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Approved NPC The Corpse Legion

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  • Intent: To create a sizable force that Darth Nefaron can employ on campaigns of conquest, freeing him from reliance on the forces of other Sith.
  • Image Credit: Harry Osborn-40k Chaos Art
  • Role: Large invasion force forged by Darth Nefaron Darth Nefaron in order to carry out his own operations and conquests in his own name, stepping out of the shadow of other Dark Lords.
  • Permissions: None
  • Links: None
  • Unit Name: The Corpse Legion (Lone Soldier known as a Legionnaire)
  • Affiliation: Darth Nefaron Darth Nefaron
  • Classification: Infantry
  • Description: A vast collection of species, the Legion has very little in the way of standardized equipment. Most use weapons they can loot or forge themselves, a mix of ranged and melee combatants that often employ human-wave tactics. Most of the Legion have mutations and mutilations, partly from the toxic reality of life on Anoat and the rapid deterioration of their minds due to Nefarons own toxins, many Legionaries have taken to seeing Nefaron as a sort of profit and carve symbols into their gear and, in many cases, their own flesh as symbols of their reverence and fear for the Corpse Lord.
  • Unit Size: Large
  • Unit Availability: Common
  • Unit Experience: Rabble
  • Equipment: Varied, often looted from enemies during the battle. Some Legionaries retain their knowledge in the piloting of vehicles but this is very rare. The Legion is still heavily reliant on the Sith Navy for the time being for transportation duties and air support.
  • Combat Function: There is little room for tactics in the Legion, in their frenzy they often charge directly at their enemy, overwhelming them with numbers or terrifying them with their sheer fervent devotion to their Dark Master. This is very useful to Nefaron who rarely needs to direct his forces, he need only set them loose on his enemies as he pursues his goals.
  • Force Abilities: None, Force Users are retained for further experimentation by Nefaron.
  • +Fearful Devotion: The Legion has been twisted and remade by Nefaron. They have seen their greatest fears made manifest, there is almost nothing that can break their wills now that they know the very limits of fear, and they will not return to it if given the chance.
  • +Release of Death: Primarily using human wave tactics, the Legion is perfectly willing to charge fortified enemy lines as the creature that holds their leash is far more terrifying than the enemy in front of them, and they know the price of failure.
  • +Carriers of Terror: Seeing a vast legion of cult warriors descending on one's world is more than enough to break local defense forces. Often the panic carried by the Legion can weaken enemy resolve before even engaging in open combat.
  • -The Lost and Broken: A vast army of the insane, the Legion is incapable of properly reacting to changes on the battlefield except for their normal reaction, to charge head-first into battle. It is not difficult to outwit the Legion, a confident and shrewd commander can exploit their single-mindedness rather easily.
  • -End of Worlds: While most Sith seek to build a galaxy in their own image, Nefaron does not fit the normal model of a Sith Lord. He seeks a galaxy dominated by fear, no monuments to his greatness or vast monolithic cities, utter death and destruction. The worlds it conquers are left as ruins, meaning they gain nothing aside from fresh recruits to be broken by their master.
  • -Cost of Rage: Individual Legionnaires are bloodthirsty monsters, but this aggression leaves them easily duped. They are simply incapable of carrying out precise tasks outside of killing or rounding up new souls for their master's toxins.

Nefaron took Anoat as a world where he could experiment far from prying eyes, the toxic atmosphere and the successful purge of any previous native inhabitants have left it as a perfect template for what the Corpse Lord desires for the rest of the galaxy. A vast influx of prisoners began to flow into the Anoat system. It wasn't long until Nefaron, on accident, managed to accumulate a vast number of individuals who managed to survive his experiments, and at first he was perfectly willing to let them wander the wastes of Anoat until they naturally expired. Much to his surprise, many of these broken creatures managed to survive and, interestingly, had taken to worshipping him as a sort of deity, a master of their fears who might deliver them from their suffering. Of course, he never intended on delivering on this promise, but Nefaron was hardly going to waste this new asset when his own grand scheme continued to play out.

And so the Corpse Legion was formed. A vast collection of different species, all broken by his toxins and willing to slaughter in the Dark Lord's name. Nefaron had led precious few conquests of his own, having preferred to work in the shadows and profit from others' success. But the galaxy was ripe for his vision and precious few could be trusted to carry out his vision aside from those who had seen it first hand. He would unleash his servants, his great horde upon the galaxy, and watch as worlds experienced the glorious fear that would one day consume the galaxy. With each conquest, the Legion's numbers would grow as Nefaron's toxins would continue to spread. One day, the entire galaxy would be one of these broken souls.

They will understand. One day, they will all understand.
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