

ADM. Reshmar

Directorate Officer Fleet Admiral SJC 3rd Fleet
Star Wars Canon:
Pending initial review
Starwars Chaos:
Pending initial review
Pending initial review
Pending Initial review
Pending Inital review

ADM. Reshmar

Directorate Officer Fleet Admiral SJC 3rd Fleet
[member="Zef Halo"]
This is a bit big for a speed 3 please make it a 4. that is still as fast as a bomber and faster than a gunboat.

Please remove
Zef Halo said:
Lack of Maneuverability: The Corellian Bolt although fast for its type is certainly not the most maneuverable ships out there. Its means of escape are not masterfully evading fire but flying through with great speed and withstanding damage that comes your way.
standard maneuvering for a gunboat is 5 so this would not really be a weakness as it is standard.

the production and the one lack of armament weakness is enough to make up for the buffs this has. Or if you just want to keep the maneuverability weakness make the maneuvering rating 7
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