Agent of Chaos

We have made it official! Thanks to the help of several members, who will be @mentioned, we will be hosting the Chaos Podcast tomorrow night at 9:30 EST. It will be streamed via YouTube until 10:30 EST and will feature several topics regarding the IC state of Star Wars RP Chaos!
You don't use EST? Don't worry. The calculated times are here: 8:30 Central, 6:30 PST, and for those who aren't able to view it live, or are in the Euro timezone, the podcast will be uploaded to the channel after it is aired.
During the podcast, you can Tweet any questions or comments you have @SWChaos_Podcast using #Live. Mitch Anders is the account name, and is the alias that we are using because NSA Problems (paranoids). We ask that if you Tweet at us, that you include your writer's account name so we know exactly who you are.
We only have one request for all you: we urge you to view this first episode. It is something we very much want to make popular with the site. Our main goal is to connect the community more and this podcast is the idea we are using for that very concept.
Thank you and we hope to see you there.
The link to the podcast will be posted exactly two hours before it is live.
Special thanks to the hosts and individuals who made it possible besides myself:
[member="Solan Charr"]
Art credits to:
[member="Adiara Drelas"]