Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Approved NPC The Crew

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Intent: To add flavor to storylines.

​Image Credit: N/A

Links: N/A


Ship Name: Scavenger I

Model: Here

Appearance: The top half the ship is blue while the underbelly is white. The name Scavenger I is painted along the left side of the ship.

Crew Size: 3

Loyalties: Aisling Wren


Name: Wrook

Age: 210

Species: Wookie

Role: Mechanic. Wrook's main role outside of assisting for salvage is keeping up with repairs on the ship.


Wrook is the strong silent type. He rarely speaks to the crew, or anyone, for the exception of Aisling Wren. The others think he has pledged a life debt to her, when she brought him back with her after a R&R session on the planet of Nar Shaddaa. Though his main skill set is surrounded around mechanic duties, he his also pretty handy with a bowcaster.


Name: Jokko Fett

Age: 35

Species: Human (Mandalorian)

Role: First Mate. Outside his role, his duties include charting previous sites, plotting navigational charts, inventory (spare ship parts, collected salvage, medicine, consumables, etc.) and the acting medic.


He possess a very excitable personality. He loves to talk whether anyone is listening to him or not. Besides being excitable, he is a very passionate and caring person, especially to those he works along side daily. He joined the crew shortly after the death of his own wife, looking to distant himself from grief by losing himself in work.


Name: Car'a T'ymion

Age: 26

Species: Twi'lek

Role: Slicer / Computer Tech. She is responsible for anything associated with computers and electrical devices, both on the ship and those the crew come across in their line of work.


She is a very cocky and smart-mouthed woman. She doesn't crap from anyone and can give just as good as she can take. Despite being good friends with the crew, Wrook and her have an unsaid healthy rivalry. She was initially a hired hand for a salvaging expedition, but both Aisling and Jakko found her to be rather useful; so they hired her on full time, especially after the death of the droid that held the previous role.
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