Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Corellian Sun

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Intent: To give Corellia (and by proxy Tyros Garrison) three things: A shadow of a fighting chance, a product of unity they can call their own and proper representation for something other than it's broken state.
Image Credit: How to properly source your images
Role: The Corellian Sun is the unit Tyros Garrison originally served under and took with him after Corellia broke.
Links: [Provide links to any relevant threads, characters, companies, locations, etc here.]

Unit Name: "The Corellian Sun"
Affiliation: Lord Garrison of Corellia
Classification: Infantry
Equipment: They all use common weaponry for a military unit.

Availability: Common?
Deployment: Limited with Tyros among them.
Strengths & Weaknesses: [What are the combat strengths and weaknesses of this unit? You may describe them as a list or in paragraph form.]
Description: [Please describe your unit, how they came about, any special features, their training, and their tactical and/or functional application. This must be at least a paragraph in length.]
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